Krenn Research Group


2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021​​​​​​​  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012


Automated discovery of experimental designs in super-resolution microscopy with XLuminA

Carla Rodríguez Mangues, Sören Arlt, Leonhard Möckl, Mario Krenn

Nature Communications 15 10658 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Entangling Independent Particles by Path Identity

Kai Wang, Zhaohua Hou, Kaiyi Qian, Leizhen Chen, Mario Krenn, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma

Physical Review Letters 133 233601 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Discovering emergent connections in quantum physics research via dynamic word embeddings

Felix Frohnert, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn, Evert van Nieuwenburg

arXiv 2411.06577 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Virtual Reality for Understanding Artificial-Intelligence-driven Scientific Discovery with an Application in Quantum Optics

Philipp Schmidt, Sören Arlt, Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Xuemei Gu, Carla Rodríguez, Mario Krenn

Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5 035045 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Predicting atmospheric turbulence for secure quantum communications in free space

Tareq Jaouni, Lukas Scarfe, Frédéric Bouchard, Mario Krenn, Khabat Heshami, Francesco Di Colandrea, Ebrahim Karimi

arXiv 2406.14768 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Meta-Designing Quantum Experiments with Language Models

Sören Arlt, Haonan Duan, Felix Li, Sang Michael Xie, Yuhuai Wu, Mario Krenn

arXiv 2406.02470 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Generation and human-expert evaluation of interesting research ideas using knowledge graphs and large language models

Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

arXiv 2405.17044 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Quantum interference between distant creation processes

Johannes Pseiner, Manuel Erhard, Mario Krenn

Physical Review Research 6 013294 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Deep Quantum Graph Dreaming: Deciphering Neural Network Insights into Quantum Experiments

Tareq Jaouni, Sören Arlt, Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Ebrahim Karimi, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

Machine Learning: Science and Technology (5) 015029 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Forecasting high-impact research topics via machine learning on evolving knowledge graphs

Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

arXiv 2402.08640 (2024) Preprint | PDF


Experimental Solutions to the High-Dimensional Mean King's Problem

Tareq Jaouni, Xiaoqin Gao, Sören Arlt, Mario Krenn, Ebrahim Karimi

Optica Quantum 1(2) 49-54 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Digital Discovery of 100 diverse Quantum Experiments with PyTheus

Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Sören Arlt, Jan Petermann, Sharareh Sayyad, Tareq Jaouni, Ebrahim Karimi, Nora Tischler, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

Quantum 7 1204 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Digital Discovery of interferometric Gravitational Wave Detectors

Mario Krenn, Yehonathan Drori, Rana X Adhikari

arXiv 2312.04258 (2023) Preprint | PDF

Forecasting the future of artificial intelligence with machine learning-based link prediction in an exponentially growing knowledge network

Mario Krenn, Lorenzo Buffoni, Bruno Coutinho, Sagi Eppel, Jacob Gates Foster, Andrew Gritsevskiy, Harlin Lee, Yichao Lu, Joao P. Moutinho, et al.

Nature Machine Intelligence 1326-1335 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Roadmap on structured waves

Konstantin Y Bliokh, Ebrahim Karimi, Miles J Padgett, Miguel A Alonso, Mark R Dennis, Angela Dudley, Andrew Forbes, Sina Zahedpour, Scott W Hancock, et al.

Journal of Optics 25 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Recent advances in the Self-Referencing Embedding Strings (SELFIES) library

Alston Lo, Robert Pollice, AkshatKumar Nigam, Andrew D. White, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Digital Discovery 10.1039/d3dd00044c (2023) | Journal | PDF

Multiphoton non-local quantum interference controlled by an undetected photon

Kaiyi Qian, Kai Wang, Leizhen Chen, Hou Zhaohua, Mario Krenn, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma

Nature Communications 14 1480 (2023) (2023) | Journal | PDF

On-chip quantum interference between the origins of a multi-photon state

Lan-Tian Feng, Ming Zhang, Di Liu, Yu-Jie Cheng, Guo-Ping Guo, Dao-Xin Dai, Guang-Can Guo, M. Krenn, Xi-Feng Ren

Optica 10(1) 2103.14277 105-109 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies

Mario Krenn, Jonas Landgraf, Thomas Fösel, Florian Marquardt

Physical Review A (107) 010101 (2023) | Journal | PDF


Digital Discovery of a Scientific Concept at the Core of Experimental Quantum Optics

Sören Arlt, Carlos Ruiz-Gonzalez, Mario Krenn

arXiv 2210.09981 (2022) Preprint | PDF

SELFIES and the future of molecular string representations

Mario Krenn, Qianxiang Ai, Senja Barthel, Nessa Carson, Angelo Frei, Nathan C. Frey, Pascal Friederich, Théophile Gaudin, Alberto Alexander Gayle, et al.

Patterns 3(10) 100588 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Design of quantum optical experiments with logic artificial intelligence

Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Quantum 6(836) (2022) | Journal | PDF

On scientific understanding with artificial intelligence

Mario Krenn, Robert Pollice, Si Yue Guo, Matteo Aldeghi, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Pascal Friederich, Gabriel dos Passos Gomes, Florian Häse, Adrian Jinich, et al.

Nature Reviews Physics (2022) | Journal | PDF

Curiosity in exploring chemical spaces: Intrinsic rewards for deep molecular reinforcement learning

Luca A. Thiede, Mario Krenn, AkshatKumar Nigam, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Machine Learning: Science and Technology (3) 035008 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Quantum indistinguishability by path identity and with undetected photons

Armin Hochrainer, Mayukh Lahiri, Manuel Erhard, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Reviews of Modern Physics 94(2) 025007 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Learning Interpretable Representations of Entanglement in Quantum Optics Experiments using Deep Generative Models

Daniel Flam-Shepherd, Tony Wu, Xuemei Gu, Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Nature Machine Intelligence s42256-022-00493-5 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Experimental high-dimensional Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement with superconducting transmon qutrits

Alba Cervera-Lierta, Mario Krenn, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Alexey Galda

Physical Review Applied 17(2) 024062 (2022) | Journal | PDF


Quantum Optical Experiments Modeled by Long Short-Term Memory

Thomas Adler, Manuel Erhard, M. Krenn, Johannes Brandstetter, Johannes Kofler, Sepp Hochreiter

Photonics 8 1910.13804 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Conceptual Understanding through Efficient Automated Design of Quantum Optical Experiments

Mario Krenn, Jakob S. Kottmann, Nora Tischler, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Physical Review X 11(3) 031044 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Deep molecular dreaming: inverse machine learning for de-novo molecular design and interpretability with surjective representations

Cynthia Shen, Mario Krenn, Sagi Eppel, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

Machine Learning: Science and Technology 3 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Quantum computer-aided design of quantum optics hardware

Jakob S. Kottmann, Mario Krenn, Thi Ha Kyaw, Sumner Alperin-Lea, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Quantum Science and Technology 6(3) 035010 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Scientific intuition inspired by machine learning-generated hypotheses

Pascal Friederich, Mario Krenn, Isaac Tamblyn, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Machine Learning - Science and Technology 2(2) 025027 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Beyond generative models: superfast traversal, optimization, novelty, exploration and discovery (STONED) algorithm for molecules using SELFIES

AkshatKumar Nigam, Robert Pollice, Mario Krenn, Gabriel dos Passos Gomes, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Chemical Science 12(20) 7079-7090 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Data-Driven Strategies for Accelerated Materials Design

Robert Pollice, Gabriel dos Passos Gomes, Matteo Aldeghi, Riley J. Hickman, M. Krenn, Cyrille Lavigne, Michael Lindner-D’Addario, AkshatKumar Nigam, Cher Tian Ser, et al.

Accounts of Chemical Research 54 (2021) | Journal | PDF


Compact Greenberger—Horne—Zeilinger state generation via frequency combs and graph theory

Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

Frontiers of Physics 15 61502 (2020) | Journal

Self-referencing embedded strings (SELFIES): A 100% robust molecular string representation

Mario Krenn, Florian Häse, AkshatKumar Nigam, Pascal Friederich, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Machine Learning: Science and Technology 1 045024 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Path identity as a source of high-dimensional entanglement

Jaroslav Kysela, Manuel Erhard, Armin Hochrainer, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(42) (2020) | Journal

Computer-inspired quantum experiments

Mario Krenn, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger

Nature Reviews Physics 2(11) 649-661 (2020) | Journal

Computer-Inspired Concept for High-Dimensional Multipartite Quantum Gates

Xiaoqin Gao, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger, Mario Krenn

Physical Review Letters 125(5) 050501 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Advances in high-dimensional quantum entanglement

Manuel Erhard, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Nature Reviews Physics 2(7) 365-381 (2020) | Journal

Phenomenology of complex structured light in turbulent air

Xuemei Gu, Lijun Chen, Mario Krenn

Optics Express 28(8) 11033-11050 (2020) | Journal | PDF

The sounds of science—a symphony for many instruments and voices

Gerianne Alexander, Roland E Allen, Anthony Atala, Warwick P Bowen, Alan A Coley, John B Goodenough, Mikhail I Katsnelson, Eugene V Koonin, Mario Krenn, et al.

Physica Scripta 95 062501 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Quantum experiments and hypergraphs: Multiphoton sources for quantum interference, quantum computation, and quantum entanglement

Xuemei Gu, Lijun Chen, Mario Krenn

Physical Review A 101(3) 033816 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Predicting research trends with semantic and neural networks with an application in quantum physics

Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 117(4) 1910-1916 (2020) | Journal

Augmenting Genetic Algorithms with Deep Neural Networks for Exploring the Chemical Space

AkshatKumar Nigam, Pascal Friederich, Mario Krenn, Alán Aspuru-Guzik

ICLR 2020 (2020) | PDF

Physics Insights from Neural Networks

Mario Krenn

Physics 13 (2020) | PDF


Quantenteleportation in höheren Dimensionen

Manuel Erhard, Mario Krenn

Physik in unserer Zeit 50(6) 269-270 (2019) | Journal

Quantum Teleportation in High Dimensions

Yi-Han Luo, Han-Sen Zhong, Manuel Erhard, Xi-Lin Wang, Li-Chao Peng, Mario Krenn, Xiao Jiang, Li Li, Nai-Le Liu, et al.

Physical Review Letters 123(7) 070505 (2019) | Journal | PDF

Questions on the Structure of Perfect Matchings Inspired by Quantum Physics

Mario Krenn, Xuemei Gu, Daniel Soltesz

Proceedings of the 2nd Croatian Combinatorial Days (2019) | Journal | PDF

Quantum experiments and graphs. III. High-dimensional and multiparticle entanglement

Xuemei Gu, Lijun Chen, Anton Zeilinger, Mario Krenn

Physical Review A 99(3) 032338 (2019) | Journal | PDF

Quantum experiments and graphs II: Quantum interference, computation, and state generation

Xuemei Gu, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger, Mario Krenn

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116(10) 4147-4155 (2019) | Journal

Arbitrary d-dimensional Pauli X gates of a flying qudit

Xiaoqin Gao, Mario Krenn, Jaroslav Kysela, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review A 99(2) 023825 (2019) | Journal | PDF


Experimental Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement beyond qubits

Manuel Erhard, Mehul Malik, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Nature Photonics 12(12) 759-764 (2018) | Journal

On small beams with large topological charge: II. Photons, electrons and gravitational waves

Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

New Journal of Physics 20 063006 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Twisted photons: new quantum perspectives in high dimensions

Manuel Erhard, Robert Fickler, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Light: Science & Applications 7 17146 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Gouy Phase Radial Mode Sorter for Light: Concepts and Experiments

Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review Letters 120(10) 103601 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Active learning machine learns to create new quantum experiments

Alexey A. Melnikov, Hendrik Poulsen Nautrup, Mario Krenn, Vedran Dunjko, Markus Tiersch, Anton Zeilinger, Hans J. Briegel

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115(6) 1221-1226 (2018) | Journal

Mit Lichtschrauben ans Quantenlimit

Robert Fickler, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Physik in unserer Zeit 49(1) 12-20 (2018) | Journal


Generation of the complete four-dimensional Bell basis

Feiran Wang, Manuel Erhard, Amin Babazadeh, Mehul Malik, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Optica 4(12) 1462-1467 (2017) | Journal | PDF

Quantum Experiments and Graphs: Multiparty States as Coherent Superpositions of Perfect Matchings

Mario Krenn, Xuemei Gu, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review Letters 119(24) 240403 (2017) | Journal | PDF

High-Dimensional Single-Photon Quantum Gates: Concepts and Experiments

Amin Babazadeh, Manuel Erhard, Feiran Wang, Mehul Malik, Rahman Nouroozi, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review Letters 119(18) 180510 (2017) | Journal | PDF

Quantum gate description for induced coherence without induced emission and its applications

Sahar Alipour, Mario Krenn, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review A 96(4) 042317 (2017) | Journal | PDF

Orbital angular momentum of photons and the entanglement of Laguerre-Gaussian modes

Mario Krenn, Mehul Malik, Manuel Erhard, Anton Zeilinger

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 375(2087) 20150442 (2017) | Journal

Entanglement by Path Identity

Mario Krenn, Armin Hochrainer, Mayukh Lahiri, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review Letters 118(8) 080401 (2017) | Journal | PDF

Quantifying high dimensional entanglement with two mutually unbiased bases

Paul Erker, Mario Krenn, Marcus Huber

Quantum 1 22 (2017) | Journal


Quantum Communication with Photons

Mario Krenn, Mehul Malik, Thomas Scheidl, Rupert Ursin, Anton Zeilinger

Optics in Our Time 455-482 (2016) | Book Chapter | PDF

Twisted light transmission over 143 km

Mario Krenn, Johannes Handsteiner, Matthias Fink, Robert Fickler, Rupert Ursin, Mehul Malik, Anton Zeilinger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113(48) 13648-13653 (2016) | Journal

Quantum optical rotatory dispersion

Nora Tischler, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Xavier Vidal, Anton Zeilinger, Gabriel Molina-Terriza

Science Advances 2(10) e1601306 (2016) | Journal | PDF

Cyclic transformation of orbital angular momentum modes

Florian Schlederer, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Mehul Malik, Anton Zeilinger

New Journal of Physics 18 043019 (2016) | Journal | PDF

Multi-photon entanglement in high dimensions

Mehul Malik, Manuel Erhard, Marcus Huber, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Anton Zeilinger

Nature Photonics 10(4) 248-+ (2016) | Journal

Automated Search for new Quantum Experiments

Mario Krenn, Mehul Malik, Robert Fickler, Radek Lapkiewicz, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review Letters 116(9) 090405 (2016) | Journal | PDF

On small beams with large topological charge

Mario Krenn, Nora Tischler, Anton Zeilinger

New Journal of Physics 18 033012 (2016) | Journal | PDF


Physical meaning of the radial index of Laguerre-Gauss beams

William N. Plick, Mario Krenn

Physical Review A 92(6) 063841 (2015) | Journal | PDF

Twisted photon entanglement through turbulent air across Vienna

Mario Krenn, Johannes Handsteiner, Matthias Fink, Robert Fickler, Anton Zeilinger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112(46) 14197-14201 (2015) | Journal


Communication with spatially modulated light through turbulent air across Vienna

Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Matthias Fink, Johannes Handsteiner, Mehul Malik, Thomas Scheidl, Rupert Ursin, Anton Zeilinger

New Journal of Physics 16 113028 (2014) | Journal | PDF

Generation and confirmation of a (100 x 100)-dimensional entangled quantum system

Mario Krenn, Marcus Huber, Robert Fickler, Radek Lapkiewicz, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 111(17) 6243-6247 (2014) | Journal


Real-Time Imaging of Quantum Entanglement

Robert Fickler, Mario Krenn, Radek Lapkiewicz, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

Scientific Reports 3 1914 (2013) | Journal | PDF

Quantum orbital angular momentum of elliptically symmetric light

William N. Plick, Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review A 87(3) 033806 (2013) | Journal | PDF

Entangled singularity patterns of photons in Ince-Gauss modes

Mario Krenn, Robert Fickler, Marcus Huber, Radek Lapkiewicz, William Plick, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

Physical Review A 87(1) 012326 (2013) | Journal | PDF


Quantum Entanglement of High Angular Momenta

Robert Fickler, Radek Lapkiewicz, William N. Plick, Mario Krenn, Christoph Schaeff, Sven Ramelow, Anton Zeilinger

Science 338(6107) 640-643 (2012) | Journal


Junior Research Group Mario Krenn

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen, Germany

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