Congratulations to our apprentices

​We are happy that Nadja Kupfahl, Viktoria Kupfer, Simon Nussel and Samuel Rothfischer have successfully completed their apprenticeship at MPL! All four will remain with the institute after the end of their apprenticeship and strengthen the personnel department, the Welcome Center, the IT support and the building technology department.

We would like to congratulate Nadja Kupfahl and Viktoria Kupfer in particular, who are among the best in their graduating class and have been awarded for their excellent performance by the vocational school of Erlangen. The Max Planck Society has likewise awarded both together with Samuel Rothfischer for their achievements. Congratulations!

MPL also offers positions for apprentices from next year on: We are looking for applicants as IT Systems Management Specialist, as Office Administration Specialist (Focus Purchasing and Logistics & Finance) and as Industrial Electronics Technician. The application deadline is August 31, 2020.



Edda Fischer

Head of Communication and Marketing
+49 9131 7133 805


MPL Research Centers and Schools