1st MPL Open Day
On May 2nd, 2023 we had our first MPL Open Day. The advertising event was implemented to present our excellent research facilities and the areas in which our scientists concentrate to interested Bachelor’s and Master’s students from FAU.
Previously many local students had not known about the opportunities our graduate school offers. Therefore, we invited students from Physics, Advanced Optical Technologies, Integrated Life Sciences, Medical Engineering and Molecular Medicine to tell them about the Institute and our IMPRS.
The program included an introductory talk by Florian Marquardt (MPL Director and IMPRS-PL Chair) and a poster session by MPL and IMPRS students. Lab tours were offered flexibly to interested student groups. The event was well received and led to enthusiastic discussion and interaction amongst MPL and FAU students. For this reason, we now plan to organize the MPL Open Day on an annual basis.