From an idea to an application: Nano Innovation Award for MPL doctoral student Cornelia Holler

The Center for NanoScience (CeNS) at the Ludwigs-Maximilian-Universität in Munich (LMU) has honored Cornelia Holler, PhD student at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, with the first prize of the Nano Innovation Award. The award was presented to the scientist from the Nano-Optics Division of Director Professor Vahid Sandoghdar for the development of “μKiss”. This simple and contact-free method, recently published in Nature Methods, to deliver chemical and biological materials with high precision and in minute quantities to the membrane of a single cell offers enormous potential for a wide range of applications.

“With μKiss, we achieve a completely new dimension in the precise application of substances to cells”, explains Holler. Materials can now be precisely delivered to any chosen cell at the sub-cellular level, with complete control over the time and position the material is in contact with the cell. Holler and her colleagues are in the final stages of founding a start-up to commercialize “μKiss”.

About the Nano Innovation Award
Unlike most science prizes that honor achievements in basic research, the Nano Innovation Award focuses on high innovation and potential applications. Together with CeNS, the companies attocube systems, ibidi, Nanion Technologies, and NanoTemper Technologies present the award to talented and creative young scientists whose work not only advances basic research but also shows promise for future technological applications. An expert jury from industry and academia selected the winners from applicants across Bavaria. The first prize is valued at 4000 euros.
"The applications for this year’s Nano Innovation Award from across Bavaria were of remarkable quality in terms of both science and application potential. Congratulations to all participants and the three winners," said Professor Emiliano Cortés, CeNS board member at LMU Munich and jury member.

About the Center for NanoScience
The Center for NanoScience at LMU Munich is a scientific institution that promotes and coordinates interdisciplinary research in nanoscience, spanning fields such as physics, chemistry, biochemistry, and pharmacy. CeNS collaborates with research groups from LMU, TU Munich, the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, and other institutions in the Munich area



Cell Physics Division
Prof. Jochen Guck

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen, Germany

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Kussmaulallee 2
91054 Erlangen, Germany

+49 9131 8284 501
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