9th IMPRS Annual Meeting & 5th MPL Autumn Academy
We were teaming up with the successful MPL Autumn Academy series and jointly held our 9th IMPRS-PL Annual Meeting in Gößweinstein, Germany from October 9th to 12th, 2018. Talks from IMPRS students, poster sessions, lab tours at MPL, block lectures by Andreas Maier (FAU) and Florian Marquardt (MPL) and invited talks by Kerry Vahala (Caltech, USA), Lorenzo Marrucci (Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy), Dorothea Samtleben (University Leiden, The Netherlands) and Nicolas Treps (Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, France) covered intriguing research areas. Evening discussions and jointly spent coffee breaks stimulated a lot of fruitful scientific exchange between the master students of the 5th MPL Autumn Academy, the IMPRS students and the invited professors.
Mallika Suresh received the best poster award whereas Golnoush Shafiee won the award for the best student talk. Sona Davtyan was elected as student spokesperson for the upcoming year.