Controlled Protein‐Membrane Interactions Modulate Self‐Organization of Min Protein Patterns
Mergime Hasani, Katharina Esch, Katja Zieske
Angewandte Chemie International Edition
Self-organizing protein patterns are crucial for living systems, governing important cellular processes such as polarization and division. While the field of protein self-organization has reached a point where basic pattern-forming mechanisms can be reconstituted in vitro using purified proteins, understanding how cells can dynamically switch and modulate these patterns, especially when transiently needed, remains an interesting frontier. Here, we demonstrate the efficient regulation of self-organizing protein patterns through the modulation of simple biophysical membrane parameters. Our investigation focuses on the impact of membrane affinity changes on Min protein patterns at lipid membranes composed of Escherichia coli lipids or minimal lipid compositions, and we present three major results. First, we observed the emergence of a diverse array of pattern phenotypes, ranging from waves over flower-shaped patterns to snowflake-like structures. Second, we demonstrated the dependency of these patterns on the density of protein-membrane linkers. Finally, we demonstrate that the shape of snowflake-like patterns is fine-tuned by membrane charge. Our results demonstrate the significant influence of membrane linkage as a straightforward biophysical parameter governing protein pattern formation. Our research points towards a simple yet intriguing mechanism by which cells can adeptly tune and switch protein patterns on the mesoscale.
Lipid Membrane Topographies Are Regulators for the Spatial Distribution of Liquid Protein Condensates
Liquid protein condensates play important roles in orchestrating subcellular organization and as biochemical reaction hubs. Recent studies have linked lipid membranes to proteins capable of forming liquid condensates, and shown that biophysical parameters, like protein enrichment and restricted diffusion at membranes, regulate condensate formation and size. However, the impact of membrane topography on liquid condensates remains poorly understood. Here, we devised a cell-free system to reconstitute liquid condensates on lipid membranes with microstructured topographies and demonstrated that lipid membrane topography is a significant biophysical regulator. Using membrane surfaces designed with microwells, we observed ordered condensate patterns. Furthermore, we demonstrate that membrane topographies influence the shape of liquid condensates. Finally, we show that capillary forces, mediated by membrane topographies, lead to the directed fusion of liquid condensates. Our results demonstrate that membrane topography is a potent biophysical regulator for the localization and shape of mesoscale liquid protein condensates.
Forschungsgruppe Katja Zieske
Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts Staudtstr. 2 91058 Erlangen