Welcome to the Theory Division at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light


Florian Marquardt
(Scientific Director)

Nanophysics and Quantum Optics
Machine Learning for Physics

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Flore Kunst
(Independent Research
Group Leader)

Non-Hermitian Topology

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Mario Krenn
(Independent Research
Group Leader)

Artificial Scientist Lab

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For all general inquiries, please contact us at:

Marquardt Division
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
D-91058 Erlangen, Germany


Tel: +49-9131-7133-401
Fax: +49-9131-7133-409

The Max Planck Institute is located right next to the Science Campus of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg, on its northern edge. See the information page on how to find us.

In our research, we apply tools from condensed matter theory and from quantum optics to a range of questions at the interface of nanophysics and quantum optics, addressing both quantum and classical dynamics. In our approach, we often try to identify the salient features of experimentally relevant situations and condense them into minimalist models which can then be attacked with all the state-of-the-art theoretical tools. At the same time, we also care about the direct contact with experiments, down to designing the classical electromagnetic and acoustic properties of specific structures.


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bosonic Kitaev chain; resonators; mechanical vibrations; sound waves

New topological metamaterial amplifies sound waves exponentially

Postdoctoral Fellow Clara Wanjura honored with dissertation prize of the German Physical Society

“Frontiers of Neuromorphic Computing” workshop at MPL 2023

Efficient training for artificial intelligence: New physics-based self-learning machines could replace the current artificial neural networks and save energy

A dual carriageway for signals

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