Publications of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light

2025 |  2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |   2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2004 to 2008


Uncertainty-reality complementarity and entropic uncertainty relations

Łukasz Rudnicki


Inherent security of phase coding quantum key distribution systems against detector blinding attacks

Aleksey Fedorov, Ilja Gerhardt, Anqi Huang, Jonathan Jogenfors, Yury Kurochkin, Antia Lamas-Linares, Jan-Ake Larsson, Gerd Leuchs, Lars Lydersen, et al.

LASER PHYSICS LETTERS 16(1) 019401 (2018) | Journal

Weak measurement of elliptical dipole moments by C point splitting

Sergey Nechayev, Martin Neugebauer, Martin Vorndran, Gerd Leuchs, Peter Banzer

Physical Review Letters 121(24) 243903 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Long-Lived Refractive-Index Changes Induced by Femtosecond Ionization in Gas-Filled Single-Ring Photonic-Crystal Fibers

Johannes R. Koehler, Felix Köttig, Barbara M. Trabold, Francesco Tani, Philip St. J. Russell

Physical Review Applied 10(6) 064020 1-5 (2018) | Journal

Cavity optomagnonics with magnetic textures: coupling a magnetic vortex to light

Jasmin Graf, Hannes Pfeifer, Florian Marquardt, Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy

Physical Review B 98(24) 241406 (2018) | Journal | PDF

suggested by editors

Experimental investigation of high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocols with twisted photons

Frédéric Bouchard, Khabat Heshami, Duncan England, Robert Fickler, Robert W. Boyd, Berthold-Georg Englert, Luis Sanchez-Soto, Ebrahim Karimi

Quantum 2 (2018) | Journal

Stabilization of transmittance fluctuations caused by beam wandering in continuous-variable quantum communication over free-space atmospheric channels

Vladyslav C. Usenko, Christian Peuntinger, Bettina Heim, Kevin Günthner, Ivan Derkach, Dominique Elser, Christoph Marquardt, Radim Filip, Gerd Leuchs

Optics Express 26(24) 31106-31115 (2018) | Journal

Label-Free Imaging of Single Proteins Secreted from Living Cells via iSCAT Microscopy

André Gemeinhardt, Matthew Paul McDonald, Katharina König, Michael Aigner, Andreas Mackensen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Visualized Experiments e58486 (2018) | Journal

Intracellular Mass Density Increase Is Accompanying but Not Sufficient for Stiffening and Growth Arrest of Yeast Cells

Shada Abuhattum, Kyoohyun Kim, Titus M. Franzmann, Anne Esslinger, Daniel Midtvedt, Raimund Schluessler, Stephanie Mollmert, Hui-Shun Kuan, Simon Alberti, et al.

Frontiers in Physics 6 131 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Excitation of higher-order modes in optofluidic photonic crystal fiber

Andrei Ruskuc, Philipp Koehler, Marius A. Weber, Ana Andres-Arroyo, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St. J. Russell, Tijmen G. Euser

Optics Express 26(23) 30245-30254 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Transverse Kerker Scattering for Ångström Localization of Nanoparticles

Ankan Bag, Martin Neugebauer, Pawel Wozniak, Gerd Leuchs, Peter Banzer

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121(19) 193902 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Pili mediated intercellular forces shape heterogeneous bacterial microcolonies prior to multicellular differentiation

Wolfram Poenisch, Kelly B. Eckenrode, Khaled Alzurqa, Hadi Nasrollahi, Christoph Weber, Vasily Zaburdaev, Nicolas Biais

Scientific Reports 8 16567 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Exactly solvable dynamics of forced polymer loops

Wenwen Huang, Yen Ting Lin, Daniela Froemberg, Jaeoh Shin, Frank Juelicher, Vasily Zaburdaev

New Journal of Physics 20 113005 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Correction-free force calibration for magnetic tweezers experiments

Eugen Ostrofet, Flavia Stal Papini, David Dulin

Scientific Reports 8 15920 (2018) | Journal

Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry

Chun Mei Liu, Jörn Manz, Kenji Ohmori, Christian Sommer, Nobuyuki Takei, Jean Christophe Tremblay, Yichi Zhang

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121(17) 173201 (2018) | Journal

Sensitivity limits of millimeter-wave photonic radiometers based on efficient electro-optic upconverters

Gabriel Santamaria Botello, Florian Sedlmeir, Alfredo Rueda, Kerlos Atia Abdalmalak, Elliott R. Brown, Gerd Leuchs, Sascha Preu, Daniel Segovia-Vargas, Dmitry V. Strekalov, et al.

Optica 5(10) 1210-1219 (2018) | Journal

Effective wind and temperature retrieval from Doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne spectrometer interferograms

Jilin Liu, Daikang Wei, Yajun Zhu, Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Jiyao Xu, Martin Riese

APPLIED OPTICS 57(30) 8829-8835 (2018) | Journal

Strong circular dichroism for the HE11 mode in twisted single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Paul Roth, Yang Chen, Mehmet Can Günendi, Ramin Beravat, Nitin N. Edavalath, Michael H. Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Gordon K. L. Wong, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICA 5(10) 1315-1321 (2018) | Journal | PDF

The Geometrical Basis of PT Symmetry

Luis Sanchez-Soto, Juan J. Monzon

SYMMETRY-BASEL 10(10) 494 (2018) | Journal

Nonregularity of three-dimensional polarization states

José J. Gil, Andreas Norrman, Ari T. Friberg, Tero Setälä

Opt. Lett. 43(19) 4611-4614 (2018) | Journal

Tempering Rayleigh’s curse with PSF shaping

Martin Paúr, Bohumil Stoklasa, Jai Grover, Andrej Krzic, Luis Sanchez-Soto, Zdeněk Hradil, Jaroslav Řeháček

Optica 5(10) 1177-1180 (2018) | Journal

Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks for Quantum Feedback

Thomas Fösel, Petru Tighineanu, Talitha Weiss, Florian Marquardt

Physical Review X 8(3) 031084 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Controlled generation of intrinsic near-infrared color centers in 4H-SiC via proton irradiation and annealing

M. Ruehl, C. Ott, Stephan Götzinger, M. Krieger, H.B. Weber

Applied Physics Letters 113 122102 (2018) | Journal

Spatially Adiabatic Frequency Conversion in Optoelectromechanical Arrays

Ondrej Černotík, Sahand Mahmoodian, Klemens Hammerer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121(11) 110506 (2018) | Journal

Tomography from collective measurements

A. Muñoz, A. B. Klimov, Markus Grassl, Luis Sanchez-Soto

Quantum Information Processing 17(10) 286 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Attosecond physics phenomena at nanometric tips

Michael Kruger, Christoph Lemell, Georg Wachter, Joachim Burgdoerfer, Peter Hommelhoff


Broadband and tunable time-resolved THz system using argon-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Wei Cui, Aidan W. Schiff-Kearn, Emily Zhang, Nicolas Couture, Francesco Tani, David Novoa, Philip St. J. Russell, Jean-Michel Ménard

APL Photonics 3 111301 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Quantum nondemolition measurement of mechanical motion quanta

Luca Dellantonio, Oleksandr Kyriienko, Florian Marquardt, Anders S. Sørensen

Nature Communications 9 3621 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Quantum-limited time-frequency estimation through mode-selective photon measurement

John M. Donohue, Vahid Ansari, Jaroslav Řeháček, Zdeněk Hradil, Bohumil Stoklasa, Martin Paúr, Luis Sanchez-Soto, Christine Silberhorn

Physical Review Letters 121(9) 090501 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Exciting a chiral dipole moment in an achiral nanostructure

Jörg S. Eismann, Martin Neugebauer, Peter Banzer

OPTICA 5(8) 954-959 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Quantum cryptography with twisted photons through an outdoor underwater channel

Frédéric Bouchard, Alicia Sit, Felix Hufnagel, Aazad Abbas, Yingwen Zhang, Khabat Heshami, Robert Fickler, Christoph Marquardt, Gerd Leuchs, et al.

Optics Express 26(17) 22563-22573 (2018) | Journal

High-Speed Microscopy of Diffusion in Pore-Spanning Lipid Membranes

Susann Spindler, Jeremias Sibold, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Claudia Steinem, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 18 5262-5271 (2018) | Journal

Chirality of Symmetric Resonant Heterostructures

Sergey Nechayev, Pawel Wozniak, Martin Neugebauer, Rene Barczyk, Peter Banzer

Laser & Photonics Reviews 12(9) 1800109 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Chiroptical response of a single plasmonic nanohelix

Pawel Wozniak, Israel De Leon, Katja Hoeflich, Caspar Haverkamp, Silke Christiansen, Gerd Leuchs, Peter Banzer

OPTICS EXPRESS 26(15) 19275-19293 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Coherence lattices in surface plasmon polariton fields

Yahong Chen, Andreas Norrman, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Ari T. Friberg

Optics Letters 43(14) 3429-3432 (2018) | Journal

Multiphoton nonclassical light from clusters of single-photon emitters

Luo Qi, Mathieu Manceau, Andrea Cavanna, Fabian Gumpert, Luigi Carbone, Massimo de Vittorio, Alberto Bramati, Elisabeth Giacobino, Lukas Lachman, et al.

New Journal of Physics 20 073013 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Optimal measurements for quantum spatial superresolution

J. Rehacek, Z. Hradil, D. Koutny, J. Grover, A. Krzic, Luis Sanchez-Soto

Physical Review A 98(1) 012103 (2018) | Journal

A highly miniaturized satellite payload based on a spatial heterodyne spectrometer for atmospheric temperature measurements in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere

Martin Kaufmann, Friedhelm Olschewski, Klaus Mantel, Brian Solheim, Gordon Shepherd, Michael Deiml, Jilin Liu, Rui Song, Qiuyu Chen, et al.

ATMOSPHERIC MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES 11(7) 3861-3870 (2018) | Journal

Model-Based Position and Reflectivity Estimation of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor Arrays

Stefan Werzinger, Darko Zibar, Max Koepel, Bernhard Schmauß

Sensors 18(7) 2268 (2018) | Journal

Renyi relative entropies of quantum Gaussian states

Kaushik P Seshadreesan, Ludovico Lami, Mark M Wilde

Journal of Mathematical Physics 59(7) 072204 (2018) | Journal

Phonon Decoherence of Quantum Dots in Photonic Structures: Broadening of the Zero-Phonon Line and the Role of Dimensionality

Petru Tighineanu, C. L. Dreeßen, C. Flindt, P. Lodahl, A. S. Sorensen

Physical Review Letters 120(25) 257401 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Long-range optical trapping and binding of microparticles in hollow-core photonic crystal fibre

Dmitry S. Bykov, Shangran Xie, Richard Zeltner, Andrey Machnev, Gordon K. L. Wong, Tijmen G. Euser, Philip St. J. Russell

Light: Science & Applications (7) 22 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Elements of a dielectric laser accelerator

Joshua McNeur, Martin Kozak, Norbert Schoenenberger, Kenneth J. Leedle, Huiyang Deng, Andrew Ceballos, Heinar Hoogland, Axel Ruehl, Ingmar Hartl, et al.

Optica 5(6) 687-690 (2018) | Journal

Light polarization measurements in tests of macrorealism

Eugenio Roldan, Johannes Kofler, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

Physical Review A 97 062117 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Ramsey interferometry of Rydberg ensembles inside microwave cavities

Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes


Energy transfer and correlations in cavity-embedded donor-acceptor configurations

Michael Reitz, Francesca Mineo, Claudiu Genes

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 9050 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Space QUEST mission proposal: experimentally testing decoherence due to gravity

Siddarth Koduru Joshi, Jacques Pienaar, Timothy C. Ralph, Luigi Cacciapuoti, Will McCutcheon, John Rarity, Dirk Giggenbach, Jin Gyu Lim, Vadim Makarov, et al.

New Journal of Physics 20 063016 (2018) | Journal

Simultaneous measurement of phase transmission and birefringence of an object under test

Sergej Rothau, Klaus Mantel, Norbert Lindlein

Applied Optics 57(17) 4849-4856 (2018) | Journal

Uncertainty Relations for Coarse-Grained Measurements: An Overview

Fabricio Toscano, Daniel S. Tasca, Łukasz Rudnicki, Stephen P. Walborn

Entropy 20(6) 454 (2018) | Journal

Genetic noise mechanism for power-law switching in bacterial flagellar motors

M. I. Krivonosov, Vasily Zaburdaev, S. V. Denisov, M. V. Ivanchenko


High-resolution multimodal flexible coherent Raman endoscope

Alberto Lombardini, Vasyl Mytskaniuk, Siddharth Sivankutty, Esben Ravn Andresen, Xueqin Chen, Jérôme Wenger, Marc Fabert, Nicolas Y. Joly, Frédéric Louradour, et al.

Light: Science & Applications 7(10) 1-8 (2018) | Journal

Off-resonant emission of photon pairs in nonlinear optical cavities

Valentin Averchenko, Gerhard Schunk, Michael Förtsch, Martin Fischer, Dmitry Strekalov, Gerd Leuchs, Christoph Marquardt

arXiv: 1805.08467v1 (2018) Preprint | PDF

Bright squeezed vacuum in a nonlinear interferometer: Frequency and temporal Schmidt-mode description

P.R. Sharapova, O.V. Tikhonova, S. Lemieux, R.W. Boyd, Maria Chekhova

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 97 053827 (2018) | Journal

Tailoring multipolar Mie scattering with helicity and angular momentum

Xavier Zambrana-Puyalto, Xavier Vidal, Pawel Wozniak, Peter Banzer, Gabriel Molina-Terriza

ACS Photonics 5(7 SI) 2936-2944 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Cavity-assisted mesoscopic transport of fermions: Coherent and dissipative dynamics

David Haggenmüller, Stefan Schütz, Johannes Schachenmayer, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97(20) 205303 (2018) | Journal

Ultrafast Coherent Control of Condensed Matter with Attosecond Precision

Hiroyuki Katsuki, Nobuyuki Takei, Christian Sommer, Kenji Ohmori

Accounts of Chemical Research 51(5) 1174-1184 (2018) | Journal

Magnetic and Electric Transverse Spin Density of Spatially Confined Light

Martin Neugebauer, Jörg Eismann, Thomas Bauer, Peter Banzer

PHYSICAL REVIEW X 8(2) 021042 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Dispersion tuning in sub-micron tapers for third-harmonic and photon triplet generation

Jonas Hammer, Andrea Cavanna, Riccardo Pennetta, Maria Chekhova, Philip St. J. Russell, Nicolas Joly

Optics Letters 43(10) 2320-2323 (2018) | Journal

Interacting adiabatic quantum motor

Anton Bruch, Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy, Gil Refael, Felix von Oppen

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97(19) 195411 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Dominance of backward stimulated Raman scattering in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

Manoj Kumar Mridha, David Novoa, Philip Russell

Optica 5(5) 570-576 (2018) | Journal

Mutually unbiased coarse-grained measurements of two or more phase-space variables

E.C. Paul, S.P. Walborn, D.S. Tasca, Łukasz Rudnicki

Physical Review A 97(5) 052103 (2018) | Journal

Tackling Africa’s digital divide

Martin P. J. Lavery, Mojtaba Mansour Abadi, Ralf Bauer, Gilberto Brambilla, Ling Cheng, Mitchell A. Cox, Angela Dudley, Andrew D. Ellis, Nicolas K. Fontaine, et al.

Nature Photonics 12(5) 249-252 (2018) | Journal

Towards an integrated AlGaAs waveguide platform for phase and polarisation shaping

G Maltese, Y Halioua, A Lemaitre, C Gomez-Carbonell, E Karimi, Peter Banzer, S Ducci

Journal of Optics 20(5) 05LT01 (2018) | Journal | PDF

UV Soliton Dynamics and Raman-Enhanced Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Crystal Fiber

Pooria Hosseini, Alexey Ermolov, Francesco Tani, David Novoa, Philip Russell

ACS Photonics 5(6) 2426-2430 (2018) | Journal

Pausing controls branching between productive and non-productive pathways during initial transcription in bacteria

David Dulin, David L. V. Bauer, Anssi M. Malinen, Jacob J. W. Bakermans, Martin Kaller, Zakia Morichaud, Ivan Petushkov, Martin Depken, Konstantin Brodolin, et al.

Nature Communications 9 1478 (2018) | Journal

Quantum theory of continuum optomechanics

Peter Rakich, Florian Marquardt

New Journal of Physics 20 045005 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Near optimal discrimination of binary coherent signals via atom–light interaction

Rui Han, János A Bergou, Gerd Leuchs

New Journal of Physics 20(4) (2018) | Journal | PDF

Testing for entanglement with periodic coarse-graining

Daniel S. Tasca, Łukasz Rudnicki, Reuben S. Aspden, Miles J. Padgett, Paulo H. Souto Ribeiro, Stephen P. Walborn

Physical Review A 97(4) 042312 (2018) | Journal

Majorization uncertainty relations for mixed quantum states

Zbigniew Puchała, Łukasz Rudnicki, Aleksandra Krawiec, Karol Życzkowski

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51(17) (2018) | Journal

Residual and Destroyed Accessible Information after Measurements

Rui Han, Gerd Leuchs, Markus Grassl

Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) | Journal

Partially coherent axiconic surface plasmon polariton fields

Yahong Chen, Andreas Norrman, Sergey A. Ponomarenko, Ari T. Friberg

Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018) | Journal

Gauge invariant information concerning quantum channels

Łukasz Rudnicki, Zbigniew Puchała, Karol Zyczkowski

Quantum 2 (2018) | Journal

Stable Immobilization of Size‐Controlled Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Photonic Crystal Fiber Microreactor

Sebastian Ponce, Macarena Munoz, Ana M. Cubillas, Tijmen G. Euser, Gui-Rong Zhang, Philip St. J. Russell, Peter Wasserscheid, Bastian J. M. Etzold

Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 90(5) 653-659 (2018) | Journal

Highly Sensitive Luminescence Detection of Photosensitized Singlet Oxygen within Photonic Crystal Fibers

Gareth O. S. Williams, Tijmen G. Euser, Philip St. J. Russell, Alexander J. MacRobert, Anita C. Jones

ChemPhotoChem 2(7) 616-621 (2018) | Journal

Flying particle microlaser and temperature sensor in hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Richard Zeltner, Riccardo Pennetta, Shangran Xie, Philip Russell

Optics Letters 43(7) 1479-1482 (2018) | Journal

Towards terahertz detection and calibration through spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the terahertz idler-frequency range generated by a 795 nm diode laser system

Vladimir V. Kornienko, Galiya Kh. Kitaeva, Florian Sedlmeir, Gerd Leuchs, Harald G. L. Schwefel

APL Photonics 3(5) 051704 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Manipulation of Quenching in Nanoantenna–Emitter Systems Enabled by External Detuned Cavities: A Path to Enhance Strong-Coupling

Burak Gürlek, Vahid Sandoghdar, Diego-Martin Cano

ACS Photonics 5 456-461 (2018) | Journal

Selective Coupling Enhances Harmonic Generation of Whispering-Gallery Modes

Luke S. Trainor, Florian Sedlmeir, Christian Peuntinger, Harald G. L. Schwefel

Physical Review Applied 9(2) 024007 (2018) | Journal

Active locking and entanglement in type II optical parametric oscillators

Joaquín Ruiz-Rivas, Germán J. de Valcarcel, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch

New Journal of Physics 20 023004 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Polarimetric purity and the concept of degree of polarization

José J. Gil, Andreas Norrman, Ari T. Friberg, Tero Setälä

Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018) | Journal

Simple factorization of unitary transformations

Hubert de Guise, Olivia Di Matteo, Luis Sanchez-Soto

Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018) | Journal

Effect of anti-crossings with cladding resonances on ultrafast nonlinear dynamics in gas-filled photonic crystal fibers

Francesco Tani, Felix Köttig, David Novoa, Ralf Keding, Philip Russell

Photonics Research 6(2) 84-88 (2018) | Journal

Satellite-Based QKD

Imran Khan, Bettina Heim, Andreas Neuzner, Christoph Marquardt

Opt. Photon. News 29(2) 26-33 (2018) | Journal | PDF

A Holography-Based Modal Wavefront Sensor for the Precise Positioning of a Light Emitter Using a High-Resolution Computer-Generated Hologram

Florian Loosen, Johannes Stehr, Lucas Alber, Irina Harder, Norbert Lindlein

IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL 10(1) 6801211 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Mutual Unbiasedness in Coarse-Grained Continuous Variables

Daniel S. Tasca, Piero Sánchez, Stephen P. Walborn, Łukasz Rudnicki

Physical Review Letters 120(4) 040403 (2018) | Journal

Snowflake phononic topological insulator at the nanoscale

Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Oskar Painter, Florian Marquardt

Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 97(2) 020102 (2018) | Journal | PDF

suggested by editors

Broadband bright twin beams and their upconversion

Maria Chekhova, Semen Germanskiy, Dmitri Horoshko, Galiya Kitaeva, Mikhail Kolobov, Gerd Leuchs, Chris Phillips, Pavel Prudkovskii

Optics Letters 43(3) 375-378 (2018) | Journal

Control of ultrafast pulses in a hydrogen-filled hollow-core photonic-crystal fiber by Raman coherence

Federico Belli, Amir Abdolvand, John Travers, Philip Russell

Physical Review A 97 013814 1-5 (2018) | Journal

Visualizing single-cell secretion dynamics with single protein sensitivity

Matthew Paul McDonald, André Gemeinhardt, Katharina König, Marek Piliarik, Stefanie Schaffer, Simon Völkl, Andreas Mackensen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 18 513-519 (2018) | Journal

Scalable Ion Trap Architecture for Universal Quantum Computation by Collisions

Pengfei Liang, Lingzhen Guo

arXiv 1801.02593 Preprint | PDF

Quantum Error-Correcting Codes for Qudit Amplitude Damping

Markus Grassl, Linghang Kong, Zhaohui Wei, Zhang-Qi Yin, Bei Zeng

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64(6) 4674-4685 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Quantum tomography enhanced through parametric amplification

E. Knyazev, Kirill Spasibko, Maria V. Chekhova, F. Ya Khalili

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 20 013005 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Printing of Large-Scale, Flexible, Long-Term Stable Dielectric Mirrors with Suppressed Side Interferences

Carina Bronnbauer, Arne Riecke, Marius Adler, Julian Hornich, Gerhard Schunk, Christoph J. Brabec, Karen Forberich

Advanced Optical Materials 6(1) 1700518 (2018) | Journal

Three-dimensional holographic optical manipulation through a high-numerical-aperture soft-glass multimode fibre

Ivo T. Leite, Sergey Turtaev, Xin Jiang, Martin Siler, Alfred Cuschieri, Philip St. J. Russell, Tomas Cizmar

NATURE PHOTONICS 12(1) 33-39 (2018) | Journal

"Twisted' electrons

Hugo Larocque, Ido Kaminer, Vincenzo Grillo, Gerd Leuchs, Miles J. Padgett, Robert W. Boyd, Mordechai Segev, Ebrahim Karimi

Contemporary Physics 59(2) 126-144 (2018) | Journal

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