12th IMPRS Annual Meeting
Our 12th IMPRS Annual Meeting took place from October 6th to 8th, 2021. It was organized at MPL in a hybrid format.
The event was open to all MPL colleagues online whereas the IMPRS students were able to meet in person in our Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium. The accompanying technical challenges were met effectively so that in spite of the unusual format the conference went smoothly.
The IMPRS students were able to present their work in a student talk and during the poster session that took place in the evening and led to animated discussion.
The IMPRS advisor Peter Hommelhoff (FAU) gave one of the two obligatory block lectures. A second block lecture was split between the IMPRS advisors Dr. Leonhard Möckl, Prof. Nicolas Joly and Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar (all MPL). Of particular interest were invited talks by renowned international scientists Prof. Dirk Englund (MIT), Manuel Endres (Caltech) and Rachel Grange (ETH Zurich).
Two alumni talks by Stefan Münster and Martin Finger provided insightful knowledge about the academic and the industrial working life whereas the process and content of applications was communicated in a soft skill talk by Yvonne Brockhaus.
Jasmin Graf and Andreas Geilen got awards for the best student talk and Steven Becker won the award for the best poster.
The position as IMPRS student spokesperson went from Jasmin – who did a great job! – to Paul Beck and Christoph Schönle who were both elected by the other IMPRS students.