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Optoacoustic Entanglement in a Continuous Brillouin-Active Solid State System
Physical Review Letters 133 203602 (2024) | Journal
Brillouin scattering - theory and experiment: tutorial
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 38(4) 1243-1269 (2021) | Journal
High Resolution Brillouin Sensing of Micro-Scale Structures
APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 8(12) 2572 (2018) | Journal
On-chip multi-stage optical delay based on cascaded Brillouin light storage
OPTICS LETTERS 43(18) 4321-4324 (2018) | Journal
Brillouin spectroscopy of a hybrid silicon-chalcogenide waveguide with geometrical variations
OPTICS LETTERS 43(15) 3493-3496 (2018) | Journal
Highly localized distributed Brillouin scattering response in a photonic integrated circuit
APL PHOTONICS 3(3) 036101 (2018) | Journal
Cascaded forward Brillouin scattering to all Stokes orders
New Journal of Physics 19 023021 (2017) | Journal
Quantum-limited measurements of optical signals from a geostationary satellite
OPTICA 4(6) 611-616 (2017) | Journal
Temporal and spectral properties of quantum light
Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics 169-227 (2017) | Book Chapter | PDF
Widely tunable, low phase noise microwave source based on a photonic chip
OPTICS LETTERS 41(20) 4633-4636 (2016) | Journal
Attacks on practical quantum key distribution systems (and how to prevent them)
CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS 57(3) 366-387 (2016) | Journal
Efficient microwave to optical photon conversion: an electro-optical realization
OPTICA 3(6) 597-604 (2016) | Journal
Classically entangled optical beams for high-speed kinematic sensing
OPTICA 2(10) 864-868 (2015) | Journal
Risk Analysis of Trojan-Horse Attacks on Practical Quantum Key Distribution Systems
Depolarized guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers
OPTICS EXPRESS 23(21) UNSP 247705 27707-27714 (2015) | Journal
Phase regeneration of a star-8QAM signal in a phase-sensitive amplifier with conjugated pumps
Optics Express 22(1) 1028-1035 (2014) | Journal
Distributed Brillouin Fiber Sensor With Enhanced Sensitivity Based on Anti-Stokes Single-Sideband Suppressed-Carrier Modulation
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 25(1) 94-96 (2013) | Journal
Observation of acoustically induced modulation instability in a Brillouin photonic crystal fiber laser
OPTICS LETTERS 38(9) 1570-1572 (2013) | Journal
Long-range and high-resolution distributed Brillouin fiber sensors
Instrumentation Mesure Métrologie 13(1-2) 31-45 (2013) | Journal
Demonstration of polarization pulling using a fiber-optic parametric amplifier
Optics Express 20(24) 27248-27253 (2012) | Journal
SBS Mitigation in a Microstructured Optical Fiber by Periodically Varying the Core Diameter
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24(8) 667-669 (2012) | Journal
Black-light continuum generation in a silica-core photonic crystal fiber
Optics Letters 37(2) 130-132 (2012) | Journal
Differential Phase-Shift-Keying Technique-Based Brillouin Echo-Distributed Sensing
IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 24(1) 79-81 (2012) | Journal
Temperature coefficient of the high-frequency guided acoustic mode in a photonic crystal fiber
APPLIED OPTICS 50(35) 6543-6547 (2011) | Journal
Frequency-selective excitation of guided acoustic modes in a photonic crystal fiber
Optics Express 19(8) 7689-7694 (2011) | Journal
Son et lumière dans les fibres optiques microstructurées
Prix A'Doc de la jeune recherche en Franche-Comté n° 2011 123-142 (2011)
Photonic crystal fiber mapping using Brillouin echoes distributed sensing
Optics Express 18(19) 20136-20142 (2010) | Journal