Prof. Dr. Florian Marquardt

  • Director
  • Head of Theory Division
  • Room A.2.104
  • Phone +49 9131 7133 400
  • Email

In our research, we apply tools from condensed matter theory and from quantum optics to a range of questions at the interface of nanophysics and quantum optics, addressing both quantum and classical dynamics. In our approach, we often try to identify the salient features of experimentally relevant situations and condense them into minimalist models which can then be attacked with all the state-of-the-art theoretical tools. At the same time, we also care about the direct contact with experiments, down to designing the classical electromagnetic and acoustic properties of specific structures.


Current interests of the Marquardt group include cavity optomechanics and nanomechanics, quantum information processing, quantum many body physics, and machine learning for physics.

For my publications, please refer to the Publications page.

Florian Kai Marquardt (Dr. phil.)

Born 16.7.1974 in Berlin, Germany

Theoretical Physicist, with research mostly at the intersection between nanophysics and quantum optics

Research topics: optomechanics, quantum optics, decoherence, electronic transport in nanostructures, superconducting circuit cavity quantum electrodynamics, nonequilibrium quantum many-body physics, classical nonlinear dynamics


  • 2016-now Scientific Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany. Part-time professor at the university in Erlangen.
  • 2010-2016 Full professor (chair) at Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg at Erlangen, Germany
  • 2005-2010 Junior research group leader (junior professor, Emmy-Noether program) at Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (LMU), Germany
  • 2003-2005 Postdoctoral fellow at Yale University, USA (group of Steve Girvin)
  • 2002-2003 Postdoctoral fellow in the Swiss National Center for Competence in Research in Nanoscale Science (NCCR), Basel
  • 1999-2002 PhD student at the University of Basel, Switzerland (group of Christoph Bruder)


  • 1999-2002 PhD student at the University of Basel, Switzerland (group of Christoph Bruder); Thesis on "Models of dephasing at low temperatures"; "summa cum laude"
  • 1992-1993, 1994-1998 Studies of physics (Diplom), Universität Bayreuth, Germany; Diploma thesis on vortex motion in superconductors (with Prof. Dierk Rainer); Diploma "with distinction"
  • 1992 Abitur (final high school exam) at Theodor-Heuss Gymnasium Nördlingen, Germany; final grade 1.0

Awards, fellowships and significant grants

  • 2007: Emmy-Noether group leader fellowship of the German Science Foundation (DFG), grant period: 2007-2012
  • 2009: Walter Schottky prize 2009 of the German Physical Society (DPG), "for groundbreaking work on the theory of optomechanical systems"
  • 2011: ERC Starting Grant of the European Research Council, grant period: 2011-2016

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