13th IMPRS Annual Meeting
This year's annual meeting - the 13th in a row - took place on October 7th at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in a completely new format.
After a short welcome, the head of our steering committee Vahid Sandoghdar gave a detailed report about the last IMPRS year which led to questions and discussions. Then our group split up and while the students elected their new representatives (Congratulations, Anchit and Santiago! And thanks for your great engagement during the last year, Christoph and Paul!) and created the first monthly meeting organization committee, the principal investigators discussed matters of IMPRS and science. Additionally, Christopher Eichler, Daniele Fausti and Bernd Witzigmann - three of our new advisors - gave a short but interesting introduction into their research fields. Then we occupied the impressive MPL foyer and had a joint poster session with our fellow MPL students. The fruitful scientific exchange went on until the Optica Student Chapter took over and ensured even more interaction - on a more social level - by means of a night of games.