"Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies" workshop

This fall there will be a 3.5 day in-person workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). It is called "Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies" and will take place from November 5 to November 8, 2024.

The workshop is aimed at researchers interested in using classical Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence techniques to advance the development of quantum technologies in a broad sense. Some examples would be analyzing quantum measurements, estimating the parameters of quantum devices, discovering new quantum experimental setups, protocols, and feedback strategies, and generally improving aspects of quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum simulation.

The meeting will consist of a first day of lectures and tutorials (November 5), followed by a workshop from November 6 to November 8. There will be invited talks, contributed talks, and poster sessions.



Website and confirmed speakers: https://indico.mpl.mpg.de/event/18/

Organizers: Florian Marquardt, Jan Olle, Matteo Puviani, Oleg Yevtushenko, Remmy Zen, Sangkha Borah

MPL Research Centers and Schools