Book chapter on "Slow light, dynamic gratings and light storage" is out!

2022 - 100 years of Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering!
That is why many researchers in the community have teamed up to publish a series of two books on fundamentals and applications of Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering edited by Benjamin J. Eggleton, Michael J. Steel, and Christopher G. Poulton.
Our book chapter entitled "Slow light, dynamic gratings and light storage" by Birgit Stiller, Herbert Winful, Robert Boyd and Moritz Merklein is now available online.
Stimulated Brillouin scattering has found a number of applications in the fields of sensing, lasing, and microwave photonics. One particularly popular application of the third-order nonlinear effect of stimulated Brillouin scattering is to delay, store, and process optical information. In this chapter, we differentiate several approaches to use stimulated Brillouin scattering for the purpose of delaying and storing light: slow light based on SBS, dynamic gratings, quasi-light storage, and light storage. We introduce each of the concept of all-optical data delay, elaborate on advantages and limitations, and review the experimental and theoretical advances achieved in the past 30 years. We also include an overview of different platforms used for Brillouin light storage and delay schemes, such as optical fiber, planar soft-glass waveguides, and silica fiber-tip resonators.