Sara Mouradian – Engineering (Useful) Trapped-Ion Quantum Technologies
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Sara Mouradian
Assistant Professor
Electronic, Photonic, and Integrated Quantum Systems
University of Washington
Trapped ions are a leading platform for quantum technologies with long coherence times and high fidelity gates. However, a utility-scale quantum computer will need millions of physical qubits and gate times orders of magnitude faster than currently possible. In this talk I will lay out the problems hindering large-scale trapped ion quantum technologies and how we're working to solve them. This includes better trap design, integrated focusing optics for improved readout, and gate protocols that work even in the presence of experimental imperfections.
Sara Mouradian is an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Washington and an Associate Editor at PRX Quantum. Her group focuses on building and demonstrating the enabling technologies for utility-scale trapped ion quantum technologies. She received her BS, MEng, and PhD from the EECS department at MIT. She was an Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley in the Ion Trap Group. In 2024 she was named an AFOSR Young Investigator.
Leuchs-Russell Auditorium, A.1.500, Staudtstr. 2
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