Kai Wang, Zhaohua Hou, Kaiyi Qian, Leizhen Chen, Mario Krenn, Shining Zhu, Xiao-Song Ma
Physical Review Letters
Quantum entanglement—correlations of particles that are stronger than any classical analog—is the basis for research on the foundations of quantum mechanics and for practical applications such as quantum networks. Traditionally, entanglement is achieved through local interactions or via entanglement swapping, where entanglement at a distance is generated through previously established entanglement and Bell-state measurements. However, the precise requirements enabling the generation of quantum entanglement without traditional local interactions remain less explored. Here, we demonstrate that independent particles can be entangled without the need for direct interaction, prior established entanglement, or Bell-state measurements, by exploiting the indistinguishability of the origins of photon pairs. Our demonstrations challenge the long-standing belief that the prior generation and measurement of entanglement are necessary prerequisites for generating entanglement between independent particles that do not share a common past. In addition to its foundational interest, we show that this technique might lower the resource requirements in quantum networks, by reducing the complexity of photon sources and the overhead photon numbers.
Quantum feedback control with a transformer neural network architecture
Pranav Vaidhyanathan, Florian Marquardt, Mark T. Mitchison, Natalia Ares
Attention-based neural networks such as transformers have revolutionized various fields such as natural language processing, genomics, and vision. Here, we demonstrate the use of transformers for quantum feedback control through a supervised learning approach. In particular, due to the transformer's ability to capture long-range temporal correlations and training efficiency, we show that it can surpass some of the limitations of previous control approaches, e.g.those based on recurrent neural networks trained using a similar approach or reinforcement learning. We numerically show, for the example of state stabilization of a two-level system, that our bespoke transformer architecture can achieve unit fidelity to a target state in a short time even in the presence of inefficient measurement and Hamiltonian perturbations that were not included in the training set. We also demonstrate that this approach generalizes well to the control of non-Markovian systems. Our approach can be used for quantum error correction, fast control of quantum states in the presence of colored noise, as well as real-time tuning, and characterization of quantum devices.
Discovering emergent connections in quantum physics research via dynamic word embeddings
Felix Frohnert, Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn, Evert van Nieuwenburg
As the field of quantum physics evolves, researchers naturally form subgroups focusing on specialized problems. While this encourages in-depth exploration,it can limit the exchange of ideas across structurally similar problems in different subfields. To encourage cross-talk among these different specialized areas, data-driven approaches using machine learning have recently shown promise to uncover meaningful connections between research concepts, promoting cross-disciplinary innovation. Current state-of-the-art approaches represent concepts using knowledge graphs and frame the task as a link prediction problem, where connections between concepts are explicitly modeled. In this work, we introduce a novel approach based on dynamic word embeddings for concept combination prediction. Unlike knowledge graphs, our method captures implicit relationships between concepts, can be learned in a fully unsupervised manner, and encodes a broader spectrum of information. We demonstrate that this representation enables accurate predictions about the co-occurrence of concepts within research abstracts over time. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we provide a comprehensive benchmark against existing methods and offer insights into the interpretability of these embeddings, particularly in the context of quantum physics research. Our findings suggest that this representation offers a more flexible and informative way of modeling conceptual relationships in scientific literature.
dCG -- differentiable connected geometries for multi-domain optimization and inverse design
Alexander Luce, Daniel Grünbaum, Florian Marquardt
In the domain of geometry and topology optimization, discovering geometries that optimally satisfy specific problem criteria is a complex challenge in both engineering and scientific research. In this work, we propose a new approach for the creation of multidomain connected geometries that are designed to work with automatic differentiation. We introduce the concept of differentiable Connected Geometries (dCG), discussing its theoretical aspects and illustrating its application through a simple toy examples and a more sophisticated photonic optimization task. Since these geometries are built upon the principles of automatic differentiation, they are compatible with existing deep learning frameworks, a feature we demonstrate via the application examples. This methodology provides a systematic way to approach geometric design and optimization in computational fields involving dependent geometries, potentially improving the efficiency and effectiveness of optimization tasks in scientific and engineering applications.
Uniaxial Tensile-Induced Phase Transition in Graphynes
K. Jacques Kotoko, Komi Sodoga, Yusuf Shaidu, Nicola Seriani, Sangkha Borah, Katawoura Beltako
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
The field of materials science has a strong focus on the study of two-dimensional (2D) materials, with particular emphasis on graphene (GR) and its various allotropes such as graphynes (GYs). In this work, we explored through molecular dynamics simulations at finite temperatures the effects of uniaxial loading on GY structures, which led to new phases that arise at specific temperatures. We identified three new phases in α- and [14, 14, 18]-GYs, which we named C16-GY, C14-GY, and C12-GR. These phases have the remarkable property of remaining stable in a wide range of temperatures (T ≤ 4 and 300 K ≤ T ≤ 600 K). Moreover, we have conducted extensive investigations into the mechanical properties of these newly discovered phases. Through molecular dynamics simulations at finite temperatures, using empirical potential, we have gained valuable insights into how these materials behave under different temperature conditions. Our results reveal that at room temperature (300 K), C16-, C14-GYs exhibit high Young moduli in the x-direction (58.85 and 65.88 N/m) compared to α- and [14, 14, 18]-GYs (46.63 and 43.98 N/m), respectively. Additionally, these new phases exhibit mechanical properties that exceed those of phosphorene, germanene, silicene, and stanene. Importantly, both their mechanical and dynamic stability have been positively confirmed. As a result, these materials are promising candidates for various mechanical applications.
Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Maximilian Nägele, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology (5)
ZX-diagrams are a powerful graphical language for the description of quantum processes with applications in fundamental quantum mechanics, quantum circuit optimization, tensor network simulation, and many more. The utility of ZX-diagrams relies on a set of local transformation rules that can be applied to them without changing the underlying quantum process they describe. These rules can be exploited to optimize the structure of ZX-diagrams for a range of applications. However, finding an optimal sequence of transformation rules is generally an open problem. In this work, we bring together ZX-diagrams with reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique designed to discover an optimal sequence of actions in a decision-making problem and show that a trained reinforcement learning agent can significantly outperform other optimization techniques like a greedy strategy or simulated annealing. The use of graph neural networks to encode the policy of the agent enables generalization to diagrams much bigger than seen during the training phase.
Preparing Schrödinger cat states in a microwave cavity using a neural network
Hector Hutin, Pavlo Bilous, Chengzhi Ye, Sepideh Abdollahi, Loris Cros, Tom Dvir, Tirth Shah, Yonatan Cohen, Audrey Bienfait, et al.
Scaling up quantum computing devices requires solving ever more complex quantum control tasks. Machine learning has been proposed as a promising approach to tackle the resulting challenges. However, experimental implementations are still scarce. In this work, we demonstrate experimentally a neural-network-based preparation of Schrödinger cat states in a cavity coupled dispersively to a qubit. We show that it is possible to teach a neural network to output optimized control pulses for a whole family of quantum states. After being trained in simulations, the network takes a description of the target quantum state as input and rapidly produces the pulse shape for the experiment, without any need for time-consuming additional optimization or retraining for different states. Our experimental results demonstrate more generally how deep neural networks and transfer learning can produce efficient simultaneous solutions to a range of quantum control tasks, which will benefit not only state preparation but also parametrized quantum gates.
SOLAX: A Python solver for fermionic quantum systems with neural network
Numerical modeling of fermionic many-body quantum systems presents similar challenges across various research domains, necessitating universal tools, including state-of-the-art machine learning techniques. Here, we introduce SOLAX, a Python library designed to compute and analyze fermionic quantum systems using the formalism of second quantization. SOLAX provides a modular framework for constructing and manipulating basis sets, quantum states, and operators, facilitating the simulation of electronic structures and determining many-body quantum states in finite-size Hilbert spaces. The library integrates machine learning capabilities to mitigate the exponential growth of Hilbert space dimensions in large quantum clusters. The core low-level functionalities are implemented using the recently developed Python library JAX. Demonstrated through its application to the Single Impurity Anderson Model, SOLAX offers a flexible and powerful tool for researchers addressing the challenges of many-body quantum systems across a broad spectrum of fields, including atomic physics, quantum chemistry, and condensed matter physics.
A neural network approach to running high-precision atomic computations
Modern applications of atomic physics, including the determination of frequency standards, and the analysis of astrophysical spectra, require prediction of atomic properties with exquisite accuracy. For complex atomic systems, high-precision calculations are a major challenge due to the exponential scaling of the involved electronic configuration sets. This exacerbates the problem of required computational resources for these computations, and makes indispensable the development of approaches to select the most important configurations out of otherwise intractably huge sets. We have developed a neural network (NN) tool for running high-precision atomic configuration interaction (CI) computations with iterative selection of the most important configurations. Integrated with the established pCI atomic codes, our approach results in computations with significantly reduced computational requirements in comparison with those without NN support. We showcase a number of NN-supported computations for the energy levels of Fe16+ and Ni12+, and demonstrate that our approach can be reliably used and automated for solving specific computational problems for a wide variety of systems.
Deep learning of many-body observables and quantum information scrambling
Naeimeh Mohseni, Junheng Shi, Tim Byrnes, Michael Hartmann
Machine learning has shown significant breakthroughs in quantum science, where in particular deep neural networks exhibited remarkable power in modeling quantum many-body systems. Here, we explore how the capacity of data-driven deep neural networks in learning the dynamics of physical observables is correlated with the scrambling of quantum information. We train a neural network to find a mapping from the parameters of a model to the evolution of observables in random quantum circuits for various regimes of quantum<br>scrambling and test its \textit{generalization} and \textit{extrapolation} capabilities in applying it to unseen circuits. Our results show that a particular type of recurrent neural network is extremely powerful in generalizing its predictions within the system size and time window that it has been trained on for both, localized and scrambled regimes. These include<br>regimes where classical learning approaches are known to fail in sampling from a representation of the full wave function. Moreover, the considered neural network succeeds in \textit{extrapolating} its predictions beyond the time window and system size that it has been trained on for models that show localization, but not in scrambled regimes.
Precision Quantum Parameter Inference with Continuous Observation
Quantum Parameter Estimation (QPE) is important from the perspective of both fundamental quantum research and various practical applications of quantum technologies such as for developing optimal quantum control strategies. Standard and traditional methods for QPE involve projective measurements on thousands of identically prepared quantum systems. However, these methods face limitations, particularly in terms of the required number of samples and the associated experimental resources. In this work, we present a novel method for precise QPE that diverges from conventional techniques, employs continuous measurements, and enables accurate QPE with a single quantum trajectory. In an application, we demonstrate the use of the method for the task of parameter estimation and force sensing of a levitated nanoparticle.
Fully Non-Linear Neuromorphic Computing with Linear Wave Scattering
The increasing complexity of neural networks and the energy consumption associated with training and inference create a need for alternative neuromorphic approaches, e.g. using optics. Current proposals and implementations rely on physical non-linearities or opto-electronic conversion to realise the required non-linear activation function. However, there are significant challenges with these approaches related to power levels, control, energy-efficiency, and delays. Here, we present a scheme for a neuromorphic system that relies on linear wave scattering and yet achieves non-linear processing with a high expressivity. The key idea is to inject the input via physical parameters that affect the scattering processes. Moreover, we show that gradients needed for training can be directly measured in scattering experiments. We predict classification accuracies on par with results obtained by standard artificial neural networks. Our proposal can be readily implemented with existing state-of-the-art, scalable platforms, e.g. in optics, microwave and electrical circuits, and we propose an integrated-photonics implementation based on racetrack resonators that achieves high connectivity with a minimal number of waveguide crossings.
Discovering Local Hidden-Variable Models for Arbitrary Multipartite Entangled States and Arbitrary Measurements
Measurement correlations in quantum systems can exhibit non-local behavior, a fundamental aspect of quantum mechanics with applications such as device-independent quantum information processing. However, the explicit construction of local hidden-variable (LHV) models remains an outstanding challenge in the general setting. To address this, we develop an approach that employs gradient-descent algorithms from machine learning to find LHV models which reproduce the statis- tics of arbitrary measurements for quantum many-body states. In contrast to previous approaches, our method employs a general ansatz, enabling it to discover an LHV model in all cases where the state is local. Therefore, it provides actual estimates for the critical noise levels at which two-qubit Werner states and three-qubit GHZ and W states become non-local. Furthermore, we find evidence suggesting that two-spin subsystems in the ground states of translationally invariant Hamiltonians are local, while bigger subsystems are in general not. Our method now offers a quantitative tool for determining the regimes of non-locality in any given physical context, including scenarios involving non-equilibrium and decoherence.
Theory of symmetry-resolved quench-drive spectroscopy: Nonlinear response of phase-fluctuating superconductors
Matteo Puviani
Physical Review B (109)
Recent experiments on cuprates have shown the possibility of opening a gap above the superconducting critical temperature, in the so-called phase-fluctuating state, by enhancing the phase coherence of preformed Cooper pairs. Quench-drive spectroscopy, an implementation of 2D coherent spectroscopy, has emerged as a powerful tool for investigating out-of-equilibrium superconductors and their collective modes. In this paper, we enrich the quench-drive scheme by developing a systematic generalization to study the nonlinear response of d-wave incoherent Cooper pairs in a symmetry-resolved manner. In particular, we not only show that it is possible to obtain a third-harmonic signal from fully incoherent pairs with an equilibrium vanishing order parameter, but we also characterize the full flourishing 2D spectrum of the generated nonlinear response. The results provide a deeper theoretical insight on recent experimental results, opening the door to a symmetry-driven design of future experiments on unconventional and enhanced superconductors.
Merging automatic differentiation and the adjoint method for photonic inverse design
Alexander Luce, Rasoul Alaee, Fabian Knorr, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Optimizing the shapes and topology of physical devices is crucial for both scientific and technological advancements, given their wide-ranging implications across numerous industries and research areas. Innovations in shape and topology optimization have been observed across a wide range of fields, notably structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and more recently, photonics. Gradient-based inverse design techniques have been particularly successful for photonic and optical problems, resulting in integrated, miniaturized hardware that has set new standards in device performance. To calculate the gradients, there are typically two approaches: namely, either by implementing specialized solvers using automatic differentiation (AD) or by deriving analytical solutions for gradient calculation and adjoint sources by hand. In this work, we propose a middle ground and present a hybrid approach that leverages and enables the benefits of AD for handling gradient derivation while using existing, proven but black-box photonic solvers for numerical solutions. Utilizing the adjoint method, we make existing numerical solvers differentiable and seamlessly integrate them into an AD framework. Further, this enables users to integrate the optimization environment seamlessly with other autodifferentiable components such as machine learning, geometry generation, or intricate post-processing which could lead to better photonic design workflows. We illustrate the approach through two distinct photonic optimization problems: optimizing the Purcell factor of a magnetic dipole in the vicinity of an optical nanocavity and enhancing the light extraction efficiency of a µLED.
Coherent pair injection as a route towards the enhancement of supersolid order in many-body bosonic models
Emmanouil Grigoriou, Zhiyao Ning, Hang Su, Benjamin Löckler, Ming Li, Yoshitomo Kamiya, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A (109)
Over the last couple of decades, quantum simulators have been probing quantum many-body physics with un- precedented levels of control. So far, the main focus has been on the access to novel observables and dynamical conditions related to condensed-matter models. However, the potential of quantum simulators goes beyond the traditional scope of condensed-matter physics: Being based on driven-dissipative quantum optical platforms, quantum simulators allow for processes that are typically not considered in condensed-matter physics. These processes can enrich in unexplored ways the phase diagram of well-established models. Taking the extended Bose-Hubbard model as the guiding example, in this work we examine the impact of coherent pair injection, a process readily available in, for example, superconducting circuit arrays. The interest behind this process is that, in contrast to the standard injection of single excitations, it can be configured to preserve the U(1) symmetry underlying the model. We prove that this process favors both superfluid and density-wave order, as opposed to insulation or homogeneous states, thereby providing a novel route towards the access of lattice supersolidity.
Revisiting N2 with Neural-Network-Supported CI
Yorick L. A. Schmerwitz, Louis Thirion, Gianluca Levi, Elvar Ö. Jónsson, Pavlo Bilous, Hannes Jónsson, Philipp Hansmann
We apply a recently proposed computational protocol for a neural-network-supported configura- tion interaction (NN CI) calculation to the paradigmatic N2 molecule. By comparison of correlation energy, binding energy, and the full dissociation curve to experimental and full CI benchmarks, we demonstrate the applicability and robustness of our approach for the first time in the context of molecular systems, and offer thereby a new complementary tool in the family of machine-learning- based computation methods. The main advantage of the method lies in the efficiency of the neural- network-selected many-body basis set. Specifically, we approximate full CI results obtained on bases of ≈ 1010 Slater Determinants with only ≈ 105 determinants with good accuracy. The high effi- ciency of the NN CI approach underlines its potential for broader applications such as structural optimizations and even computation of spectroscopic observables in systems for which computational resources are a limiting factor.
Quantum Equilibrium Propagation for efficient training of quantum systems based on Onsager reciprocity
The widespread adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence in all branches of science and technology has created a need for energy-efficient, alternative hardware platforms. While such neuromorphic approaches have been proposed and realised for a wide range of platforms, physically extracting the gradients required for training remains challenging as generic approaches only exist in certain cases. Equilibrium propagation (EP) is such a procedure that has been introduced and applied to classical energy-based models which relax to an equilibrium. Here, we show a direct connection between EP and Onsager reciprocity and exploit this to derive a quantum version of EP. This can be used to optimize loss functions that depend on the expectation values of observables of an arbitrary quantum system. Specifically, we illustrate this new concept with supervised and unsupervised learning examples in which the input or the solvable task is of quantum mechanical nature, e.g., the recognition of quantum many-body ground states, quantum phase exploration, sensing and phase boundary exploration. We propose that in the future quantum EP may be used to solve tasks such as quantum phase discovery with a quantum simulator even for Hamiltonians which are numerically hard to simulate or even partially unknown. Our scheme is relevant for a variety of quantum simulation platforms such as ion chains, superconducting qubit arrays, neutral atom Rydberg tweezer arrays and strongly interacting atoms in optical lattices.
Training of Physical Neural Networks
Ali Momeni, Babak Rahmani, Benjamin Scellier, Logan G. Wright, Peter L. McMahon, Clara C. Wanjura, Yuhang Li, Anas Skalli, Natalia G. Berloff, et al.
Physical neural networks (PNNs) are a class of neural-like networks that leverage the properties of physical systems to perform computation. While PNNs are so far a niche research area with small-scale laboratory demonstrations, they are arguably one of the most underappreciated important opportunities in modern AI. Could we train AI models 1000x larger than current ones? Could we do this and also have them perform inference locally and privately on edge devices, such as smartphones or sensors? Research over the past few years has shown that the answer to all these questions is likely "yes, with enough research": PNNs could one day radically change what is possible and practical for AI systems. To do this will however require rethinking both how AI models work, and how they are trained - primarily by considering the problems through the constraints of the underlying hardware physics. To train PNNs at large scale, many methods including backpropagation-based and backpropagation-free approaches are now being explored. These methods have various trade-offs, and so far no method has been shown to scale to the same scale and performance as the backpropagation algorithm widely used in deep learning today. However, this is rapidly changing, and a diverse ecosystem of training techniques provides clues for how PNNs may one day be utilized to create both more efficient realizations of current-scale AI models, and to enable unprecedented-scale models.
Neural-network-supported basis optimizer for the configuration interaction problem in quantum many-body clusters: Feasibility study and numerical proof
Pavlo Bilous, Louis Thirion, Henri Menke, Maurits W. Haverkort, Adriana Pálffy, Philipp Hansmann
A deep-learning approach to optimize the selection of Slater determinants in configuration interaction calculations for condensed-matter quantum many-body systems is developed. We exemplify our algorithm on the discrete version of the single-impurity Anderson model with up to 299 bath sites. Employing a neural network classifier and active learning, our algorithm enhances computational efficiency by iteratively identifying the most relevant Slater determinants for the ground-state wave- function. We benchmark our results against established methods and investigate the efficiency of our approach as compared to other basis truncation schemes. Our algorithm demonstrates a substantial improvement in the efficiency of determinant selection, yielding a more compact and computationally manageable basis without compromising accuracy. Given the straightforward application of our neural network-supported selection scheme to other model Hamiltonians of quantum many-body clusters, our algorithm can significantly advance selective configuration interaction calculations in the context of correlated condensed matter.
Transfer learning in predicting quantum many-body dynamics: from physical observables to entanglement entropy
Philipp Schmidt, Florian Marquardt, Naeimeh Mohseni
Deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in extracting meaningful representations from complex datasets. This has propelled representation learning as a compelling area of research across diverse fields. One interesting open question is how beneficial representation learning can be for quantum many-body physics, with its notouriosly high-dimensional state space. In this work, we showcase the capacity of a neural network that was trained on a subset of physical observables of a many-body system to partially acquire an implicit representation of the wave function. We illustrate this by demonstrating the effectiveness of reusing the representation learned by the neural network to enhance the learning process of another quantity derived from the quantum state. In particular, we focus on how the pre-trained neural network can enhance the learning of entanglement entropy. This is of particular interest as directly measuring the entanglement in a many-body system is very challenging, while a subset of physical observables can be easily measured in experiments. We show the pre-trained neural network learns the dynamics of entropy with fewer resources and higher precision in comparison with direct training on the entanglement entropy.
Tackling Decision Processes with Non-Cumulative Objectives using Reinforcement Learning
Maximilian Nägele, Jan Olle, Thomas Fösel, Remmy Zen, Florian Marquardt
Markov decision processes (MDPs) are used to model a wide variety of applications ranging from game playing over robotics to finance. Their optimal policy typically maximizes the expected sum of rewards given at each step of the decision process. However, a large class of problems does not fit straightforwardly into this framework: Non-cumulative Markov decision processes (NCMDPs), where instead of the expected sum of rewards, the expected value of an arbitrary function of the rewards is maximized. Example functions include the maximum of the rewards or their mean divided by their standard deviation. In this work, we introduce a general mapping of NCMDPs to standard MDPs. This allows all techniques developed to find optimal policies for MDPs, such as reinforcement learning or dynamic programming, to be directly applied to the larger class of NCMDPs. Focusing on reinforcement learning, we show applications in a diverse set of tasks, including classical control, portfolio optimization in finance, and discrete optimization problems. Given our approach, we can improve both final performance and training time compared to relying on standard MDPs.
Discovering Quantum Circuit Components with Program Synthesis
Leopoldo Sarra, Kevin Ellis, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Despite rapid progress in the field, it is still challenging to discover new ways to leverage quantum computation: all quantum algorithms must be designed by hand, and quantum mechanics is notoriously counterintuitive. In this paper, we study how artificial intelligence, in the form of program synthesis, may help overcome some of these difficulties, by showing how a computer can incrementally learn concepts relevant to quantum circuit synthesis with experience, and reuse them in unseen tasks. In particular, we focus on the decomposition of unitary matrices into quantum circuits, and show how, starting from a set of elementary gates, we can automatically discover a library of useful new composite gates and use them to decompose increasingly complicated unitaries.
In optics and photonics, a small number of building blocks, like resonators, waveguides, arbitrary couplings, and parametric interactions, allow the design of a broad variety of devices and func- tionalities, distinguished by their scattering properties. These include transducers, amplifiers, and nonreciprocal devices, like isolators or circulators. Usually, the design of such a system is hand- crafted by an experienced scientist in a time-consuming process where it remains uncertain whether the simplest possibility has indeed been found. In our work, we develop a discovery algorithm that automates this challenge. By optimizing the continuous and discrete system properties our auto- mated search identifies the minimal resources required to realize the requested scattering behavior. In the spirit of artificial scientific discovery, it produces a complete list of interpretable solutions and leads to generalizable insights, as we illustrate in several examples. This now opens the door to rapid design in areas like photonic and microwave architectures or optomechanics.
Topologically Protected Transport in Engineered Mechanical Systems
Tirth Shah, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt
Reviews of Modern Physics
Mechanical vibrations are being harnessed for a variety of purposes and at many length scales, from the macroscopic world down to the nanoscale. The considerable design freedom in mechanical structures allows to engineer new<br>functionalities. In recent years, this has been exploited to generate setups that offer topologically protected transport of vibrational waves, both in the solid state and in fluids. Borrowing concepts from electronic physics and being cross-fertilized by concurrent studies for cold atoms and electromagnetic waves, this field of topological transport in engineered mechanical systems offers a rich variety of phenomena and platforms. In this review, we provide a unifying overview of the various ideas employed in this area, summarize the different approaches and experimental implementations, and comment on the challenges as well as the prospects.
Detailed balance in non-equilibrium dynamics of granular matter: derivation and implications
Clara C. Wanjura, Amelie Mayländer, Othmar Marti, Raphael Blumenfeld
Discovering fundamental principles governing the dynamics of granular media has been a long-standing challenge. Recent predictions of detailed balance steady states (DBSS), supported by experimental observations in cyclic shear experiments of planar granular systems, called into question the common belief that the detailed balance principle is only a feature of equilibrium. Here, we first show analytically that DBSS in planar granular dynamics arise when a certain conditional cell order distribution is independent of the condition. We then demonstrate that this condition is met in rotational shear experiments, which indeed also give rise to robust DBSS. This suggests that DBSS not only exist but are also quite common. We also show that, when the unconditional cell order distribution maximises the entropy, as has been found recently, then this distribution is determined by a single parameter - the ratio of splitting and merging rates of cells of any arbitrary order. These results simplify the modelling of the complex dynamics of planar granular systems to the solution of recently proposed evolution equations, demonstrating their predictive power.<br>
Reservoir Engineering for Classical Nonlinear Fields
Benedikt Tissot, Hugo Ribeiro, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Research
Reservoir engineering has become a prominent tool to control quantum systems. Recently, there have been first experiments applying it to many-body systems, especially with a view to engineer particle-conserving dissipation for quantum simulations using bosons. In this work, we explore the dissipative dynamics of these systems in the classical limit. We derive a general equation of motion capturing the effective nonlinear dissipation introduced by the bath and apply it to the special case of a Bose-Hubbard model, where it leads to an unconventional type of dissipative nonlinear Schr ̈odinger equation. Building on that, we study the dynamics of one and two solitons in such a dissipative classical field theory.
Optomechanical realization of the bosonic Kitaev chain
Jesse J. Slim, Clara C. Wanjura, Matteo Brunelli, Javier del Pino, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Ewold Verhagen
The fermionic Kitaev chain is a canonical model featuring topological Majorana zero modes. We report the experimental realization of its bosonic analogue in a nanooptomechanical network, in which the parametric interactions induce beam-splitter coupling and two-mode squeezing among the nanomechanical modes, analogous to hopping and p-wave pairing in the fermionic case, respectively. This specific structure gives rise to a set of extraordinary phenomena in the bosonic dynamics and transport. We observe quadrature-dependent chiral amplification, exponential scaling of the gain with system size and strong sensitivity to boundary conditions. All these are linked to the unique non-Hermitian topological nature of the bosonic Kitaev chain.<br>We probe the topological phase transition and uncover a rich dynamical phase diagram by controlling interaction phases and amplitudes. Finally, we present an experimental demonstration of an exponentially enhanced response to a small perturbation. These results represent the demonstration of a new synthetic phase of matter whose bosonic dynamics do not have fermionic parallels, and we have established a powerful system for studying non-Hermitian topology and its applications for signal manipulation and sensing.
Supervised Training of Neural-Network Quantum States for the Next Nearest Neighbor Ising model
Zheyu Wu, Remmy Augusta Menzata Zen, Heitor P. Casagrande, Stéphane Bressan, Dario Poletti
Different neural network architectures can be unsupervisedly or supervis- edly trained to represent quantum states. We explore and compare different strategies for the supervised training of feed forward neural network quan- tum states. We empirically and comparatively evaluate the performance of feed forward neural network quantum states in different phases of matter for variants of the architecture, for different hyper-parameters, and for two different loss functions, to which we refer as mean-squared error and over- lap, respectively. We consider the next-nearest neighbor Ising model for the diversity of its phases and focus on its paramagnetic, ferromagnetic, and pair-antiferromagnetic phases. We observe that the overlap loss function al- lows better training of the model across all phases, provided a rescaling of the neural network.
Quantum Circuit Discovery for Fault-Tolerant Logical State Preparation with Reinforcement Learning
Remmy Zen, Jan Olle, Luis Colmenarez, Matteo Puviani, Markus Müller, Florian Marquardt
One of the key aspects in the realization of large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computers is quan- tum error correction (QEC). The first essential step of QEC is to encode the logical state into physical qubits in a fault-tolerant manner. Recently, flag-based protocols have been introduced that use ancillary qubits to flag harmful errors. However, there is no clear recipe for finding a compact quantum circuit with flag-based protocols for fault-tolerant logical state preparation. It is even more difficult when we consider the hardware constraints, such as qubit connectivity and gate set. In this work, we propose and explore reinforcement learning (RL) to automatically discover compact and hardware-adapted quantum circuits that fault-tolerantly prepare the logical state of a QEC code. We show that RL discovers circuits with fewer gates and ancillary qubits than published results without and with hardware constraints of up to 15 physical qubits. Furthermore, RL allows for straightforward exploration of different qubit connectivities and the use of transfer learning to accelerate the discovery. More generally, our work opens the door towards the use of RL for the discovery of fault-tolerant quantum circuits for addressing tasks beyond state preparation, including magic state preparation, logical gate synthesis, or syndrome measurement.
Training Coupled Phase Oscillators as a Neuromorphic Platform using Equilibrium Propagation
Qingshan Wang, Clara C. Wanjura, Florian Marquardt
Given the rapidly growing scale and resource requirements of machine learning applications, the idea of building more efficient learning machines much closer to the laws of physics is an attractive proposition. One central question for identifying promising candidates for such neuromorphic platforms is whether not only infer- ence but also training can exploit the physical dynamics. In this work, we show that it is possible to successfully train a system of coupled phase oscillators—one of the most widely investigated nonlinear dynamical systems with a multitude of physical implementations, comprising laser arrays, coupled mechanical limit cycles, super- fluids, and exciton-polaritons. To this end, we apply the approach of equilibrium propagation, which permits to extract training gradients via a physical realization of backpropagation, based only on local interactions. The complex energy landscape of the XY/ Kuramoto model leads to multistability, and we show how to address this challenge. Our study identifies coupled phase oscillators as a new general-purpose neuromorphic platform and opens the door towards future experimental implementations.
Catch and release of propagating bosonic field with non-Markovian giant atom
Luting Xu, Lingzhen Guo
New Journal of Physics (26)
The non-Markovianity of physical systems is considered to be a valuable resource that has potential applications to quantum information processing. The control of traveling quantum fields encoded with information (flying qubit) is crucial for quantum networks. In this work, we propose to catch and release the propagating photon/phonon with a non-Markovian giant atom, which is coupled to the environment via multiple coupling points. Based on the Heisenberg equation of motion for the giant atom and field operators, we calculate the time- dependent scattering coefficients from the linear response theory and define the criteria for the non-Markovian giant atom. We analyze and numerically verify that the field bound states due to non-Markovianity can be harnessed to catch and release the propagating bosonic field on demand by tuning the parameters of giant atom.
Engineering Arbitrary Hamiltonians in Phase Space
Lingzhen Guo, Vittorio Peano
Physical Review Letters
We introduce a general method to engineer arbitrary Hamiltonians in the Floquet phase space of a periodically driven oscillator, based on the noncommutative Fourier transformation technique. We establish the relationship between an arbitrary target Floquet Hamiltonian in phase space and the periodic driving potential in real space. We obtain analytical expressions for the driving potentials in real space that can generate novel Hamiltonians in phase space, e.g., rotational lattices and sharp-boundary wells. Our protocol can be realized in a range of experimental platforms for nonclassical state generation and bosonic quantum computation.
Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Maximilian Nägele, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology (5)
ZX-diagrams are a powerful graphical language for the description of quantum processes with applications in fundamental quantum mechanics, quantum circuit optimization, tensor network simulation, and many more. The utility of ZX-diagrams relies on a set of local transformation rules that can be applied to them without changing the underlying quantum process they describe. These rules can be exploited to optimize the structure of ZX-diagrams for a range of applications. However, finding an optimal sequence of transformation rules is generally an open problem. In this work, we bring together ZX-diagrams with reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique designed to discover an optimal sequence of actions in a decision-making problem and show that a trained reinforcement learning agent can significantly outperform other optimization techniques like a greedy strategy or simulated annealing. The use of graph neural networks to encode the policy of the agent enables generalization to diagrams much bigger than seen during the training phase.
Merging automatic differentiation and the adjoint method for photonic inverse design
Alexander Luce, Rasoul Alaee, Fabian Knorr, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Optimizing the shapes and topology of physical devices is crucial for both scientific and technological advancements, given their wide-ranging implications across numerous industries and research areas. Innovations in shape and topology optimization have been observed across a wide range of fields, notably structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, and more recently, photonics. Gradient-based inverse design techniques have been particularly successful for photonic and optical problems, resulting in integrated, miniaturized hardware that has set new standards in device performance. To calculate the gradients, there are typically two approaches: namely, either by implementing specialized solvers using automatic differentiation (AD) or by deriving analytical solutions for gradient calculation and adjoint sources by hand. In this work, we propose a middle ground and present a hybrid approach that leverages and enables the benefits of AD for handling gradient derivation while using existing, proven but black-box photonic solvers for numerical solutions. Utilizing the adjoint method, we make existing numerical solvers differentiable and seamlessly integrate them into an AD framework. Further, this enables users to integrate the optimization environment seamlessly with other autodifferentiable components such as machine learning, geometry generation, or intricate post-processing which could lead to better photonic design workflows. We illustrate the approach through two distinct photonic optimization problems: optimizing the Purcell factor of a magnetic dipole in the vicinity of an optical nanocavity and enhancing the light extraction efficiency of a µLED.
Discovering Quantum Circuit Components with Program Synthesis
Leopoldo Sarra, Kevin Ellis, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
Despite rapid progress in the field, it is still challenging to discover new ways to leverage quantum computation: all quantum algorithms must be designed by hand, and quantum mechanics is notoriously counterintuitive. In this paper, we study how artificial intelligence, in the form of program synthesis, may help overcome some of these difficulties, by showing how a computer can incrementally learn concepts relevant to quantum circuit synthesis with experience, and reuse them in unseen tasks. In particular, we focus on the decomposition of unitary matrices into quantum circuits, and show how, starting from a set of elementary gates, we can automatically discover a library of useful new composite gates and use them to decompose increasingly complicated unitaries.
Model-aware reinforcement learning for high-performance Bayesian experimental design in quantum metrology
Quantum sensors offer control flexibility during estimation by allowing manipulation by the experimenter across various parameters. For each sensing platform, pinpointing the optimal controls to enhance the sensor’s precision remains a challenging task. While an analytical solution might be out of reach, machine learning offers a promising avenue for many systems of interest, especially given the capabilities of contemporary hardware. We have introduced a versatile procedure capable of optimizing a wide range of problems in quantum metrology, estimation, and hypothesis testing by combining model-aware reinforcement learning (RL) with Bayesian estimation based on particle filtering. To achieve this, we had to address the challenge of incorporating the many non-differentiable steps of the estimation in the training process, such as measurements and the resampling of the particle filter. Model-aware RL is a gradient-based method, where the derivatives of the sensor’s precision are obtained through automatic differentiation (AD) in the simulation of the experiment. Our approach is suitable for optimizing both non-adaptive and adaptive strategies, using neural networks or other agents. We provide an implementation of this technique in the form of a Python library called qsensoropt, alongside several pre-made applications for relevant physical platforms, namely NV centers, photonic circuits, and optical cavities. This library will be released soon on PyPI. Leveraging our method, we’ve achieved results for many examples that surpass the current state-of-the-art in experimental design. In addition to Bayesian estimation, leveraging model-aware RL, it is also possible to find optimal controls for the minimization of the Cram ́er-Rao bound, based on Fisher information.
Boosting the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill quantum error correction with non-Markovian feedback
Matteo Puviani, Sangkha Borah, Remmy Zen, Jan Olle, Florian Marquardt
Bosonic codes allow the encoding of a logical qubit in a single component device, utilizing the infinitely large Hilbert space of a harmonic oscillator. In particular, the Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill code has recently been demonstrated to be correctable well beyond the break-even point of the best passive encoding in the same system. Current approaches to quantum error correction (QEC) for this system are based on protocols that use feedback, but the response is based only on the latest measurement outcome. In our work, we use the recently proposed Feedback-GRAPE (Gra- dient Ascent Pulse Engineering with Feedback) method to train a recurrent neural network that provides a QEC scheme based on memory, responding in a non-Markovian way to the full history of previous measurement outcomes, optimizing all subsequent unitary operations. This approach sig- nificantly outperforms current strategies and paves the way for more powerful measurement-based QEC protocols.
No-Collapse Accurate Quantum Feedback Control via Conditional State Tomography
Sangkha Borah, Bijita Sarma
Physical Review Letters
The effectiveness of measurement-based feedback control (MBFC) protocols is hindered by the presence of measurement noise, which impairs the ability to accurately infer the underlying dynamics of a quantum system from noisy continuous measurement records. To circumvent this limitation, a real-time stochastic state estimation approach is proposed in this work, that enables noise-free monitoring of the conditional dynamics, including the full density matrix of the quantum system, despite using noisy measurement data. This, in turn, enables the development of precise MBFC strategies that leads to effective control of quantum systems by essentially mitigating the constraints imposed by measurement noise, and has potential applications in various feedback quantum control scenarios. This approach is particularly important for machine learning-based control, where the AI controller can be trained with arbitrary conditional averages of observables, including the full density matrix, to quickly and accurately learn control strategies.
Massive quantum systems as interfaces of quantum mechanics and gravity
Sougato Bose, Ivette Fuentes, Andrew A. Geraci, Saba Mehsar Khan, Sofia Qvarfort, Markus Rademacher, Muddassar Rashid, Marko Toroš, Hendrik Ulbricht, et al.
The traditional view from particle physics is that quantum gravity effects should only become detectable at extremely high energies and small length scales. Due to the sig- nificant technological challenges involved, there has been limited progress in identifying experimentally detectable effects that can be accessed in the foreseeable future. How- ever, in recent decades, the size and mass of quantum systems that can be controlled in the laboratory have reached unprecedented scales, enabled by advances in ground-state cooling and quantum-control techniques. Preparations of massive systems in quantum states paves the way for the explorations of a low-energy regime in which gravity can be both sourced and probed by quantum systems. Such approaches constitute an in- creasingly viable alternative to accelerator-based, laser-interferometric, torsion-balance, and cosmological tests of gravity. In this review, we provide an overview of propos- als where massive quantum systems act as interfaces between quantum mechanics and gravity. We discuss conceptual difficulties in the theoretical description of quantum systems in the presence of gravity, review tools for modeling massive quantum systems in the laboratory, and provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art experimen- tal landscape. Proposals covered in this review include, among others, precision tests of gravity, tests of gravitationally-induced wavefunction collapse and decoherence, as well as gravity-mediated entanglement. We conclude the review with an outlook and discussion of future questions.
Simultaneous Discovery of Quantum Error Correction Codes and Encoders with a Noise-Aware Reinforcement Learning Agent
Jan Olle, Remmy Zen, Matteo Puviani, Florian Marquardt
Finding optimal ways to protect quantum states from noise remains an outstanding challenge across all quantum technologies, and quantum error correction (QEC) is the most promising strategy to address this issue. Constructing QEC codes is a complex task that has historically been powered by human creativity with the discovery of a large zoo of families of codes. However, in the context of real-world scenarios there are two challenges: these codes have typically been categorized only for their performance under an idealized noise model and the implementation-specific optimal encoding circuit is not known. In this work, we train a Deep Reinforcement Learning agent that automatically discovers both QEC codes and their encoding circuits for a given gate set, qubit connectivity, and error model. We introduce the concept of a noise-aware meta-agent, which learns to produce encoding strategies simultaneously for a range of noise models, thus leveraging transfer of insights between different situations. Moreover, thanks to the use of the stabilizer formalism and a vectorized Clifford simulator, our RL implementation is extremely efficient, allowing us to produce many codes and their encoders from scratch within seconds, with code distances varying from 3 to 5 and with up to 20 physical qubits. Our approach opens the door towards hardware-adapted accelerated discovery of QEC approaches across the full spectrum of quantum hardware platforms of interest.
Realizing a deep reinforcement learning agent discovering real-time feedback control strategies for a quantum system
Kevin Reuer, Jonas Landgraf, Thomas Fösel, James O'Sullivan, Liberto Beltrán, Abdulkadir Akin, Graham J. Norris, Ants Remm, Michael Kerschbaum, et al.
Nature Communications
Realizing the full potential of quantum technologies requires precise real-time control on time scales much shorter than the coherence time. Model-free reinforcement learning promises to discover efficient feedback strategies from scratch without relying on a description of the quantum system. However, developing and training a reinforcement learning agent able to operate in real-time using feedback has been an open challenge. Here, we have implemented such an agent for a single qubit as a sub-microsecond-latency neural network on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). We demonstrate its use to efficiently initialize a superconducting qubit and train the agent based solely on measurements. Our work is a first step towards adoption of reinforcement learning for the control of quantum devices and more generally any physical device requiring low-latency feedback.<br>
Deep Bayesian Experimental Design for Quantum Many-Body Systems
Leopoldo Sarra, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology (4)
Bayesian experimental design is a technique that allows to efficiently select measurements to characterize a physical system by maximizing the expected information gain. Recent developments in deep neural networks and normalizing flows allow for a more efficient approximation of the posterior and thus the extension of this technique to complex high-dimensional situations. In this paper, we show how this approach holds promise for adaptive measurement strategies to characterize present-day quantum technology platforms. In particular, we focus on arrays of coupled cavities and qubit arrays. Both represent model systems of high relevance for modern applications, like quantum simulations and computing, and both have been realized in platforms where measurement and control can be exploited to characterize and counteract unavoidable disorder. Thus, they represent ideal targets for applications of Bayesian experimental design.
Restoration of the non-Hermitian bulk-boundary correspondence viatopological amplification
Matteo Brunelli, Clara C. Wanjura, Andreas Nunnenkamp
Non-Hermitian (NH) lattice Hamiltonians display a unique kind of energy gap and ex- treme sensitivity to boundary conditions. Due to the NH skin effect, the separation between edge and bulk states is blurred and the (conventional) bulk-boundary corre- spondence is lost. Here, we restore the bulk-boundary correspondence for the most paradigmatic class of NH Hamiltonians, namely those with one complex band and with- out symmetries. We obtain the desired NH Hamiltonian from the mean-field evolution of driven-dissipative cavity arrays, in which NH terms—in the form of non-reciprocal hopping amplitudes, gain and loss—are explicitly modeled via coupling to (engineered and non-engineered) reservoirs. This approach removes the arbitrariness in the defini- tion of the topological invariant, as point-gapped spectra differing by a complex-energy shift are not treated as equivalent; the origin of the complex plane provides a common reference (base point) for the evaluation of the topological invariant. This implies that topologically non-trivial Hamiltonians are only a strict subset of those with a point gap and that the NH skin effect does not have a topological origin. We analyze the NH Hamil- tonians so obtained via the singular value decomposition, which allows to express the NH bulk-boundary correspondence in the following simple form: an integer value ν of the topological invariant defined in the bulk corresponds to |ν| singular vectors exponen- tially localized at the system edge under open boundary conditions, in which the sign of ν determines which edge. Non-trivial topology manifests as directional amplification of a coherent input with gain exponential in system size. Our work solves an outstanding problem in the theory of NH topological phases and opens up new avenues in topological photonics.
Fast quantum control of cavities using an improved protocol without coherent errors
Jonas Landgraf, Christa Flühmann, Thomas Fösel, Florian Marquardt, Robert J. Schoelkopf
The selective number-dependent arbitrary phase (SNAP) gates form a powerful class of quantum gates, imparting arbitrarily chosen phases to the Fock modes of a cavity. However, for short pulses, coherent errors limit the performance. Here we demonstrate in theory and experiment that such errors can be completely suppressed, provided that the pulse times exceed a specific limit. The resulting shorter gate times also reduce incoherent errors. Our approach needs only a small number of frequency components, the resulting pulses can be interpreted easily, and it is compatible with fault-tolerant schemes.
Deep-Learning Approach for the Atomic Configuration Interaction Problem on Large Basis Sets
Pavlo Bilous, Adriana Pálffy, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
High-precision atomic structure calculations require accurate modeling of electronic correlations typically addressed via the configuration interaction (CI) problem on a multiconfiguration wave function expansion. The latter can easily become challenging or infeasibly large even for advanced supercomputers. Here, we develop a deep-learning approach which allows us to preselect the most relevant configurations out of large CI basis sets until the targeted energy precision is achieved. The large CI computation is thereby replaced by a series of smaller ones performed on an iteratively expanding basis subset managed by a neural network. While dense architectures as used in quantum chemistry fail, we show that a convolutional neural network naturally accounts for the physical structure of the basis set and allows for robust and accurate CI calculations. The method was benchmarked on basis sets of moderate size allowing for the direct CI calculation, and further demonstrated on prohibitively large sets where the direct computation is not possible.
Cooling microwave fields into general multimode Gaussian states
Nahid Yazdi, Juan José García-Ripoll, Diego Porras, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
New Journal of Physics
We show that a collection of lossy multi-chromatically modulated qubits can be used to dissipa- tively engineer arbitrary Gaussian states of a set of bosonic modes. Our ideas are especially suited to superconducting-circuit architectures, where all the required ingredients are experimentally avail- able. The generation of such multimode Gaussian states is necessary for many applications, most notably measurement-based quantum computation. We build upon some of our previous proposals, where we showed how to generate single-mode and two-mode squeezed states through cooling and lasing. Special care must be taken when extending these ideas to many bosonic modes, and we discuss here how to overcome all the limitations and hurdles that naturally appear. We illustrate our ideas with a fully worked out example consisting of GHZ states, but have also tested several other examples such as cluster states. All these examples allow us to show that it is possible to use a set of N lossy qubits to cool down a bosonic chain of N modes to any desired Gaussian state.
Roadmap on structured waves
Konstantin Y Bliokh, Ebrahim Karimi, Miles J Padgett, Miguel A Alonso, Mark R Dennis, Angela Dudley, Andrew Forbes, Sina Zahedpour, Scott W Hancock, et al.
Structured waves are ubiquitous for all areas of wave physics, both classical and quantum, where the wavefields are inhomogeneous and cannot be approximated by a single plane wave. Even the interference of two plane waves, or of a single inhomogeneous (evanescent) wave, provides a number of nontrivial phenomena and additional functionalities as compared to a single plane wave. Complex wavefields with inhomogeneities in the amplitude, phase, and polarization, including topological structures and singularities, underpin modern nanooptics and photonics, yet they are equally important, e.g. for quantum matter waves, acoustics, water waves, etc. Structured waves are crucial in optical and electron microscopy, wave propagation and scattering, imaging, communications, quantum optics, topological and non-Hermitian wave systems, quantum condensed-matter systems, optomechanics, plasmonics and metamaterials, optical and acoustic manipulation, and so forth. This Roadmap is written collectively by prominent researchers and aims to survey the role of structured waves in various areas of wave physics. Providing background, current research, and anticipating future developments, it will be of interest to a wide cross-disciplinary audience.
Self-learning Machines based on Hamiltonian Echo Backpropagation
Victor Lopez-Pastor, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review X
A physical self-learning machine can be defined as a nonlinear dynamical system that can be trained on data (similar to artificial neural networks), but where the update of the internal degrees of freedom that serve as learnable parameters happens autonomously. In this way, neither external processing and feedback nor knowledge of (and control of) these internal degrees of freedom is required. We introduce a general scheme for self-learning in any time-reversible Hamiltonian system. We illustrate the training of such a self-learning machine numerically for the case of coupled nonlinear wave fields.
Quadrature nonreciprocity in bosonic networks without breaking time-reversal symmetry
Clara C. Wanjura, Jesse J. Slim, Javier del Pino, Matteo Brunelli, Ewold Verhagen, Andreas Nunnenkamp
Nature Physics
Nonreciprocity means that the transmission of a signal depends on its direction of propagation. Despite vastly different platforms and underlying working principles, the realizations of nonreciprocal transport in linear, time-independent systems rely on Aharonov–Bohm interference among several pathways and require breaking time-reversal symmetry. Here we extend the notion of nonreciprocity to unidirectional bosonic transport in systems with a time-reversal symmetric Hamiltonian by exploiting interference between beamsplitter (excitation-preserving) and two-mode-squeezing (excitation non-preserving) interactions. In contrast to standard nonreciprocity, this unidirectional transport manifests when the mode quadratures are resolved with respect to an external reference phase. Accordingly, we dub this phenomenon ‘quadrature nonreciprocity’. We experimentally demonstrate it in the minimal system of two coupled nanomechanical modes orchestrated by optomechanical interactions. Next, we develop a theoretical framework to characterize the class of networks exhibiting quadrature nonreciprocity based on features of their particle–hole graphs. In addition to unidirectionality, these networks can exhibit an even–odd pairing between collective quadratures, which we confirm experimentally in a four-mode system, and an exponential end-to-end gain in the case of arrays of cavities.
Efficient approaches to quantum control and feedback are essential for quantum technologies, from sensing to quantum computation. Open-loop control tasks have been successfully solved using optimization techniques, including methods such as gradient-ascent pulse engineering (GRAPE) , relying on a differentiable model of the quantum dynamics. For feedback tasks, such methods are not directly applicable, since the aim is to discover strategies conditioned on measurement outcomes. In this work, we introduce feedback GRAPE, which borrows some concepts from model-free reinforcement learning to incorporate the response to strong stochastic (discrete or continuous) measurements, while still performing direct gradient ascent through the quantum dynamics. We illustrate its power considering various scenarios based on cavity-QED setups. Our method yields interpretable feedback strategies for state preparation and stabilization in the presence of noise. Our approach could be employed for discovering strategies in a wide range of feedback tasks, from calibration of multiqubit devices to linear-optics quantum computation strategies, quantum enhanced sensing with adaptive measurements, and quantum error correction.
Deep recurrent networks predicting the gap evolution in adiabatic quantum computing
Naeimeh Mohseni, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Tim Byrnes, Florian Marquardt
One of the main challenges in quantum physics is predicting efficiently the dynamics of observables in many-body problems out of equilibrium. A particular example occurs in adiabatic quantum computing, where finding the structure of the instantaneous gap of the Hamiltonian is crucial in order to optimize the speed of the computation. Inspired by this challenge, in this work we explore the potential of deep learning for discovering a mapping from the parameters that fully identify a problem Hamiltonian to the full evolution of the gap during an adiabatic sweep applying different network architectures. Through this example, we find that a limiting factor for the learnability of the dynamics is the size of the input, that is, how the number of parameters needed to identify the Hamiltonian scales with the system size. We demonstrate that a long short-term memory network succeeds in predicting the gap when the parameter space scales linearly with system size. Remarkably, we show that once this architecture is combined with a convolutional neural network to deal with the spatial structure of the model, the gap evolution can even be predicted for system sizes larger than the ones seen by the neural network during training. This provides a significant speedup in comparison with the existing exact and approximate algorithms in calculating the gap.
Classical Phase Space Crystals in Open Environment
Ali Emami Kopaei, Krzysztof Sacha, Lingzhen Guo
Physical Review B
It was recently discovered that a crystalline many-body state can exist in the phase space of a closed dynamical system. A phase space crystal can be an anomalous Chern insulator that supports chiral topological transport without breaking physical time-reversal symmetry [L. Guo et al., Phys. Rev. B 105, 094301 (2022)]. In this work, we further study the effects of an open dissipative environment with thermal noise and identify the existence condition of classical phase space crystals in realistic scenarios. By defining a crystal order parameter, we plot the phase diagram in the parameter space of dissipation rate, interaction, and temperature. Our present work paves the way to realize phase space crystals and explore anomalous chiral transport in experiments.
Quench-drive spectroscopy and high-harmonic generation in BCS superconductors
Matteo Puviani, Rafael Haenel, Dirk Manske
Physical Review B (107)
In pump-probe spectroscopies, THz pulses are used to quench a system, which is subsequently probed by either a THz or optical pulse. In contrast, third-harmonic generation experiments employ a single multicycle driving pulse and measure the induced third harmonic. In this work, we analyze a spectroscopy setup where both a quench and a drive are applied and two-dimensional spectra as a function of time and quench-drive delay are recorded. We calculate the time evolution of the nonlinear current generated in the superconductor within an Anderson-pseudospin framework and characterize all experimental signatures using a quasiequilibrium approach. We analyze the superconducting response in Fourier space with respect to both the frequencies corresponding to the real time and the quench-drive delay time. In particular, we show the presence of a transient modulation of higher harmonics, induced by a wave mixing process of the drive with the quench pulse, which probes both quasiparticle and collective excitations of the superconducting condensate.
Learning Quantum Systems
Valentin Gebhart, Raffaele Santagati, Antonio Andrea Gentile, Erik Gauger, David Craig, Natalia Ares, Leonardo Banchi, Florian Marquardt, Luca Pezzè, et al.
Nature Reviews Physics
The future development of quantum technologies relies on creating and manipulating quantum systems of increasing complexity, with key applications in computation, simulation and sensing. This poses severe challenges in the efficient control, calibration and validation of quantum states and their dynamics. Although the full simulation of large-scale quantum systems may only be possible on a quantum computer, classical characterization and optimization methods still play an important role. Here, we review different approaches that use classical post-processing techniques, possibly combined with adaptive optimization, to learn quantum systems, their correlation properties, dynamics and interaction with the environment. We discuss theoretical proposals and successful implementations across different multiple-qubit architectures such as spin qubits, trapped ions, photonic and atomic systems, and superconducting circuits. This Review provides a brief background of key concepts recurring across many of these approaches with special emphasis on the Bayesian formalism and neural networks.<br><br>
Tunneling-induced fractal transmission in Valley Hall waveguides
Tirth Shah, Florian Marquardt, Vittorio Peano
Physical Review B
The valley Hall effect provides a popular route to engineer robust waveguides for bosonic excitations such as photons and phonons. The almost complete absence of backscattering in many experiments has its theoretical underpinning in a smooth-envelope approximation that neglects large momentum transfer and is accurate only for small bulk band gaps and/or smooth domain walls. For larger bulk band gaps and hard domain walls, backscattering is expected to become significant. Here, we show that in this experimentally relevant regime, the reflection of a wave at a sharp corner becomes highly sensitive to the orientation of the outgoing waveguide relative to the underlying lattice. Enhanced backscattering can be understood as being triggered by resonant tunneling transitions in quasimomentum space. Tracking the resonant tunneling energies as a function of the waveguide orientation reveals a self-repeating fractal pattern that is also imprinted in the density of states and the backscattering rate at a sharp corner.<br><br>
Investigation of inverse design of multilayer thin-films with conditional invertible Neural Networks
Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Heribert Wankerl, Florian Marquardt
Machine Learning: Science and Technology
In this work, we apply conditional invertible neural networks (cINN) to inversely design multilayer thin-films given an optical target in order to overcome limitations of state-of-the-art optimization approaches. Usually, state-of-the-art algorithms depend on a set of carefully chosen initial thin-film parameters or employ neural networks which must be retrained for every new application. We aim to overcome those limitations by training the cINN to learn the loss landscape of all thin-film configurations within a training dataset. We show that cINNs can generate a stochastic ensemble of proposals for thin-film configurations that are reasonably close to the desired target depending only on random variables. By refining the proposed configurations further by a local optimization, we show that the generated thin-films reach the target with significantly greater precision than comparable state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore, we tested the generative capabilities on samples which are outside of the training data distribution and found that the cINN was able to predict thin-films for out-of-distribution targets, too. The results suggest that in order to improve the generative design of thin-films, it is instructive to use established and new machine learning methods in conjunction in order to obtain the most favorable results.<br><br>
Complex decoherence-free interactions between giant atoms
Lei Du, Lingzhen Guo, Yong Li
Physical Review A
Giant atoms provide a promising platform for engineering decoherence-free interactions, which is a major task in modern quantum technologies. Here we study systematically how to implement complex decoherence-free interactions among giant atoms resorting to periodic coupling modulations and suitable arrangements of coupling points. We demonstrate that the phase of the modulation, which is tunable in experiments, can be encoded into the decoherence-free interactions and thus enables phase-dependent dynamics when the giant atoms constitute an effective closed loop. Moreover, we consider the influence of non-Markovian retardation effect arising from large separations of the coupling points and study its dependence on the modulation parameters.
From Dyson Models to Many-Body Quantum Chaos
Alexei Andreanov, Matteo Carrega, Jeff Murugan, Jan Olle, Dario Rosa, Ruth Shir
Understanding the mechanisms underlying many-body quantum chaos is one of the big challenges in theoretical physics. We tackle this problem by considering a set of perturbed quadratic Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) Hamiltonians defined on graphs. This allows to disambiguate between operator growth and \emph{delocalization}, showing that the latter is the dominant process in the single-particle to many-body chaotic transition. Our results are verified numerically with state-of-the-art numerical techniques, capable of extracting eigenvalues in a desired energy window of very large Hamiltonians, in this case up to dimension 2<sup>19</sup>×2<sup>19</sup>. Our approach essentially provides a new way of viewing many-body chaos from a single-particle perspective.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Quantum Technologies
Mario Krenn, Jonas Landgraf, Thomas Fösel, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A (107)
In recent years the dramatic progress in machine learning has begun to impact many areas of science and technology significantly. In the present perspective article, we explore how quantum technologies are benefiting from this revolution. We showcase in illustrative examples how scientists in the past few years have started to use machine learning and more broadly methods of artificial intelligence to analyze quantum measurements, estimate the parameters of quantum devices, discover new quantum experimental setups, protocols, and feed- back strategies, and generally improve aspects of quantum computing, quantum communication, and quantum simulation. We highlight open challenges and future possibilities and conclude with some speculative visions for the next decade.
Deep learning of spatial densities in inhomogeneous correlated quantum systems
Alex Blania, Sandro Herbig, Fabian Dechent, Evert van Nieuwenburg, Florian Marquardt
Machine learning has made important headway in helping to improve the treatment of quantum many-body systems. A domain of particular relevance are correlated inhomogeneous systems. What has been missing so far is a general, scalable deep-learning approach that would enable the rapid prediction of spatial densities for strongly correlated systems in arbitrary potentials. In this work, we present a straightforward scheme, where we learn to predict densities using convolutional neural networks trained on random potentials. While we demonstrate this approach in 1D and 2D lattice models using data from numerical techniques like Quantum Monte Carlo, it is directly applicable as well to training data obtained from experimental quantum simulators. We train networks that can predict the densities of multiple observables simultaneously and that can predict for a whole class of many-body lattice models, for arbitrary system sizes. We show that our approach can handle well the interplay of interference and interactions and the behaviour of models with phase transitions in inhomogeneous situations, and we also illustrate the ability to solve inverse problems, finding a potential for a desired density.
Certification of Genuine Multipartite Entanglement with General and Robust Device-independent Witnesses
Chao Zhang, Wen-Hao Zhang, Pavel Sekatski, Jean-Daniel Bancal, Michael Zwerger, Peng Yin, Gong-Chu Li, Xing-Xiang Peng, Lei Chen, et al.
Physical Review Letters
Genuine multipartite entanglement represents the strongest type of entanglement, which is an essential resource for quantum information processing. Standard methods to detect genuine multipartite entanglement, e.g., entanglement witnesses, state tomography, or quantum state verification, require full knowledge of the Hilbert space dimension and precise calibration of measurement devices, which are usually difficult to acquire in an experiment. The most radical way to overcome these problems is to detect entanglement solely based on the Bell-like correlations of measurement outcomes collected in the experiment, namely, device independently. However, it is difficult to certify genuine entanglement of practical multipartite states in this way, and even more difficult to quantify it, due to the difficulty in identifying optimal multipartite Bell inequalities and protocols tolerant to state impurity. In this Letter, we explore a general and robust device-independent method that can be applied to various realistic multipartite quantum states in arbitrary finite dimension, while merely relying on bipartite Bell inequalities. Our method allows us both to certify the presence of genuine multipartite entanglement and to quantify it. Several important classes of entangled states are tested with this method, leading to the detection of genuinely entangled states. We also certify genuine multipartite entanglement in weakly entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, showing that the method applies equally well to less standard states.
Theory of Laser-Assisted Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture
The interplay of x-ray ionization and atomic and nuclear degrees of freedom is investigated theoretically in the process of laser-assisted nuclear excitation by electron capture. In the resonant process of nuclear excitation by electron capture, an incident electron recombines into a vacancy in the atomic shell with simultaneous nuclear excitation. Here we investigate the specific scenario in which the free electron and the required atomic shell hole<br>are generated by an x-ray free electron laser pulse. We develop a theoretical description based on the Feshbach projection operator formalism and consider numerically experimental scenarios at the SACLA x-ray free electron laser. Our numerical results for excitation of the 29.2 keV nuclear state in <sub>229</sub>Th and the 14.4 keV Mössbauer transition in <sub>57</sub>Fe show low excitation rates but strong enhancement with respect to direct two photon nuclear excitation.
Nonreciprocal and chiral single-photon scattering for giant atoms
Yao-Tong Chen, Lei Du, Lingzhen Guo, Zhihai Wang, Yan Zhang, Yong Li, Jin-Hui Wu
Communications Physics
Quantum optics with giant atoms has provided a new paradigm to study photon scatterings. In this work, we investigate the nontrivial single-photon scattering properties of giant atoms being an effective platform to realize nonreciprocal and chiral quantum optics. For two-level giant atoms, we identify the condition for nonreciprocal transmission: the external atomic dissipation is further required other than the breaking of time-reversal symmetry by local coupling phases. Especially, in the non-Markovian regime, unconventional revival peaks periodically appear in the reflection spectrum. To explore more interesting scattering behaviors, we extend the two-level giant-atom system to Δ-type and ∇ -type three-level giant atoms coupled to double waveguides with different physical mechanisms to realize nonreciprocal and chiral scatterings. Our proposed giant-atom structures have potential applications of high-efficiency targeted routers that can transport single photons to any desired port deterministically and circulators that can transport single photons between four ports in a cyclic way.
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantum State Preparation with Weak Nonlinear Measurements
Riccardo Porotti, Antoine Essig, Benjamin Huard, Florian Marquardt
Quantum control has been of increasing interest in recent years, e.g. for tasks like state initialization and stabilization. Feedback-based strategies are particularly powerful, but also hard to find, due to the exponentially increased search space. Deep reinforcement learning holds great promise in this regard. It may provide new answers to difficult questions, such as whether nonlinear measurements can compensate for linear, constrained control. Here we show that reinforcement learning can successfully discover such feedback strategies, without prior knowledge. We illustrate this for state reparation in a cavity subject to quantum-non-demolition detection of photon number, with a simple linear drive as control. Fock states can be produced and stabilized at very high fidelity. It is even possible to reach superposition states, provided the measurement rates for different Fock states can be controlled as well.
Topological phonon transport in an optomechanical system
Hengjiang Ren, Tirth Shah, Hannes Pfeifer, Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt, Oskar Painter
Nature Communications
Recent advances in cavity-optomechanics have now made it possible to use light not just as a passive measuring device of mechanical motion, but also to manipulate the motion of mechanical objects down to the level of individual quanta of vibrations (phonons). At the same time, microfabrication techniques have enabled small-scale optomechanical circuits capable of on-chip manipulation of mechanical and optical signals. Building on these developments, theoretical proposals have shown that larger scale optomechanical arrays can be used to modify the propagation of phonons, realizing a form of topologically protected phonon transport. Here, we report the observation of topological phonon transport within a multiscale optomechanical crystal structure consisting of an array of over 800 cavity-optomechanical elements. Using sensitive, spatially resolved optical read-out we detect thermal phonons in a 0.325−0.34GHz band traveling along a topological edge channel, with substantial reduction in backscattering. This represents an important step from the pioneering macroscopic mechanical systems work towards topological phononic systems at the nanoscale, where hypersonic frequency (≳GHz) acoustic wave circuits consisting of robust delay lines and non-reciprocal elements may be implemented. Owing to the broadband character of the topological channels, the control of the flow of heat-carrying phonons, albeit at cryogenic temperatures, may also be envisioned.
Deep Learning of Quantum Many-Body Dynamics via Random Driving
Naeimeh Mohseni, Thomas Fösel, Lingzhen Guo, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Florian Marquardt
Neural networks have emerged as a powerful way to approach many practical problems in quantumphysics. In this work, we illustrate the power of deep learning to predict the dynamics of a quantummany-body system, where the training is based purely on monitoring expectation values of observables under random driving. The trained recurrent network is able to produce accurate predictions for driving trajectories entirely different than those observed during training. As a proof of principle, here we train the network on numerical data generated from spin models, showing that it can learn the dynamics of observables of interest without needing information about the full quantum state.This allows our approach to be applied eventually to actual experimental data generated from aquantum many-body system that might be open, noisy, or disordered, without any need for a detailedunderstanding of the system. This scheme provides considerable speedup for rapid explorations andpulse optimization. Remarkably, we show the network is able to extrapolate the dynamics to times longer than those it has been trained on, as well as to the infinite-system-size limit.
TMM-Fast: A Transfer Matrix Computation Package for Multilayer Thin-Film Optimization: tutorial
Alexander Luce, Ali Mahdavi, Florian Marquardt, Heribert Wankerl
Journal of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision
Achieving the desired optical response from a multilayer thin-film structure over a broad range of wavelengths and angles of incidence can be challenging. An advanced thin-film structure can consist of multiple materials with different thicknesses and numerous layers. Design and optimization of complex thin-film structures with multiple variables is a computationally heavy problem that is still under active research. To enable fast and easy experimentation with new optimization techniques, we propose the Python package Transfer Matrix Method - Fast (TMM-Fast), which enables parallelized computation of reflection and transmission of light at different angles of incidence and wavelengths through the multilayer thin film. By decreasing computational time, generating datasets for machine learning becomes feasible, and evolutionary optimization can be used effectively. Additionally, the subpackage TMM-Torch allows us to directly compute analytical gradients for local optimization by using PyTorch Autograd functionality. Finally, an OpenAI Gym environment is presented, which allows the user to train new reinforcement learning agents on the problem of finding multilayer thin-film configurations.
Observing polarization patterns in the collective motion of nanomechanical arrays
Juliane Doster, Tirth Shah, Thomas Fösel, Philipp Paulitschke, Florian Marquardt, Eva Weig
Nature Communications
In recent years, nanomechanics has evolved into a mature field, with wide-ranging impact from sensing applications to fundamental physics, and it has now reached a stage which enables the fabrication and study of ever more elaborate devices. This has led to the emergence of arrays of coupled nanomechanical resonators as a promising field of research, serving as model systems to study collective dynamical phenomena such as synchronization or topological transport. From a general point of view, the arrays investigated so far represent scalar fields on a lattice. Moving to a scenario where these could be extended to vector fields would unlock a whole host of conceptually interesting additional phenomena, including the physics of polarization patterns in wave fields and their associated topology. Here we introduce a new platform, a two-dimensional array of coupled nanomechanical pillar resonators, whose orthogonal vibration directions encode a mechanical polarization degree of freedom. We demonstrate direct optical imaging of the collective dynamics, enabling us to analyze the emerging polarization patterns and follow their evolution with drive frequency.
Ising machines: Hardware solvers for combinatorial optimization problems
Naeimeh Mohseni, Peter McMahon, Tim Byrnes
Nature Reviews Physics
Ising machines are hardware solvers that aim to find the absolute or approximate ground states of the Ising model. The Ising model is of fundamental computational interest because any problem in the complexity class NP can be formulated as an Ising problem with only polynomial overhead, and thus a scalable Ising machine that outperforms existing standard digital computers could have a huge impact for practical applications. We survey the status of various approaches to constructing Ising machines and explain their underlying operational principles. The types of Ising machines considered here include classical thermal annealers based on technologies such as spintronics, optics, memristors and digital hardware accelerators; dynamical systems solvers implemented with optics and electronics; and superconducting-circuit quantum annealers. We compare and contrast their performance using standard metrics such as the ground-state success probability and time-to-solution, give their scaling relations with problem size, and discuss their strengths and weaknesses.
Modern applications of machine learning in quantum sciences
Anna Dawid, Julian Arnold, Borja Requena, Alexander Gresch, Marcin Płodzień, Kaelan Donatella, Kim Nicoli, Paolo Stornati, Rouven Koch, et al.
In this book, we provide a comprehensive introduction to the most recent advances in the application of machine learning methods in quantum sciences. We cover the use of deep learning and kernel methods in supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning algorithms for phase classification, representation of many-body quantum states, quantum feedback control, and quantum circuits optimization. Moreover, we introduce and discuss more specialized topics such as differentiable programming, generative models, statistical approach to machine learning, and quantum machine learning.
Directional emission of white light via selective amplification of photon recycling and Bayesian optimization of multi-layer thin films
Heribert Wankerl, Christopher Wiesmann, Laura Kreiner, Rainer Butendeich, Alexander Luce, Sandra Sobczyk, Maike Lorena Stern, Elmar Wolfgang Lang
Over the last decades, light-emitting diodes (LED) have replaced common light bulbs in almost every application, from flashlights in smartphones to automotive headlights. Illuminating nightly streets requires LEDs to emit a light spectrum that is perceived as pure white by the human eye. The power associated with such a white light spectrum is not only distributed over the contributing wavelengths but also over the angles of vision. For many applications, the usable light rays are required to exit the LED in forward direction, namely under small angles to the perpendicular. In this work, we demonstrate that a specifically designed multi-layer thin film on top of a white LED increases the power of pure white light emitted in forward direction. Therefore, the deduced multi-objective optimization problem is reformulated via a real-valued physics-guided objective function that represents the hierarchical structure of our engineering problem. Variants of Bayesian optimization are employed to maximize this non-deterministic objective function based on ray tracing simulations. Eventually, the investigation of optical properties of suitable multi-layer thin films allowed to identify the mechanism behind the increased directionality of white light: angle and wavelength selective filtering causes the multi-layer thin film to play ping pong with rays of light.
These are the lecture notes for a course that I am teaching at Zhiyuan College of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, though the first draft was created for a previous course I taught at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany. It has been designed for students who have only had basic training on quantum mechanics, and hence, the course is suited for people at all levels. The notes are a work in progress, meaning that some proofs and many figures are still missing. However, I've tried my best to write everything in such a way that a reader can follow naturally all arguments and derivations even with these missing bits. Quantum optics treats the interaction between light and matter. We may think of light as the optical part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and matter as atoms. However, modern quantum optics covers a wild variety of systems, including superconducting circuits, confined electrons, excitons in semiconductors, defects in solid state, or the center-of-mass motion of micro-, meso-, and macroscopic systems. Moreover, quantum optics is at the heart of the field of quantum information. The ideas and experiments developed in quantum optics have also allowed us to take a fresh look at many-body problems and even high-energy physics. In addition, quantum optics holds the promise of testing foundational problems in quantum mechanics as well as physics beyond the standard model in table-sized experiments. Quantum optics is therefore a topic that no future researcher in quantum physics should miss.
Phase Space Crystal Vibrations: Chiral Edge States with Preserved Time-reversal Symmetry
Lingzhen Guo, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
Chiral transport along edge channels in Chern insulators represents the most robust version of topological transport, but it usually requires breaking of the physical time-reversal symmetry. In this work, we introduce a different mechanism that foregoes this requirement, based on the combination of the symplectic geometry of phase space and interactions. Starting from a honeycomb phase-space crystal of atoms, which can be generated by periodic driving of a one-dimensional interacting quantum gas, we show that the resulting vibrational lattice waves have topological properties. Our work provides a new platform to study topological many-body physics in dynamical systems.
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Tunneling in the Brillouin Zone: Theory of Backscattering in Valley Hall Edge Channels
Tirth Shah, Florian Marquardt, Vittorio Peano
Physical Review B
A large set of recent experiments has been exploring topological transport in bosonic systems,e.g. of photons or phonons. In the vast majority, time-reversal symmetry is preserved, and bandstructures are engineered by a suitable choice of geometry, to produce topologically nontrivialbandgaps in the vicinity of high-symmetry points. However, this leaves open the possibility oflarge-quasimomentum backscattering, destroying the topological protection. Up to now, it has beenunclear what precisely are the conditions where this effect can be sufficiently suppressed. In thepresent work, we introduce a comprehensive semiclassical theory of tunneling transitions in momen-tum space, describing backscattering for one of the most important system classes, based on thevalley Hall effect. We predict that even for a smooth domain wall effective scattering centres developat locations determined by both the local slope of the wall and the energy. Moreover, our theoryprovides a quantitative analysis of the exponential suppression of the overall reflection amplitudewith increasing domain wall smoothness.
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Phase Space Crystals: Condensed matter in dynamical systems
This book aims to develop a general framework of condensed matter theory in phase space, instead of configuration space, of a dynamical system. Different from Euclidean real space, phase space is embedded with symplectic geometry in classical mechanics or noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics. Arbitrary lattice Hamiltonians and crystalline many-body states in phase space can be created with the Floquet approach. The book covers topics ranging from dynamical systems, Floquet theory, topological physics to quantum many-body physics and time crystals. The book fills in the blanks in the study of dynamical systems by considering many-body physics in the phase space.
Accelerated Non-Reciprocal Transfer of Energy Around an Exceptional Point
We develop perturbative methods to study and control dynamical phenomena related to exceptional points in Non-Hermitian systems. In particular, we show how to find perturbative solutions based on the Magnus expansion that accurately describe the evolution of non-Hermitian systems when encircling an exceptional point. This allows us to use the recently proposed Magnus-based strategy for control to design fast non-reciprocal, topological operations whose fidelity error is orders of magnitude smaller than their much slower adiabatic counterparts.
Arbitrary optical wave evolution with Fourier transforms and phase masks
Victor Lopéz-Pastor, Jeff S. Lundeen, Florian Marquardt
A large number of applications in classical and quantum photonics require the capability of implementing arbitrary linear unitary transformations on a set of optical modes. In a seminal work by Reck et al. it was shown how to build such multiport universal interferometers with a mesh of beam splitters and phase shifters, and this design became the basis for most experimental implementations in the last decades. However, the design of Reck et al. is difficult to scale up to a large number of modes, which would be required for many applications. Here we present a constructive proof that it is possible to realize a multiport universal interferometer on N modes with a succession of 6N Fourier transforms and 6N+1 phase masks, for any even integer N. Furthermore, we provide an algorithm to find the correct succesion of Fourier transforms and phase masks to realize a given arbitrary unitary transformation. Since Fourier transforms and phase masks are routinely implemented in several optical setups and they do not suffer from the scalability issues associated with building extensive meshes of beam splitters, we believe that our design can be useful for many applications in photonics.
Dynamical phase transitions in quantum spin models with antiferromagnetic long-range interactions
Jad C. Halimeh, Maarten Van Damme, Lingzhen Guo, Johannes Lang, Philipp Hauke
Physical Review B
In recent years, dynamical phase transitions and out-of-equilibrium criticality have been at the forefront of ultracold gases and condensed matter research. Whereas universality and scaling are established topics in equilibrium quantum many-body physics, out-of-equilibrium extensions of such concepts still leave much to be desired. Using exact diagonalization and the time-dependent variational principle in uniform matrix product states, we calculate the time evolution of the local order parameter and Loschmidt return rate in transverse-field Ising chains with antiferromagnetic power law-decaying interactions, and map out the corresponding rich dynamical phase diagram. Anomalous cusps in the return rate, which are ubiquitous at small quenches within the ordered phase in the case of ferromagnetic long-range interactions, are absent within the accessible timescales of our simulations in the antiferromagnetic case, showing that long-range interactions are not a sufficient condition for their appearance. We attribute this to much weaker domain-wall binding in the antiferromagnetic case. For quenches across the quantum critical point, regular cusps appear in the return rate and connect to the local order parameter changing sign, indicating the concurrence of two major concepts of dynamical phase transitions. Our results consolidate conclusions of previous works that a necessary condition for the appearance of anomalous cusps in the return rate after quenches within the ordered phase is for topologically trivial local spin flips to be the energetically dominant excitations in the spectrum of the quench Hamiltonian. Our findings are readily accessible in modern trapped-ion setups and we outline the associated experimental considerations.
Channel discord and distortion
Wei-Wei Zhang, Yuval R. Sanders, Barry C. Sanders
New Journal of Physics (23)
Discord, originally notable as a signature of bipartite quantum correlation, in fact can be nonzero<br>classically, i.e. arising from noisy measurements by one of the two parties. Here we redefine<br>classical discord to quantify channel distortion, in contrast to the previous restriction of classical<br>discord to a state, and we then show a monotonic relationship between classical (channel) discord<br>and channel distortion. We show that classical discord is equivalent to (doubly stochastic) channel<br>distortion by numerically discovering a monotonic relation between discord and total-variation<br>distance for a bipartite protocol with one party having a noiseless channel and the other party<br>having a noisy channel. Our numerical method includes randomly generating doubly stochastic<br>matrices for noisy channels and averaging over a uniform measure of input messages. Connecting<br>discord with distortion establishes discord as a signature of classical, not quantum, channel<br>distortion.
Perturbation theory of nearly spherical dielectric optical resonators
Julius Gohsrich, Tirth Shah, Andrea Aiello
Physical Review A
Dielectric spheres of various sizes may sustain electromagnetic whispering-gallery modes resonating at optical frequencies with very narrow linewidths. Arbitrary small deviations from the spherical shape typically shift and broaden such resonances. Our goal is to determine these shifted and broadened resonances. A boundary-condition perturbation theory for the acoustic vibrations of nearly circular membranes was developed by Rayleigh more than a century ago. We extend this theory to describe the electromagnetic excitations of nearly spherical dielectric cavities. This approach permits us to avoid dealing with decaying quasinormal modes. We explicitly find the frequencies and the linewidths of the optical resonances for arbitrarily deformed nearly spherical dielectric cavities, as power series expansions by a small parameter, up to and including second-order terms. We thoroughly discuss the physical conditions for the applicability of perturbation theory.
Optical signatures of the coupled spin-mechanics of a levitated magnetic microparticle
Vanessa Wachter, Victor A. S. V. Bittencourt, Shangran Xie, Sanchar Sharma, Nicolas Joly, Philip Russell, Florian Marquardt, Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy
Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics
We propose a platform that combines the fields of cavity optomagnonics and levitated optome-<br>chanics in order to control and probe the coupled spin-mechanics of magnetic dielectric particles. We theoretically study the dynamics of a levitated Faraday-active dielectric microsphere serving as an optomagnonic cavity, placed in an external magnetic field and driven by an external laser. We find that the optically driven magnetization dynamics induces angular oscillations of the particle with low associated damping. Further, we show that the magnetization and angular motion dynamics<br>can be probed via the power spectrum of the outgoing light. Namely, the characteristic frequencies attributed to the angular oscillations and the spin dynamics are imprinted in the light spectrum by two main resonance peaks. Additionally, we demonstrate that a ferromagnetic resonance setup with an oscillatory perpendicular magnetic field can enhance the resonance peak corresponding to<br>the spin oscillations and induce fast rotations of the particle around its anisotropy axis.
Analytic Design of Accelerated Adiabatic Gates in Realistic Qubits: General Theory and Applications to Superconducting Circuits
F Setiawan, Peter Groszkowski, Hugo Ribeiro, Aashish A Clerk
Shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) is a general methodology for speeding up adiabatic quantumprotocols, and has many potential applications in quantum information processing. Unfortunately,analytically constructing STAs for systems having complex interactions and more than a few levelsis a challenging task. This is usually overcome by assuming an idealized Hamiltonian (e.g., only alimited subset of energy levels are retained, and the rotating-wave approximation (RWA) is made).Here, we develop ananalyticapproach that allows one to go beyond these limitations. Our methodis general and results in analytically-derived pulse shapes that correct both non-adiabatic errorsas well as non-RWA errors. We also show that our approach can yield pulses requiring a smallerdriving power than conventional non-adiabatic protocols. We show in detail how our ideas can beused to analytically design high-fidelity single-qubit “tripod” gates in a realistic superconductingfluxonium qubit.
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Rapid Exploration of Topological Band Structures using Deep Learning
Vittorio Peano, Florian Sapper, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review X
The design of periodic nanostructures allows to tailor the transport of photons, phonons, and matter waves for specific applications. Recent years have seen a further expansion of this field by engineering topological properties. However, what is missing currently are efficient ways to rapidly explore and optimize band structures and to classify their topological characteristics for arbitrary unit-cell geometries. In this work, we show how deep learning can address this challenge. We introduce an approach where a neural network first maps the geometry to a tight-binding model. The tight-binding model encodes not only the band structure but also the symmetry properties of the Bloch waves. This allows us to rapidly categorize a large set of geometries in terms of their band representations, identifying designs for fragile topologies. We demonstrate that our method is also suitable to calculate strong topological invariants, even when (like the Chern number) they are not symmetry indicated. Engineering of domain walls and optimization are accelerated by orders of magnitude. Our method directly applies to any passive linear material, irrespective of the symmetry class and space group. It is general enough to be extended to active and nonlinear metamaterials.
Machine Learning and Quantum Devices
Florian Marquardt
SciPost Physics (21)
These brief lecture notes cover the basics of neural networks and deep learning as well as their applications in the quantum domain, for physicists without prior knowledge. In the first part, we describe training using back-propagation, image classification, convolutional networks and autoencoders.The second part is about advanced techniques like reinforcement learning (for discovering control strategies), recurrent neural networks (for analyzing timetraces), and Boltzmann machines (for learning probability distributions). In the third lecture, we discuss first recent applications to quantum physics, with an emphasis on quantum information processing machines. Finally, the fourth lecture is devoted to the promise of using quantum effects to accelerate machine learning.
Renormalized Mutual Information for Artificial Scientific Discovery
Leopoldo Sarra, Andrea Aiello, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We derive a well-defined renormalized version of mutual information that allows to estimate the dependence between continuous random variables in the important case when one is deterministically dependent on the other. This is the situation relevant for feature extraction, where the goal is to produce a low-dimensional effective description of a high-dimensional system. Our approach enables the discovery of collective variables in physical systems, thus adding to the toolbox of artificial scientific discovery, while also aiding the analysis of information flow in artificial neural networks.
Error suppression in adiabatic quantum computing with qubit ensembles
Naeimeh Mohseni, Marek Narozniak, Alexey N Pyrkov, Valentin Ivannikov, Jonathan P Dowling
npj Quantum Information
Incorporating protection against quantum errors into adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) is an important task due to the inevitable presence of decoherence. Here, we investigate an error-protected encoding of the AQC Hamiltonian, where qubit ensembles are used in place of qubits. Our Hamiltonian only involves total spin operators of the ensembles, offering a simpler route towards error-corrected quantum computing. Our scheme is particularly suited to neutral atomic gases where it is possible to realize large ensemble sizes and produce ensemble-ensemble entanglement. We identify a critical ensemble size Nc where the nature of the first excited state becomes a single particle perturbation of the ground state, and the gap energy is predictable by mean-field theory. For ensemble sizes larger than Nc, the ground state becomes protected due to the presence of logically equivalent states and the AQC performance improves with N, as long as the decoherence rate is sufficiently low.
Quantum circuit optimization with deep reinforcement learning
Thomas Fösel, Murphy Yuezhen Niu, Florian Marquardt, Li Li (李力)
A central aspect for operating future quantum computers is quantum circuit optimization, i.e., the search for efficient realizations of quantum algorithms given the device capabilities. In recent years, powerful approaches have been developed which focus on optimizing the high-level circuit structure. However, these approaches do not consider and thus cannot optimize for the hardware details of the quantum architecture, which is especially important for near-term devices. To address this point, we present an approach to quantum circuit optimization based on reinforcement learning. We demonstrate how an agent, realized by a deep convolutional neural network, can autonomously learn generic strategies to optimize arbitrary circuits on a specific architecture, where the optimization target can be chosen freely by the user. We demonstrate the feasibility of this approach by training agents on 12-qubit random circuits, where we find on average a depth reduction by 27% and a gate count reduction by 15%. We examine the extrapolation to larger circuits than used for training, and envision how this approach can be utilized for near-term quantum devices.
Floquet theory for temporal correlations and spectra in time-periodic open quantum systems: Application to squeezed parametric oscillation beyond the rotating-wave approximation
Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Rafael Garcés, Naeimeh Mohseni, German J. de Valcarcel
Physical Review A
Open quantum systems can display periodic dynamics at the classical level either due to external periodic modulations or to self-pulsing phenomena typically following a Hopf bifurcation. In both cases, the quantum fluctuations around classical solutions do not reach a quantum-statistical stationary state, which prevents adopting the simple and reliable methods used for stationary quantum systems. Here we put forward a general and efficient method to compute two-time correlations and corresponding spectral densities of time-periodic open quantum systems within the usual linearized (Gaussian) approximation for their dynamics. Using Floquet theory, we show how the quantum Langevin equations for the fluctuations can be efficiently integrated by partitioning the time domain into one-period duration intervals, and relating the properties of each period to the first one. Spectral densities, like squeezing spectra, are computed similarly, now in a two-dimensional temporal domain that is treated as a chessboard with one-period × one-period cells. This technique avoids cumulative numerical errors as well as efficiently saving computational time. As an illustration of the method, we analyze the quantum fluctuations of a damped parametrically driven oscillator (degenerate parametric oscillator) below threshold and far away from rotating-wave approximation conditions, which is a relevant scenario for modern low-frequency quantum oscillators. Our method reveals that the squeezing properties of such devices are quite robust against the amplitude of the modulation or the low quality of the oscillator, although optimal squeezing can appear for parameters that are far from the ones predicted within the rotating-wave approximation.
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Engineering Fast High-Fidelity Quantum Operations With Constrained Interactions
Thales Figueiredo Roque, Aashish A Clerk, Hugo Ribeiro
npj Quantum Information
Understanding how to tailor quantum dynamics to achieve a desired evolution is a crucial problemin almost all quantum technologies. We present a very general method for designing high-efficiencycontrol sequences that are always fully compatible with experimental constraints on available inter-actions and their tunability. Our approach reduces in the end to finding control fields by solvinga set of time-independent linear equations. We illustrate our method by applying it to a numberof physically-relevant problems: the strong-driving limit of a two-level system, fast squeezing in aparametrically driven cavity, the leakage problem in transmon qubit gates, and the acceleration ofSNAP gates in a qubit-cavity system.
Squeezed comb states
Namrata Shukla, Stefan Nimmrichter, Barry C. Sanders
Physical Review A
Continuous-variable codes are an expedient solution for quantum information processing and quantum communication involving optical networks. Here we characterize the squeezed comb, a finite superposition of equidistant squeezed coherent states on a line, and its properties as a continuous-variable encoding choice for a logical qubit. The squeezed comb is a realistic approximation to the ideal code proposed by Gottesman et al. [D. Gottesman, A. Kitaev, and J. Preskill, Phys. Rev. A 64, 012310 (2001)], which is fully protected against errors caused by the paradigmatic types of quantum noise in continuous-variable systems: damping and diffusion. This is no longer the case for the code space of finite squeezed combs, and noise robustness depends crucially on the encoding parameters. We analyze finite squeezed comb states in phase space, highlighting their complicated interference features and characterizing their dynamics when exposed to amplitude damping and Gaussian diffusion noise processes. We find that squeezed comb states are more suitable and less error prone when exposed to damping, which speaks against standard error-correction strategies that employ linear amplification to convert damping into easier-to-describe isotropic diffusion noise.
Oscillating bound states for a giant atom
Lingzhen Guo, Anton Frisk Kockum, Florian Marquardt, Göran Johannson
Physical Review Research
We investigate the relaxation dynamics of a single artificial atom interacting, via multiple coupling points, with a continuum of bosonic modes (photons or phonons) in a one-dimensional waveguide. In the non-Markovian regime, where the traveling time of a photon or phonon between the coupling points is sufficiently large compared to the inverse of the bare relaxation rate of the atom, we find that a boson can be trapped and form a stable bound state. As a key discovery, we further find that a persistently oscillating bound state can appear inside the continuous spectrum of the waveguide if the number of coupling points is more than two since such a setup enables multiple bound modes to coexist. This opens up prospects for storing and manipulating quantum information in larger Hilbert spaces than available in previously known bound states.
Spatial localization and pattern formation in discrete optomechanical cavities and arrays
Joaquín Ruiz-Rivas, Giuseppe Patera, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Eugenio Roldán, German de Valcarcel
New Journal of Physics
We investigate theoretically the generation of nonlinear dissipative structures in optomechanical(OM) systems containing discrete arrays of mechanical resonators. We consider both hybridmodels in which the optical system is a continuous multimode field, as it would happen in an OMcavity containing an array of micro-mirrors, and also fully discrete models in which eachmechanical resonator interacts with a single optical mode, making contact with Ludwig andMarquardt (2013Phys.Rev.Lett.101, 073603). Also, we study the connections between both typesof models and continuous OM models. While all three types of models merge naturally in the limitof a large number of densely distributed mechanical resonators, we show that the spatiallocalization and the pattern formation found in continuous OM models can still be observed for asmall number of mechanical elements, even in the presence of finite-size effects, which we discuss.This opens new venues for experimental approaches to the subject.
Many-body dephasing in a trapped-ion quantum simulator
Harvey B. Kaplan, Lingzhen Guo, Wen Lin Tan, Arinjoy De, Florian Marquardt, Guido Pagano, Christopher Monroe
Physical Review Letters
How a closed interacting quantum many-body system relaxes and dephases as a function of time is a fundamental question in thermodynamic and statistical physics. In this Letter, we analyze and observe the persistent temporal fluctuations after a quantum quench of a tunable long-range interacting transverse-field Ising Hamiltonian realized with a trapped-ion quantum simulator. We measure the temporal fluctuations in the average magnetization of a finite-size system of spin-1/2 particles. We experiment in a regime where the properties of the system are closely related to the integrable Hamiltonian with global spin-spin coupling, which enables analytical predictions for the long-time nonintegrable dynamics. The analytical expression for the temporal fluctuations predicts the exponential suppression of temporal fluctuations with increasing system size. Our measurement data is consistent with our theory predicting the regime of many-body dephasing.
Observation of concentrating paraxial beams
Andrea Aiello, Martin Paúr, Bohumil Stoklasa, Zdeněk Hradil, Jaroslav Řeháček, Luis L Sánchez-Soto
OSA Continuum
We report the first, to the best of our knowledge, observation of concentrating paraxialbeams of light in a linear nondispersive medium. We have generated this intriguing class of lightbeams, recently predicted by one of us, in both one- and two-dimensional configurations. As wedemonstrate in our experiments, these concentrating beams display unconventional features, suchas the ability to strongly focus in the focal spot of a thin lens like a plane wave, while keepingtheir total energy finite.
Probing the Tavis-Cummings level splitting with intermediate-scale superconducting circuits
Ping Yang, Jan David Brehm, Juha Leppäkangas, Lingzhen Guo, Michael Marthaler, Isabella Boventer, Alexander Stehli, Tim Wolz, Alexey V. Ustinov, et al.
Physical Review Applied (14)
We demonstrate the local control of up to eight two-level systems interacting strongly with a microwave cavity. Following calibration, the frequency of each individual two-level system (qubit) is tunable without influencing the others. Bringing the qubits one by one on resonance with the cavity, we observe the collective coupling strength of the qubit ensemble. The splitting scales up with the square root of the number of the qubits, being the hallmark of the Tavis-Cummings model. The local control circuitry causes a bypass shunting the resonator, and a Fano interference in the microwave readout, whose contribution can be calibrated away to recover the pure cavity spectrum. The simulator's attainable size of dressed states is limited by reduced signal visibility, and -if uncalibrated- by off-resonance shifts of sub-components. Our work demonstrates control and readout of quantum coherent mesoscopic multi-qubit system of intermediate scale under conditions of noise.
Kinetics of Many-Body Reservoir Engineering
Hugo Ribeiro, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Research
Recent advances illustrate the power of reservoir engineering in applications to many-body sys-tems, such as quantum simulators based on superconducting circuits. We present a frameworkbased on kinetic equations and noise spectra that can be used to understand both the transientand long-time behavior of many particles coupled to an engineered reservoir in a number-conservingway. For the example of a bosonic array, we show that the non-equilibrium steady state can beexpressed, in a wide parameter regime, in terms of a modified Bose-Einstein distribution with anenergy-dependent temperature.
Condensed matter physics in time crystals
Lingzhen Guo, Pengfei Liang
New Journal of Physics (22)
Time crystals are physical systems whose time translation symmetry is spontaneously broken. Although the spontaneous breaking of continuous time-translation symmetry in static systems is proved impossible for the equilibrium state, the discrete time-translation symmetry in periodically driven (Floquet) systems is allowed to be spontaneously broken, resulting in the so-called Floquet or discrete time crystals. While most works so far searching for time crystals focus on the symmetry breaking process and the possible stabilising mechanisms, the many-body physics from the interplay of symmetry-broken states, which we call the condensed matter physics in time crystals, is not fully explored yet. This review aims to summarise the very preliminary results in this new research field with an analogous structure of condensed matter theory in solids. The whole theory is built on a hidden symmetry in time crystals, i.e., the phase space lattice symmetry, which allows us to develop the band theory, topology and strongly correlated models in phase space lattice. In the end, we outline the possible topics and directions for the future research.
Efficient cavity control with SNAP gates
Thomas Fösel, Stefan Krastanov, Florian Marquardt, Liang Jiang
Microwave cavities coupled to superconducting qubits have been demonstrated to be a promising platform for quantum information processing. A major challenge in this setup is to realize universal control over the cavity. A promising approach are selective number-dependent arbitrary phase (SNAP) gates combined with cavity displacements. It has been proven that this is a universal gate set, but a central question remained open so far: how can a given target operation be realized efficiently with a sequence of these operations. In this work, we present a practical scheme to address this problem. It involves a hierarchical strategy to insert new gates into a sequence, followed by a co-optimization of the control parameters, which generates short high-fidelity sequences. For a broad range of experimentally relevant applications, we find that they can be implemented with 3 to 4 SNAP gates, compared to up to 50 with previously known techniques.
Chimera states in small optomechanical arrays
Karl Pelka, Vittorio Peano, Andre Xuereb
Physical Review Research (2)
Synchronization of weakly-coupled non-linear oscillators is a ubiquitous phenomenon that has been observedacross the natural sciences. We study the dynamics of optomechanical arrays—networks of mechanically com-pliant structures that interact with the radiation pressure force—which are driven to self-oscillation. Thesesystems offer a convenient platform to study synchronization phenomena and have potential technological ap-plications. We demonstrate that this system supports the existence of long-lived chimera states, where parts ofthe array synchronize whilst others do not. Through a combined numerical and analytical analysis we show thatthese chimera states can only emerge in the presence of disorder.
Maxwell's lesser demon: A Quantum Engine Driven by Pointer Measurements
Stella Seah, Stefan Nimmrichter, Valerio Scarani
Physical Review Letters
We discuss a self-contained spin-boson model for a measurement-driven engine, in which a demongenerates work from random thermal excitations of a quantum spin via measurement and feedbackcontrol. Instead of granting it full direct access to the spin state and to Landauer’s erasure strokes foroptimal performance, we restrict this lesser demon’s action to pointer measurements, i.e. random orcontinuous interrogations of a damped mechanical oscillator that assumes macroscopically distinctpositions depending on the spin state. The engine could reach simultaneously high output powersand efficiencies and can operate in temperature regimes where quantum Otto engines would fail.
Quench dynamics in one-dimensional optomechanical arrays
Sadegh Raeisi, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Non-equilibrium dynamics induced by rapid changes of external parameters is relevant for a widerange of scenarios across many domains of physics. For waves in spatially periodic systems, quencheswill alter the bandstructure and generate new excitations. In the case of topological bandstructures,defect modes at boundaries can be generated or destroyed when quenching through a topologicalphase transition. Here, we demonstrate that optomechanical arrays are a promising platform forstudying such dynamics, as their bandstructure can be tuned temporally by a control laser. Westudy the creation of nonequilibrium optical and mechanical excitations in 1D arrays, including abosonic version of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. These ideas can be transferred to other systemssuch as driven nonlinear cavity arrays.
Nonreciprocal topological phononics in optomechanical arrays
Claudio Sanavio, Vittorio Peano, André Xuereb
Physical Review B
We propose a platform for robust and tunable nonreciprocal phonon transport based on arrays of optomechanical microtoroids. In our approach, time-reversal symmetry is broken by the interplay of photonic spin-orbit coupling, engineered using a state-of-the-art geometrical approach, and the optomechanical interaction. We demonstrate the topologically protected nature of this system by investigating its robustness to imperfections. This type of system could find application in phonon-based information storage and signal-processing devices.
Nonlinear dynamics of weakly dissipative optomechanical systems
Thales Figueiredo Roque, Florian Marquardt, Oleg M. Yevtushenko
New Journal of Physics (22)
Optomechanical systems attract a lot of attention because they provide a novel platform for quantum measurements, transduction, hybrid systems, and fundamental studies of quantum physics. Their classical nonlinear dynamics is surprisingly rich and so far remains underexplored. Works devoted to this subject have typically focussed on dissipation constants which are substantially larger than those encountered in current experiments, such that the nonlinear dynamics of weakly dissipative optomechanical systems is almost uncharted waters. In this work, we fill this gap and investigate the regular and chaotic dynamics in this important regime. To analyze the dynamical attractors, we have extended the "Generalized Alignment Index" method to dissipative systems. We show that, even when chaotic motion is absent, the dynamics in the weakly dissipative regime is extremely sensitive to initial conditions. We argue that reducing dissipation allows chaotic dynamics to appear at a substantially smaller driving strength and enables various routes to chaos. We identify three generic features in weakly dissipative classical optomechanical nonlinear dynamics: the Neimark-Sacker bifurcation between limit cycles and limit tori (leading to a comb of sidebands in the spectrum), the quasiperiodic route to chaos, and the existence of transient chaos.
Deterministic generation of hybrid high-N N00N states with Rydberg ions trapped in microwave cavities
Naeimeh Mohseni, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Shahpoor Saeidian, Jonathan P Dowling
Physical Review A
Trapped ions are among the most promising platforms for quantum technologies. They are atthe heart of the most precise clocks and sensors developed to date, which exploit the quantumcoherence of a single electronic or motional degree of freedom of an ion. However, future high-precision quantum metrology will require the use of entangled states of several degrees of freedom.Here we propose a protocol capable of generating high-N00N states where the entanglement is sharedbetween the motion of a trapped ion and an electromagnetic cavity mode, a so-called ‘hybrid’configuration. We prove the feasibility of the proposal in a platform consisting of a trapped ionexcited to its circular-Rydberg-state manifold, coupled to the modes of a high-Q microwave cavity.This compact hybrid architecture has the advantage that it can couple to signals of very differentnature, which modify either the ion’s motion or the cavity modes. Moreover, the exact same setupcan be used right after the state-preparation phase to implement the interferometer required forquantum metrology.
Field theory of monochromatic optical beams II. Classical and quantum paraxial fields
Andrea Aiello
Journal of Optics
This work is the second part of an investigation aiming at the study of optical wave equations from a field-theoretic point of view. Here, we study classical and quantum aspects of scalar fields satisfying the paraxial wave equation. First, we determine conservation laws for energy, linear and angular momentum of paraxial fields in a classical context. Then, we proceed with the quantization of the field. Finally, we compare our result with the traditional ones.
Field theory of monochromatic optical beams I. classical fields
Andrea Aiello
Journal of Optics
We study monochromatic, scalar solutions of the Helmholtz and paraxial wave equations from a field-theoretic point of view. We introduce appropriate time-independent Lagrangian densities for which the Euler-Lagrange equations reproduces either Helmholtz and paraxial wave equations with the $z$-coordinate, associated with the main direction of propagation of the fields, playing the same role of time in standard Lagrangian theory. For both Helmholtz and paraxial scalar fields, we calculate the canonical energy-momentum tensor and determine the continuity equations relating ``energy'' and ``momentum'' of the fields. Eventually, the reduction of the Helmholtz wave equation to a useful first-order Dirac form, is presented. This work sheds some light on the intriguing and not so acknowledged connections between angular spectrum representation of optical wavefields, cosmological models and physics of black holes.
Quantum state transfer via acoustic edge states in a 2D optomechanical array
Marc-Antoine Lemonde, Vittorio Peano, Peter Rabl, Dimitris G Angelakis
New Journal of Physics
We propose a novel hybrid platform where solid-state spin qubits are coupled to the acoustic modes ofa two-dimensional array of optomechanical(OM)nano cavities. Previous studies of coupled OMcavities have shown that in the presence of strong optical drivingfields, the interplay between thephoton-phonon interaction and their respective inter-cavity hopping allows the generation oftopological phases of sound and light. In particular, the mechanical modes can enter a Chern insulatorphase where the time-reversal symmetry is broken. In this context, we exploit the robust acoustic edgestates as a chiral phononic waveguide and describe a state transfer protocol between spin qubitslocated in distant cavities. We analyze the performance of this protocol as a function of the relevantsystem parameters and show that a high-fidelity and purely unidirectional quantum state transfer canbe implemented under experimentally realistic conditions. As a specific example, we discuss theimplementation of such topological quantum networks in diamond based OM crystals where pointdefects such as silicon-vacancy centers couple to the chiral acoustic channel via strain.
Collisional quantum thermometry
Stella Seah, Stefan Nimmrichter, Daniel Grimmer, Jader P. Santos, Valerio Scarini, Gabriel T. Landi
Physical Review Letters
We introduce a general framework for thermometry based on collisional models, where ancillas probe thetemperature of the environment through an intermediary system. This allows for the generation of correlatedancillas even if they are initially independent. Using tools from parameter estimation theory, we show through aminimal qubit model that individual ancillas can already outperform the thermal Cramer-Rao bound. In addition,when probed collectively, these ancillas may exhibit superlinear scalings of the Fisher information, especiallyfor weak system-ancilla interactions. Our approach sets forth the notion of metrology in a sequential interactionssetting, and may inspire further advances in quantum thermometry.
Almost thermal operations: inhomogeneous reservoirs
Angeline Shu, Yu Cai, Stella Seah, Stefan Nimmrichter, Valerio Scarini
Physical Review A
The resource theory of thermal operations explains the state transformations that are possible ina very specific thermodynamic setting: there is only one thermal bath, auxiliary systems can onlybe in the corresponding thermal state (free states), and the interaction must commute with the freeHamiltonian (free operation). In this paper we study the mildest deviation: the reservoir particlesare subject to inhomogeneities, either in the local temperature (introducing resource states) or inthe local Hamiltonian (generating a resource operation). For small inhomogeneities, the two modelsgenerate the same channel and thus the same state transformations. However, their thermodynamicsis significantly different when it comes to work generation or to the interpretation of the “secondlaws of thermal operations”.
Accelerated adiabatic quantum gates: optimizing speed versus robustness
Hugo Ribeiro, Aashish A. Clerk
Physical Review A
We develop new protocols for high-fidelity single qubit gates that exploit and extend theoretical ideas for accelerated adiabatic evolution. Our protocols are compatible with qubit architectures with highly isolated logical states, where traditional approaches are problematic; a prime example are superconducting fluxonium qubits. By using an accelerated adiabatic protocol we can enforce the desired adiabatic evolution while having gate times that are comparable to the inverse adiabatic energy gap (a scale that is ultimately set by the amount of power used in the control pulses). By modelling the effects of decoherence, we explore the tradeoff between speed and robustness that is inherent to shortcuts-to-adiabaticity approaches.
Macroscopicity of quantum mechanical superposition tests via hypothesis falsification
Björn Schrinski, Stefan Nimmrichter, Benjamin A. Stickler, Klaus Hornberger
Physical Review A
We establish an objective scheme to determine the macroscopicity of quantum mechanical super-position tests, which is based on the Bayesian hypothesis falsification of macrorealistic modificationsof quantum theory. The measure uses the raw data gathered in an experiment, taking into accountall measurement uncertainties, and can be used to directly assess any conceivable quantum test.We determine the resulting macroscopicity for three recent tests of quantum physics: double-wellinterference of Bose-Einstein condensates, Leggett-Garg tests with atomic random walks, and en-tanglement generation and read-out of nanomechanical oscillators.
Kommt der künstliche Physiker?
Thomas Fösel, Florian Marquardt, Talitha Weiß
Physik in unserer Zeit
2016 besiegte das Computerprogramm AlphaGo einen der weltbesten Go‐Spieler. Damit rückte eine technische Revolution ins Bewusstsein der breiten Öffentlichkeit: Selbstlernende künstliche neuronale Netze sind zunehmend in der Lage, Menschen bei bestimmten Aufgaben zu schlagen. Zahlreiche Anwendungen, von der Bilderkennung bis zur automatischen Übersetzung, revolutionieren momentan die Technik – und auch Physik und Astronomie bieten viele potenzielle Einsatzmöglichkeiten. In der Astronomie können neuronale Netze das automatische Klassifizieren von Galaxien übernehmen. In der Statistischen Physik sind Magnetisierungsmuster von ferro‐ oder paramagnetischen Zuständen ein Beispiel. Ein anderes Beispiel ist die Suche nach Quantenfehler‐Korrekturstrategien in zukünftigen Quantencomputern. Unsere Forschung konnte zeigen, dass künstliche neuronale Netze mittels Reinforcement Learning hier bereits eigenständig neue Korrekturstrategien entwickeln können.
Perturbation theory of optical resonances of deformed dielectric spheres
Andrea Aiello, Jack G. E. Harris, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
We analyze the optical resonances of a dielectric sphere whose surface has been slightly deformed in an arbitrary way. Setting up a perturbation series up to second order, we derive both the frequency shifts and modified linewidths. Our theory is applicable, for example, to freely levitated liquid drops or solid spheres, which are deformed by thermal surface vibrations, centrifugal forces or arbitrary surface waves. A dielectric sphere is effectively an open system whose description requires the introduction of non-Hermitian operators characterized by complex eigenvalues and not normalizable eigenfunctions. We avoid these difficulties using the Kapur-Peierls formalism which enables us to extend the popular Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory to the case of electromagnetic Debye's potentials describing the light fields inside and outside the near-spherical dielectric object. We find analytical formulas, valid within certain limits, for the deformation-induced first- and second-order corrections to the central frequency and bandwidth of a resonance. As an application of our method, we compare our results with preexisting ones finding full agreement.
Non-exponential decay of a giant artificial atom
Gustav Andersson, Baladitya Suri, Lingzhen Guo, Thomas Aref, Per Delsing
In quantum optics, light–matter interaction has conventionally been studied using small atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields with wavelength several orders of magnitude larger than the atomic dimensions1,2. In contrast, here we experimentally demonstrate the vastly different ‘giant atom’ regime, where an artificial atom interacts with acoustic fields with wavelength several orders of magnitude smaller than the atomic dimensions. This is achieved by coupling a superconducting qubit3 to surface acoustic waves at two points with separation on the order of 100 wavelengths. This approach is comparable to controlling the radiation of an atom by attaching it to an antenna. The slow velocity of sound leads to a significant internal time-delay for the field to propagate across the giant atom, giving rise to non-Markovian dynamics4. We demonstrate the non-Markovian character of the giant atom in the frequency spectrum as well as non-exponential relaxation in the time domain.
Dynamically Generated Synthetic Electric Fields for Photons
Petr Zapletal, Stefan Walter, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Static synthetic magnetic fields give rise to phenomena including the Lorentz force and the quantum Hall effect even for neutral particles, and they have by now been implemented in a variety of physical systems. Moving towards fully dynamical synthetic gauge fields allows, in addition, for backaction of the particles' motion onto the field. If this results in a time-dependent vector potential, conventional electromagnetism predicts the generation of an electric field. Here, we show how synthetic electric fields for photons arise self-consistently due to the nonlinear dynamics in a driven system. Our analysis is based on optomechanical arrays, where dynamical gauge fields arise naturally from phonon-assisted photon tunneling. We study open, one-dimensional arrays, where synthetic magnetic fields are absent. However, we show that synthetic electric fields can be generated dynamically, which, importantly, suppress photon transport in the array. The generation of these fields depends on the direction of photon propagation, leading to a novel mechanism for a photon diode, inducing nonlinear nonreciprocal transport via dynamical synthetic gauge fields.
Resonance inversion in a superconducting cavity coupled to artificial atoms and a microwave background
Juha Leppäkangas, Jan David Brehm, Ping Yang, Lingzhen Guo, Michael Marthaler, Alexey V. Ustinov, Martin Weides
Physical Review A
We demonstrate how heating of an environment can invert the line shape of a driven cavity. We consider a superconducting coplanar cavity coupled to multiple artificial atoms. The measured cavity transmission is characterized by Fano-type resonances with a shape that is continuously tunable by bias current through nearby (magnetic flux) control lines. In particular, the same dispersive shift of the microwave cavity can be observed as a peak or a dip. We find that this Fano-peak inversion is possible due to a tunable interference between a microwave transmission through a background, with reactive and dissipative properties, and through the cavity, affected by bias-current induced heating. The background transmission occurs due to crosstalk with the multiple control lines. We show how such background can be accounted for by a Jaynes- or Tavis-Cummings model with modified boundary conditions between the cavity and transmission-line microwave fields. A dip emerges when cavity transmission is comparable with background transmission and dissipation. We find generally that resonance positions determine system energy levels, whereas resonance shapes give information on system fluctuations and dissipation.
Initialisation of single spin dressed states using shortcuts to adiabaticity
Johannes Kölbl, Arne Barfuss, Mark Kasperczyk, Lucas Thiel, Aashish Clerk, Hugo Ribeiro, Patrick Maletinsky
Physical Review Letters
We demonstrate the use of shortcuts to adiabaticity protocols for initialisation, readout, and coherent control of dressed states generated by closed-contour, coherent driving of a single spin. Such dressed states have recently been shown to exhibit efficient coherence protection, beyond what their two-level counterparts can offer. Our state transfer protocols yield a transfer fidelity of ~ 99.4(2) % while accelerating the transfer speed by a factor of 2.6 compared to the adiabatic approach. We show bi-directionality of the accelerated state transfer, which we employ for direct dressed state population readout after coherent manipulation in the dressed state manifold. Our results enable direct and efficient access to coherence-protected dressed states of individual spins and thereby offer attractive avenues for applications in quantum information processing or quantum sensing.
Classically Entangled Light
Andrew Forbes, Andrea Aiello, Bienvenu Ndagano
Progress in Optics
Book Chapter
The concept of entanglement is so synonymous with quantum mechanics that the prefix “quantum” is often deemed unnecessary; there is after all only quantum entanglement. But the hallmark of entangled quantum states is nonseparability, a property that is not unique to the quantum world. On the contrary, nonseparability appears in many physical systems, and pertinently, in classical vector states of light: classical entanglement? Here we outline the concept of classical entanglement, highlight where it may be found, how to control and exploit it, and discuss the similarities and differences between quantum and classical entangled systems. Intriguingly, we show that quantum tools may be applied to classical systems, and likewise that classical light may be used in quantum processes. While we mostly use vectorial structured light throughout the text as our example of choice, we make it clear that the concepts outlined here may be extended beyond this with little effort, which we showcase with a few selected case studies.
Cavity optomagnonics with magnetic textures: coupling a magnetic vortex to light
Jasmin Graf, Hannes Pfeifer, Florian Marquardt, Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy
Physical Review B
Optomagnonic systems, where light couples coherently to collective excitations in magnetically ordered solids, are currently of high interest due to their potential for quantum information processing platforms at the nanoscale. Efforts so far, both at the experimental and theoretical level, have focused on systems with a homogeneous magnetic background. A unique feature in optomagnonics is however the possibility of coupling light to spin excitations on top of magnetic textures. We propose a cavity-optomagnonic system with a non homogeneous magnetic ground state, namely a vortex in a magnetic microdisk. In particular we study the coupling between optical whispering gallery modes to magnon modes localized at the vortex. We show that the optomagnonic coupling has a rich spatial structure and that it can be tuned by an externally applied magnetic field. Our results predict cooperativities at maximum photon density of the order of C≈10−2 by proper engineering of these structures.
suggested by editors
Reinforcement Learning with Neural Networks for Quantum Feedback
Thomas Fösel, Petru Tighineanu, Talitha Weiss, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review X
Artificial neural networks are revolutionizing science. While the most prevalent technique involves supervised training on queries with a known correct answer, more advanced challenges often require discovering answers autonomously. In reinforcement learning, control strategies are improved according to a reward function. The power of this approach has been highlighted by spectactular recent successes, such as playing Go. So far, it has remained an open question whether neural-network-based reinforcement learning can be successfully applied in physics. Here, we show how to use this method for finding quantum feedback schemes, where a network-based "agent" interacts with and occasionally decides to measure a quantum system. We illustrate the utility by finding gate sequences that preserve the quantum information stored in a small collection of qubits against noise. This specific application will help to find hardware-adapted feedback schemes for small quantum modules while demonstrating more generally the promise of neural-network based reinforcement learning in physics.
Quantum nondemolition measurement of mechanical motion quanta
Luca Dellantonio, Oleksandr Kyriienko, Florian Marquardt, Anders S. Sørensen
Nature Communications
The fields of optomechanics and electromechanics have facilitated numerous advances in the areas of precision measurement and sensing, ultimately driving the studies of mechanical systems into the quantum regime. To date, however, the quantization of the mechanical motion and the associated quantum jumps between phonon states remains elusive. For optomechanical systems, the coupling to the environment was shown to make the detection of the mechanical mode occupation difficult, typically requiring the single-photon strong-coupling regime. Here, we propose and analyse an electromechanical setup, which allows us to overcome this limitation and resolve the energy levels of a mechanical oscillator. We found that the heating of the membrane, caused by the interaction with the environment and unwanted couplings, can be suppressed for carefully designed electromechanical systems. The results suggest that phonon number measurement is within reach for modern electromechanical setups.
Phonon Decoherence of Quantum Dots in Photonic Structures: Broadening of the Zero-Phonon Line and the Role of Dimensionality
Petru Tighineanu, C. L. Dreeßen, C. Flindt, P. Lodahl, A. S. Sorensen
Physical Review Letters
We develop a general microscopic theory describing the phonon decoherence of quantum dots and indistinguishability of the emitted photons in photonic structures. The coherence is found to depend fundamentally on the dimensionality of the structure resulting in vastly different performance for quantum dots embedded in a nanocavity (0D), waveguide (1D), slab (2D), or bulk medium (3D). In bulk, we find a striking temperature dependence of the dephasing rate scaling as T11 implying that phonons are effectively “frozen out” for T≲4 K. The phonon density of states is strongly modified in 1D and 2D structures leading to a linear temperature scaling for the dephasing strength. The resulting impact on the photon indistinguishability can be important even at sub-Kelvin temperatures. Our findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental limits to photon indistinguishability in photonic structures.
Light polarization measurements in tests of macrorealism
Eugenio Roldan, Johannes Kofler, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
Physical Review A
According to the world view of macrorealism, the properties of a given system exist prior to and independent of measurement, which is incompatible with quantum mechanics. Leggett and Garg put forward a practical criterion capable of identifying violations of macrorealism, and so far experiments performed on microscopic and mesoscopic systems have always agreed with quantum mechanics. However, a macrorealist can always assign the cause of such violations to the perturbation that measurements effect on such small systems, and hence a definitive test would require using noninvasive measurements, preferably on macroscopic objects, where such measurements seem more plausible. However, the generation of truly macroscopic quantum superposition states capable of violating macrorealism remains a big challenge. In this work we propose a setup that makes use of measurements on the polarization of light, a property that has been extensively manipulated both in classical and quantum contexts, hence establishing the perfect link between the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. In particular, we use Leggett-Garg inequalities and the criterion of no signaling in time to study the macrorealistic character of light polarization for different kinds of measurements, in particular with different degrees of coarse graining. Our proposal is noninvasive for coherent input states by construction. We show for states with well-defined photon number in two orthogonal polarization modes, that there always exists a way of making the measurement sufficiently coarse grained so that a violation of macrorealism becomes arbitrarily small, while sufficiently sharp measurements can always lead to a significant violation.
Quantum theory of continuum optomechanics
Peter Rakich, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We present the basic ingredients of continuum optomechanics, i.e. the suitable extension of cavity-optomechanical concepts to the interaction of photons and phonons in an extended waveguide. We introduce a real-space picture and argue which coupling terms may arise in leading order in the spatial derivatives. This picture allows us to discuss quantum noise, dissipation, and the correct boundary conditions at the waveguide entrance. The connections both to optomechanical arrays as well as to the theory of Brillouin scattering in waveguides are highlighted. Among other examples, we analyze the 'strong coupling regime' of continuum optomechanics that may be accessible in future experiments.
Active locking and entanglement in type II optical parametric oscillators
Joaquín Ruiz-Rivas, Germán J. de Valcarcel, Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch
New Journal of Physics
Type II optical parametric oscillators are amongst the highest-quality sources of quantum-correlated light. In particular, when pumped above threshold, such devices generate a pair of bright orthogonally-polarized beams with strong continuous-variable entanglement. However, these sources are of limited practical use, because the entangled beams emerge with different frequencies and a diffusing phase difference. It has been proven that the use of an internal wave-plate coupling the modes with orthogonal polarization is capable of locking the frequencies of the emerging beams to half the pump frequency, as well as reducing the phase-difference diffusion, at the expense of reducing the entanglement levels. In this work we characterize theoretically an alternative locking mechanism: the injection of a laser at half the pump frequency. Apart from being less invasive, this method should allow for an easier real-time experimental control. We show that such an injection is capable of generating the desired phase locking between the emerging beams, while still allowing for large levels of entanglement. Moreover, we find an additional region of the parameter space (at relatively large injections) where a mode with well defined polarization is in a highly amplitude-squeezed state.
Snowflake phononic topological insulator at the nanoscale
Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Oskar Painter, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications)
We show how the snowflake phononic crystal structure, which recently has been realized experimentally, can be turned into a topological insulator for mechanical waves. This idea, based purely on simple geometrical modifications, could be readily implemented on the nanoscale.
suggested by editors
Scalable Ion Trap Architecture for Universal Quantum Computation by Collisions
We propose a scalable ion trap architecture for universal quantum computation, which is composed of an array of ion traps with one ion confined in each trap. The neighboring traps are designed capable of merging into one single trap. The universal two-qubit SWAP−−−−−−√ gate is realized by direct collision of two neighboring ions in the merged trap, which induces an effective spin-spin interaction between two ions. We find that the collision-induced spin-spin interaction decreases with the third power of two ions' trapping distance. Even with a 200 μm trapping distance between atomic ions in Paul traps, it is still possible to realize a two-qubit gate operation with speed in 0.1 kHz regime. The speed can be further increased up into 0.1 MHz regime using electrons with 10 mm trapping distance in Penning traps.
Cavity optomechanics in a levitated helium drop
L. Childress, M. P. Schmidt, A. D. Kashkanova, C. D. Brown, G. I. Harris, Andrea Aiello, Florian Marquardt, J. G. E. Harris
Physical Review A
We describe a proposal for a type of optomechanical system based on a drop of liquid helium that ismagnetically levitated in vacuum. In the proposed device, the drop would serve three roles: its optical whispering-gallery modes would provide the optical cavity, its surface vibrations would constitute the mechanical element, and evaporation of He atoms from its surface would provide continuous refrigeration. We analyze the feasibility of such a system in light of previous experimental demonstrations of its essential components: magnetic levitation of mm-scale and cm-scale drops of liquid He, evaporative cooling of He droplets in vacuum, and coupling to high-quality optical whispering-gallery modes in a wide range of liquids. We find that the combination of these features could result in a device that approaches the single-photon strong-coupling regime, due to the high optical quality factors attainable at low temperatures. Moreover, the system offers a unique opportunity to use optical techniques to study the motion of a superfluid that is freely levitating in vacuum (in the case of He-4). Alternatively, for a normal fluid drop of He-3, we propose to exploit the coupling between the drop's rotations and vibrations to perform quantum nondemolition measurements of angular momentum.
L lines, C points and Chern numbers: understanding band structure topology using polarization fields
Thomas Fösel, Vittorio Peano, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
Topology has appeared in different physical contexts. The most prominent application is topologically protected edge transport in condensed matter physics. The Chern number, the topological invariant of gapped Bloch Hamiltonians, is an important quantity in this field. Another example of topology, in polarization physics, are polarization singularities, called L lines and C points. By establishing a connection between these two theories, we develop a novel technique to visualize and potentially measure the Chern number: it can be expressed either as the winding of the polarization azimuth along L lines in reciprocal space, or in terms of the handedness and the index of the C points. For mechanical systems, this is directly connected to the visible motion patterns.
General Linearized Theory of Quantum Fluctuations around Arbitrary Limit Cycles
Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Talitha Weiss, Stefan Walter, Germán J. de Valcarcel
Physical Review Letters
The theory of Gaussian quantum fluctuations around classical steady states in nonlinear quantum-optical systems (also known as standard linearization) is a cornerstone for the analysis of such systems. Its simplicity, together with its accuracy far from critical points or situations where the nonlinearity reaches the strong coupling regime, has turned it into a widespread technique, being the first method of choice in most works on the subject. However, such a technique finds strong practical and conceptual complications when one tries to apply it to situations in which the classical long-time solution is time dependent, a most prominent example being spontaneous limit-cycle formation. Here, we introduce a linearization scheme adapted to such situations, using the driven Van der Pol oscillator as a test bed for the method, which allows us to compare it with full numerical simulations. On a conceptual level, the scheme relies on the connection between the emergence of limit cycles and the spontaneous breaking of the symmetry under temporal translations. On the practical side, the method keeps the simplicity and linear scaling with the size of the problem (number of modes) characteristic of standard linearization, making it applicable to large (many-body) systems.
Unraveling beam self-healing
Andrea Aiello, Girish S. Agarwal, Martin Paur, Bohumil Stoklasa, Zdenek Hradil, Jaroslav Rehacek, Pablo de la Hoz, Gerd Leuchs, Luis L. Sanchez-Soto
Optics Express
We show that, contrary to popular belief, diffraction-free beams not only may reconstruct themselves after hitting an opaque obstacle but also, for example, Gaussian beams. We unravel the mathematics and the physics underlying the self-reconstruction mechanism and we provide for a novel definition for the minimum reconstruction distance beyond geometric optics, which is in principle applicable to any optical beam that admits an angular spectrum representation. Moreover, we propose to quantify the self-reconstruction ability of a beam via a newly established degree of self-healing. This is defined via a comparison between the amplitudes, as opposite to intensities, of the original beam and the obstructed one. Such comparison is experimentally accomplished by tailoring an innovative experimental technique based upon Shack-Hartmann wave front reconstruction. We believe that these results can open new avenues in this field. (C) 2017 Optical Society of America
From Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling to explosive desynchronization in arrays of limit-cycle oscillators
Roland Lauter, Aditi Mitra, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review E
Phase oscillator lattices subject to noise are one of the most fundamental systems in nonequilibrium physics. We have discovered a dynamical transition which has a significant impact on the synchronization dynamics in such lattices, as it leads to an explosive increase of the phase diffusion rate by orders of magnitude. Our analysis is based on the widely applicable Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model, with local couplings between oscillators. For one-dimensional lattices, we observe the universal evolution of the phase spread that is suggested by a connection to the theory of surface growth, as described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model. Moreover, we are able to explain the dynamical transition both in one and two dimensions by connecting it to an apparent finite-time singularity in a related KPZ lattice model. Our findings have direct consequences for the frequency stability of coupled oscillator lattices.Phase oscillator lattices subject to noise are one of the most fundamental systems in nonequilibrium physics. We have discovered a dynamical transition which has a significant impact on the synchronization dynamics in such lattices, as it leads to an explosive increase of the phase diffusion rate by orders of magnitude. Our analysis is based on the widely applicable Kuramoto-Sakaguchi model, with local couplings between oscillators. For one-dimensional lattices, we observe the universal evolution of the phase spread that is suggested by a connection to the theory of surface growth, as described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model. Moreover, we are able to explain the dynamical transition both in one and two dimensions by connecting it to an apparent finite-time singularity in a related KPZ lattice model. Our findings have direct consequences for the frequency stability of coupled oscillator lattices.
Synchronization of an optomechanical system to an external drive
Ehud Amitai, Niels Loerch, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Stefan Walter, Christoph Bruder
Physical Review A
Optomechanical systems driven by an effective blue-detuned laser can exhibit self-sustained oscillations of the mechanical oscillator. These self-oscillations are a prerequisite for the observation of synchronization. Here, we study the synchronization of the mechanical oscillations to an external reference drive. We study two cases of reference drives: (1) an additional laser applied to the optical cavity; (2) a mechanical drive applied directly to the mechanical oscillator. Starting from a master equation description, we derive a microscopic Adler equation for both cases, valid in the classical regime in which the quantum shot noise of the mechanical self-oscillator does not play a role. Furthermore, we numerically show that, in both cases, synchronization arises also in the quantum regime. The optomechanical system is therefore a good candidate for the study of quantum synchronization.
Quantum-coherent phase oscillations in synchronization
Talitha Weiss, Stefan Walter, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Recently, several studies have investigated synchronization in quantum-mechanical limit-cycle oscillators. However, the quantum nature of these systems remained partially hidden, since the dynamics of the oscillator's phase was overdamped and therefore incoherent. We show that there exist regimes of underdamped and even quantum-coherent phase motion, opening up new possibilities to study quantum synchronization dynamics. To this end, we investigate the Van der Pol oscillator (a paradigm for a self-oscillating system) synchronized to an external drive. We derive an effective quantum model which fully describes the regime of underdamped phase motion and additionally allows us to identify the quality of quantum coherence. Finally, we identify quantum limit cycles of the phase itself.
Many-Particle Dephasing after a Quench
Thomas Kiendl, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
After a quench in a quantum many-body system, expectation values tend to relax towards long-time averages. However, temporal fluctuations remain in the long-time limit, and it is crucial to study the suppression of these fluctuations with increasing system size. The particularly important case of nonintegrable models has been addressed so far only by numerics and conjectures based on analytical bounds. In this work, we are able to derive analytical predictions for the temporal fluctuations in a nonintegrable model (the transverse Ising chain with extra terms). Our results are based on identifying a dynamical regime of "many-particle dephasing,"where quasiparticles do not yet relax but fluctuations are nonetheless suppressed exponentially by weak integrability breaking.
Pseudomagnetic fields for sound at the nanoscale
Christian Brendel, Vittorio Peano, Oskar J. Painter, Florian Marquardt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
There is a growing effort in creating chiral transport of sound waves. However, most approaches so far have been confined to the macroscopic scale. Here, we propose an approach suitable to the nanoscale that is based on pseudomagnetic fields. These pseudomagnetic fields for sound waves are the analogue of what electrons experience in strained graphene. In our proposal, they are created by simple geometrical modifications of an existing and experimentally proven phononic crystal design, the snowflake crystal. This platform is robust, scalable, and well-suited for a variety of excitation and readout mechanisms, among them optomechanical approaches.
Generalized non-reciprocity in an optomechanical circuit via synthetic magnetism and reservoir engineering
Kejie Fang, Jie Luo, Anja Metelmann, Matthew H. Matheny, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk, Oskar Painter
Synthetic magnetism has been used to control charge neutral excitations for applications ranging from classical beam steering to quantum simulation. In optomechanics, radiation-pressure-induced parametric coupling between optical (photon) and mechanical (phonon) excitations may be used to break time-reversal symmetry, providing the prerequisite for synthetic magnetism. Here we design and fabricate a silicon optomechanical circuit with both optical and mechanical connectivity between two optomechanical cavities. Driving the two cavities with phase-correlated laser light results in a synthetic magnetic flux, which, in combination with dissipative coupling to the mechanical bath, leads to non-reciprocal transport of photons with 35 dB of isolation. Additionally, optical pumping with blue-detuned light manifests as a particle non-conserving interaction between photons and phonons, resulting in directional optical amplification of 12 dB in the isolator through-direction. These results suggest the possibility of using optomechanical circuits to create a more general class of non-reciprocal optical devices, and further, to enable new topological phases for both light and sound on a microchip.
Anderson localization of composite excitations in disordered optomechanical arrays
Thales Figueiredo Roque, Vittorio Peano, Oleg M. Yevtushenko, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
Optomechanical (OMA) arrays are a promising future platform for studies of transport, many-body dynamics, quantum control and topological effects in systems of coupled photon and phonon modes. We introduce disordered OMA arrays, focusing on features of Anderson localization of hybrid photon-phonon excitations. It turns out that these represent a unique disordered system, where basic parameters can be easily controlled by varying the frequency and the amplitude of an external laser field. We show that the two-species setting leads to a non-trivial frequency dependence of the localization length for intermediate laser intensities. This could serve as a convincing evidence of localization in a non-equilibrium dissipative situation.
Noncritical generation of nonclassical frequency combs via spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking
Carlos Navarrete-Benlloch, Giuseppe Patera, Germán J. de Valcarcel
Physical Review A
Synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators (SPOPOs) are optical cavities driven by mode-locked lasers, and containing a nonlinear crystal capable of down-converting a frequency comb to lower frequencies. SPOPOs have received a lot of attention lately because their intrinsic multimode nature makes them compact sources of quantum correlated light with promising applications in modern quantum information technologies. In this work we show that SPOPOs are also capable of accessing the challenging and interesting regime where spontaneous symmetry breaking confers strong nonclassical properties to the emitted light, which has eluded experimental observation so far. Apart from opening the possibility of studying experimentally this elusive regime of dissipative phase transitions, our predictions will have a practical impact, since we show that spontaneous symmetry breaking provides a specific spatiotemporal mode with large quadrature squeezing for any value of the system parameters, turning SPOPOs into robust sources of highly nonclassical light above threshold.
Linear and angular momenta in tightly focused vortex segmented beams of light
Martin Neugebauer, Andrea Aiello, Peter Banzer
Chinese Optics Letters
We investigate the linear momentum density of light, which can be decomposed into spin and orbital parts, in the complex three-dimensional field distributions of tightly focused vortex segmented beams. The chosen angular spectrum exhibits two spatially separated vortices of opposite charge and orthogonal circular polarization to generate phase vortices in a meridional plane of observation. In the vicinity of those vortices, regions of negative orbital linear momentum occur. Besides these phase vortices, the occurrence of transverse orbital angular momentum manifests in a vortex charge-dependent relative shift of the energy density and linear momentum density.
Classical dynamical gauge fields in optomechanics
Stefan Walter, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
Artificial gauge fields for neutral particles such as photons, recently attracted a lot of attention in various fields ranging from photonic crystals to ultracold atoms in optical lattices to optomechanical arrays. Here we point out that, among all implementations of gauge fields, the optomechanical setting allows for the most natural extension where the gauge field becomes dynamical. The mechanical oscillation phases determine the effective artificial magnetic field for the photons, and once these phases are allowed to evolve, they respond to the flow of photons in the structure. We discuss a simple three-site model where we identify four different regimes of the gauge-field dynamics. Furthermore, we extend the discussion to a two-dimensional lattice. Our proposed scheme could for instance be implemented using optomechanical crystals.
Topological Quantum Fluctuations and Traveling Wave Amplifiers
Vittorio Peano, Martin Houde, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk
Physical Review X
It is now well established that photonic systems can exhibit topological energy bands. Similar to their electronic counterparts, this leads to the formation of chiral edge modes which can be used to transmit light in a manner that is protected against backscattering. While it is understood how classical signals can propagate under these conditions, it is an outstanding important question how the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field get modified in the presence of a topological band structure. We address this challenge by exploring a setting where a nonzero topological invariant guarantees the presence of a parametrically unstable chiral edge mode in a system with boundaries, even though there are no bulk-mode instabilities. We show that one can exploit this to realize a topologically protected, quantum-limited traveling wave parametric amplifier. The device is naturally protected against both internal losses and backscattering; the latter feature is in stark contrast to standard traveling wave amplifiers. This adds a new example to the list of potential quantum devices that profit from topological transport.
Coupled spin-light dynamics in cavity optomagnonics
Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy, Hong X. Tang, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Experiments during the past 2 years have shown strong resonant photon-magnon coupling in microwave cavities, while coupling in the optical regime was demonstrated very recently for the first time. Unlike with microwaves, the coupling in optical cavities is parametric, akin to optomechanical systems. This line of research promises to evolve into a new field of optomagnonics, aimed at the coherent manipulation of elementary magnetic excitations in solid-state systems by optical means. In this work we derive the microscopic optomagnonic Hamiltonian. In the linear regime the system reduces to the well-known optomechanical case, with remarkably large coupling. Going beyond that, we study the optically induced nonlinear classical dynamics of a macrospin. In the fast-cavity regime we obtain an effective equation of motion for the spin and show that the light field induces a dissipative term reminiscent of Gilbert damping. The induced dissipation coefficient, however, can change sign on the Bloch sphere, giving rise to self-sustained oscillations. When the full dynamics of the system is considered, the system can enter a chaotic regime by successive period doubling of the oscillations.
Noise-induced transitions in optomechanical synchronization
Talitha Weiss, Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We study how quantum and thermal noise affects synchronization of two optomechanical limit-cycle oscillators. Classically, in the absence of noise, optomechanical systems tend to synchronize either in-phase or anti-phase. Taking into account the fundamental quantum noise, we find a regime where fluctuations drive transitions between these classical synchronization states. We investigate how this 'mixed' synchronization regime emerges from the noiseless system by studying the classical-to-quantum crossover and we show how the time scales of the transitions vary with the effective noise strength. In addition, we compare the effects of thermal noise to the effects of quantum noise.
Topological phase transitions and chiral inelastic transport induced by
the squeezing of light
Vittorio Peano, Martin Houde, Christian Brendel, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk
Nature Communications
There is enormous interest in engineering topological photonic systems. Despite intense activity, most works on topological photonic states (and more generally bosonic states) amount in the end to replicating a well-known fermionic single-particle Hamiltonian. Here we show how the squeezing of light can lead to the formation of qualitatively new kinds of topological states. Such states are characterized by non-trivial Chern numbers, and exhibit protected edge modes, which give rise to chiral elastic and inelastic photon transport. These topological bosonic states are not equivalent to their fermionic (topological superconductor) counterparts and, in addition, cannot be mapped by a local transformation onto topological states found in particle-conserving models. They thus represent a new type of topological system. We study this physics in detail in the case of a kagome lattice model, and discuss possible realizations using nonlinear photonic crystals or superconducting circuits.
Entanglement rate for Gaussian continuous variable beams
Zhi Jiao Deng, Steven J. M. Habraken, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We derive a general expression that quantifies the total entanglement production rate in continuous variable systems, where a source emits two entangled Gaussian beams with arbitrary correlators. This expression is especially useful for situations where the source emits an arbitrary frequency spectrum, e.g. when cavities are involved. To exemplify its meaning and potential, we apply it to a four-mode optomechanical setup that enables the simultaneous up- and down-conversion of photons from a drive laser into entangled photon pairs. This setup is efficient in that both the drive and the optomechanical up- and down-conversion can be fully resonant.
Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of a Quantum Squeezed State Beyond the
3 dB Limit
C. U. Lei, A. J. Weinstein, J. Suh, E. E. Wollman, A. Kronwald, F. Marquardt, A. A. Clerk, K. C. Schwab
Physical Review Letters
We use a reservoir engineering technique based on two-tone driving to generate and stabilize a quantum squeezed state of a micron-scale mechanical oscillator in a microwave optomechanical system. Using an independent backaction-evading measurement to directly quantify the squeezing, we observe 4.7±0.9 dB of squeezing below the zero-point level surpassing the 3 dB limit of standard parametric squeezing techniques. Our measurements also reveal evidence for an additional mechanical parametric effect. The interplay between this effect and the optomechanical interaction enhances the amount of squeezing obtained in the experiment.
Magnon dark modes and gradient memory
Xufeng Zhang, Chang-Ling Zou, Na Zhu, Florian Marquardt, Liang Jiang, Hong X. Tang
Nature Communications
Extensive efforts have been expended in developing hybrid quantum systems to overcome the short coherence time of superconducting circuits by introducing the naturally long-lived spin degree of freedom. Among all the possible materials, single-crystal yttrium iron garnet has shown up recently as a promising candidate for hybrid systems, and various highly coherent interactions, including strong and even ultrastrong coupling, have been demonstrated. One distinct advantage in these systems is that spins form well-defined magnon modes, which allows flexible and precise tuning. Here we demonstrate that by dissipation engineering, a non-Markovian interaction dynamics between the magnon and the microwave cavity photon can be achieved. Such a process enables us to build a magnon gradient memory to store information in the magnon dark modes, which decouple from the microwave cavity and thus preserve a long lifetime. Our findings provide a promising approach for developing long-lifetime, multimode quantum memories.
Topological Phases of Sound and Light
V. Peano, C. Brendel, M. Schmidt, F. Marquardt
Physical Review X
Topological states of matter are particularly robust, since they exploit global features of a material's band structure. Topological states have already been observed for electrons, atoms, and photons. It is an outstanding challenge to create a Chern insulator of sound waves in the solid state. In this work, we propose an implementation based on cavity optomechanics in a photonic crystal. The topological properties of the sound waves can be wholly tuned in situ by adjusting the amplitude and frequency of a driving laser that controls the optomechanical interaction between light and sound. The resulting chiral, topologically protected phonon transport can be probed completely optically. Moreover, we identify a regime of strong mixing between photon and phonon excitations, which gives rise to a large set of different topological phases and offers an example of a Chern insulator produced from the interaction between two physically distinct particle species, photons and phonons.
Position-Squared Coupling in a Tunable Photonic Crystal Optomechanical
Taofiq K. Paraiso, Mahmoud Kalaee, Leyun Zang, Hannes Pfeifer, Florian Marquardt, Oskar Painter
Physical Review X
We present the design, fabrication, and characterization of a planar silicon photonic crystal cavity in which large position-squared optomechanical coupling is realized. The device consists of a double-slotted photonic crystal structure in which motion of a central beam mode couples to two high-Q optical modes localized around each slot. Electrostatic tuning of the structure is used to controllably hybridize the optical modes into supermodes that couple in a quadratic fashion to the motion of the beam. From independent measurements of the anticrossing of the optical modes and of the dynamic optical spring effect, a position-squared vacuum coupling rate as large as (g) over tilde'/2 pi = 245 Hz is inferred between the optical supermodes and the fundamental in-plane mechanical resonance of the structure at omega(m)/2 pi = 8.7 MHz, which in displacement units corresponds to a coupling coefficient of g'/2 pi = 1 THz/nm(2). For larger supermode splittings, selective excitation of the individual optical supermodes is used to demonstrate optical trapping of the mechanical resonator with measured (g) over tilde'/2 pi = 46 Hz.
Intracavity Squeezing Can Enhance Quantum-Limited Optomechanical
Position Detection through Deamplification
V. Peano, H. G. L. Schwefel, Ch. Marquardt, F. Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
It has been predicted and experimentally demonstrated that by injecting squeezed light into an optomechanical device, it is possible to enhance the precision of a position measurement. Here, we present a fundamentally different approach where the squeezing is created directly inside the cavity by a nonlinear medium. Counterintuitively, the enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio works by deamplifying precisely the quadrature that is sensitive to the mechanical motion without losing quantum information. This enhancement works for systems with a weak optomechanical coupling and/or strong mechanical damping. This can allow for larger mechanical bandwidth of quantum-limited detectors based on optomechanical devices. Our approach can be straightforwardly extended to quantum nondemolition qubit detection.
Pattern phase diagram for two-dimensional arrays of coupled limit-cycle
Roland Lauter, Christian Brendel, Steven J. M. Habraken, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review E
Arrays of coupled limit-cycle oscillators represent a paradigmatic example for studying synchronization and pattern formation. We find that the full dynamical equations for the phase dynamics of a limit-cycle oscillator array go beyond previously studied Kuramoto-type equations. We analyze the evolution of the phase field in a two-dimensional array and obtain a "phase diagram" for the resulting stationary and nonstationary patterns. Our results are of direct relevance in the context of currently emerging experiments on nano-and optomechanical oscillator arrays, as well as for any array of coupled limit-cycle oscillators that have undergone a Hopf bifurcation. The possible observation in optomechanical arrays is discussed briefly.
Quantum squeezing of motion in a mechanical resonator
E. E. Wollman, C. U. Lei, A. J. Weinstein, J. Suh, A. Kronwald, F. Marquardt, A. A. Clerk, K. C. Schwab
According to quantum mechanics, a harmonic oscillator can never be completely at rest. Even in the ground state, its position will always have fluctuations, called the zero-point motion. Although the zero-point fluctuations are unavoidable, they can be manipulated. Using microwave frequency radiation pressure, we have manipulated the thermal fluctuations of a micrometer-scale mechanical resonator to produce a stationary quadrature-squeezed state with a minimum variance of 0.80 times that of the ground state. We also performed phase-sensitive, back-action evading measurements of a thermal state squeezed to 1.09 times the zero-point level. Our results are relevant to the quantum engineering of states of matter at large length scales, the study of decoherence of large quantum systems, and for the realization of ultrasensitive sensing of force and motion.
Optomechanical Dirac physics
M. Schmidt, V. Peano, F. Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
Recent progress in optomechanical systems may soon allow the realization of optomechanical arrays, i.e. periodic arrangements of interacting optical and vibrational modes. We show that photons and phonons on a honeycomb lattice will produce an optically tunable Dirac-type band structure. Transport in such a system can exhibit transmission through an optically created barrier, similar to Klein tunneling, but with interconversion between light and sound. In addition, edge states at the sample boundaries are dispersive and enable controlled propagation of photon-phonon polaritons.
Nonlinear Radiation Pressure Dynamics in an Optomechanical Crystal
Alex G. Krause, Jeff T. Hill, Max Ludwig, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Jasper Chan, Florian Marquardt, Oskar Painter
Physical Review Letters
Utilizing a silicon nanobeam optomechanical crystal, we investigate the attractor diagram arising from the radiation pressure interaction between a localized optical cavity at lambda(c) = 1542 nm and a mechanical resonance at omega(m)/2 pi = 3.72 GHz. At a temperature of T-b approximate to 10 K, highly nonlinear driving of mechanical motion is observed via continuous wave optical pumping. Introduction of a time-dependent (modulated) optical pump is used to steer the system towards an otherwise inaccessible dynamically stable attractor in which mechanical self-oscillation occurs for an optical pump red detuned from the cavity resonance. An analytical model incorporating thermo-optic effects due to optical absorption heating is developed and found to accurately predict the measured device behavior.
Optomechanical creation of magnetic fields for photons on a lattice
M. Schmidt, S. Kessler, V. Peano, O. Painter, F. Marquardt
Recently, there has been growing interest in the creation of artificial magnetic fields for uncharged particles, such as cold atoms or photons. These efforts are partly motivated by the resulting desirable features, such as transport along edge states that is robust against backscattering. We analyze how the optomechanical interaction between photons and mechanical vibrations can be used to create artificial magnetic fields for photons on a lattice. The ingredients required are an optomechanical crystal, i. e., a free-standing photonic crystal with localized vibrational and optical modes, and two laser beams with the right pattern of phases. One of the two schemes analyzed here is based on optomechanical modulation of the links between optical modes, while the other is a lattice extension of optomechanical wavelength-conversion setups. We analyze both schemes theoretically and present numerical simulations of the resulting optical spectrum, photon transport in the presence of an artificial Lorentz force, edge states, and the photonic Aharonov Bohm effect. We discuss the requirements for experimental realizations. Finally, we analyze the completely general situation of an optomechanical system subject to an arbitrary optical phase pattern and conclude that it is best described in terms of gauge fields acting in synthetic dimensions. In contrast to existing nonoptomechanical approaches, the schemes analyzed here are very versatile, since they can be controlled fully optically, allowing for time-dependent in situ tunability without the need for individual electrical addressing of localized optical modes. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America
Synchronizing a single-electron shuttle to an external drive
Michael Möckel, Darren R. Southworth, Eva M. Weig, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
The nanomechanical single-electron shuttle is a resonant system in which a suspended metallic island oscillates between and impacts at two electrodes. This setup holds promise for one-by-one electron transport and the establishment of an absolute current standard. While the charge transported per oscillation by the nanoscale island will be quantized in the Coulomb blockade regime, the frequency of such a shuttle depends sensitively on many parameters, leading to <br>drift and noise. Instead of considering the nonlinearities introduced by the impact events as a nuisance, here we propose to exploit the resulting nonlinear dynamics to realize a highly precise oscillation frequency via synchronization of the shuttle self-oscillations to an external signal. We link the established phenomenological description of synchronization based on the ADLER equation to the microscopic nonlinear dynamics of the electron shuttle by calculating the effective ADLER constant analytically in terms of the microscopic parameters.
Laser Theory for Optomechanics: Limit Cycles in the Quantum Regime (vol 4, 011015, 2014)
New Journal of Physics
We provide a brief overview of the various topics addressed in this 'focus on' collection on optomechanics.
Cavity optomechanics
Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Florian Marquardt
Reviews of Modern Physics
The field of cavity optomechanics is reviewed. This field explores the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and nanomechanical or micromechanical motion. This review covers the basics of optical cavities and mechanical resonators, their mutual optomechanical interaction mediated by the radiation-pressure force, the large variety of experimental systems which exhibit this interaction, optical measurements of mechanical motion, dynamical backaction amplification and cooling, nonlinear dynamics, multimode optomechanics, and proposals for future cavity-quantum-optomechanics experiments. In addition, the perspectives for fundamental quantum physics and for possible applications of optomechanical devices are described.
Basic Theory of Cavity Optomechanics
Aashish A. Clerk, Florian Marquardt
Quantum Science and Technology
Book Chapter
This chapter provides a brief basic introduction to the theory used to describe cavity-optomechanical systems. This can serve as background information to understand the other chapters of the book. We first review the Hamiltonian and show how it can be approximately brought into quadratic form. Then we discuss the classical dynamics both in the linear regime (featuring optomechanical damping, optical spring, strong coupling, and optomechanically induced transparency) and in the nonlinear regime (optomechanical self-oscillations and attractor diagram). Finally, wediscuss the quantum theory of optomechanical cooling, using the powerful and versatile quantum noise approach.
Cavity Optomechanics Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light Introduction
Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Florian Marquardt
Quantum Science and Technology
Book Chapter
We briefly guide the reader through the chapters of the book, highlighting the connections between the various approaches to cavity optomechanics.
Dissipative optomechanical squeezing of light
Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk
New Journal of Physics
We discuss a simple yet surprisingly effective mechanism which allows the generation of squeezed output light from an optomechanical cavity. In contrast to the well known mechanism of 'ponderomotive squeezing', our scheme generates squeezed output light by explicitly using the dissipative nature of the mechanical resonator. We show that our scheme has many advantages over ponderomotive squeezing; in particular, it is far more effective in the good cavity limit commonly used in experiments. Furthermore, the squeezing generated in our approach can be directly used to enhance the intrinsic measurement sensitivity of the optomechanical cavity; one does not have to feed the squeezed light into a separate measurement device. As our scheme is very general, it could also e. g. be implemented using superconducting circuits.
Single-site-resolved measurement of the current statistics in optical
Stefan Kessler, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
At present, great effort is spent on the experimental realization of gauge fields for quantum many-body systems in optical lattices. At the same time, the single-site-resolved detection of individual atoms has become a new powerful experimental tool. We discuss a protocol for the single-site-resolved measurement of the current statistics of quantum many-body systems, which makes use of a bichromatic optical superlattice and single-site detection. We illustrate the protocol by a numerical study of the current statistics for interacting bosons in one and two dimensions and discuss the role of the on-site interactions for the current pattern and the ground-state symmetry for small two-dimensional lattices with artificial magnetic fields.
Decoherence in a double-dot Aharonov-Bohm interferometer: Numerical
renormalization group study
Bjoern Kubala, David Roosen, Michael Sindel, Walter Hofstetter, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
Coherence in electronic interferometers is typically believed to be restored fully in the limit of small voltages, frequencies, and temperatures. However, it is crucial to check this essentially perturbative argument by nonperturbative methods. Here we use the numerical renormalization group to study ac transport and decoherence in an experimentally realizable model interferometer, a parallel double quantum dot coupled to a phonon mode. The model allows us to clearly distinguish renormalization effects from decoherence. We discuss finite-frequency transport and confirm the restoration of coherence in the dc limit.
Cavity Optomechanics Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interacting with Light Preface
Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Florian Marquardt
Quantum Science and Technology
Laser Theory for Optomechanics: Limit Cycles in the Quantum Regime
Physical Review X
Optomechanical systems can exhibit self-sustained limit cycles where the quantum state of the mechanical resonator possesses nonclassical characteristics such as a strongly negative Wigner density, as was shown recently in a numerical study by Qian et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 253601 (2012)]. Here, we derive a Fokker-Planck equation describing mechanical limit cycles in the quantum regime that correctly reproduces the numerically observed nonclassical features. The derivation starts from the standard optomechanical master equation and is based on techniques borrowed from the laser theory due to Haake and Lewenstein. We compare our analytical model with numerical solutions of the master equation based on Monte Carlo simulations and find very good agreement over a wide and so far unexplored regime of system parameters. As one main conclusion, we predict negative Wigner functions to be observable even for surprisingly classical parameters, i.e., outside the single-photon strong-coupling regime, for strong cavity drive and rather large limit-cycle amplitudes. The approach taken here provides a natural starting point for further studies of quantum effects in optomechanics.
The quantum transverse-field Ising chain in circuit quantum electrodynamics: effects of disorder on the nonequilibrium dynamics
Oliver Viehmann, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We study several dynamical properties of a recently proposed implementation of the quantum transverse-field Ising chain in the framework of circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED). Particular emphasis is placed on the effects of disorder on the nonequilibrium behavior of the system. We show that small amounts of fabrication-induced disorder in the system parameters do not jeopardize the observation of previously predicted phenomena. Based on a numerical extraction of the mean free path of a wave packet in the system, we also provide a simple quantitative estimate for certain disorder effects on the nonequilibrium dynamics of the circuit QED quantum simulator. We discuss the transition from weak to strong disorder, characterized by the onset of Anderson localization of the system's wave functions, and the qualitatively different dynamics it leads to.
Observing the Nonequilibrium Dynamics of the Quantum Transverse-Field Ising Chain in Circuit QED
Oliver Viehmann, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We show how a quantum Ising spin chain in a time-dependent transverse magnetic field can be simulated and experimentally probed in the framework of circuit QED with current technology. The proposed setup provides a new platform for observing the nonequilibrium dynamics of interacting many-body systems. We calculate its spectrum to offer a guideline for its initial experimental characterization. We demonstrate that quench dynamics and the propagation of localized excitations can be observed with the proposed setup and discuss further possible applications and modifications of this circuit QED quantum simulator. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.030601
Full photon statistics of a light beam transmitted through an
optomechanical system
Andreas Kronwald, Max Ludwig, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
In this paper, we study the full statistics of photons transmitted through an optical cavity coupled to nanomechanical motion. We analyze the entire temporal evolution of the photon correlations, the Fano factor, and the effects of strong laser driving, all of which show pronounced features connected to the mechanical backaction. In the regime of single-photon strong coupling, this allows us to predict a transition from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics for larger observation time intervals. Furthermore, we predict cascades of transmitted photons triggered by multiphoton transitions. In this regime, we observe Fano factors that are drastically enhanced due to the mechanical motion. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.013847
The effect of Landau-Zener dynamics on phonon lasing
Huaizhi Wu, Georg Heinrich, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
Optomechanical systems couple light to the motion of nanomechanical objects. Intriguing new effects are observed in recent experiments that involve the dynamics of more than one optical mode. There, mechanical motion can stimulate strongly driven multi-mode photon dynamics that acts back on the mechanics via radiation forces. We show that even for two optical modes Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg oscillations of the light field drastically change the nonlinear attractor diagram of the resulting phonon lasing oscillations. Our findings illustrate the generic effects of Landau-Zener physics on back-action induced self-oscillations.
Optomechanically Induced Transparency in the Nonlinear Quantum Regime
Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
Optomechanical systems have been shown both theoretically and experimentally to exhibit an analogon to atomic electromagnetically induced transparency, with sharp transmission features that are controlled by a second laser beam. Here we investigate these effects in the regime where the fundamental nonlinear nature of the optomechanical interaction becomes important. We demonstrate that pulsed transistorlike switching of transmission still works even in this regime. We also show that optomechanically induced transparency at the second mechanical sideband could be a sensitive tool to see first indications of the nonlinear quantum nature of the optomechanical interaction even for single-photon coupling strengths significantly smaller than the cavity linewidth.
Arbitrarily large steady-state bosonic squeezing via dissipation
Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk
Physical Review A
We discuss how large amounts of steady-state quantum squeezing (beyond 3 dB) of a mechanical resonator can be obtained by driving an optomechanical cavity with two control lasers with differing amplitudes. The scheme does not rely on any explicit measurement or feedback, nor does it simply involve a modulation of an optical spring constant. Instead, it uses a dissipative mechanism with the driven cavity acting as an engineered reservoir. It can equivalently be viewed as a coherent feedback process, obtained by minimally perturbing the quantum nondemolition measurement of a single mechanical quadrature. This shows that in general the concepts of coherent feedback schemes and reservoir engineering are closely related. We analyze how to optimize the scheme, how the squeezing scales with system parameters, and how it may be directly detected from the cavity output. Our scheme is extremely general, and could also be implemented with, e.g., superconducting circuits.
Gain-tunable optomechanical cooling in a laser cavity
Li Ge, Sanli Faez, Florian Marquardt, Hakan E. Tuereci
Physical Review A
We study the optical cooling of the cavity mirror in an active laser cavity. We find that the optical damping rate is vanishingly small for an incoherently pumped laser above threshold. In the presence of an additional external coherent drive however, the optical damping rate can be enhanced substantially with respect to that of a passive cavity. We show that the strength of the incoherent pump provides the means to tune the optical damping rate and the steady state phonon number. The system is found to undergo a transition from the weak optomechanical coupling regime to the strong optomechanical coupling regime as the strength of the incoherent pump is varied.
Dynamics of levitated nanospheres: towards the strong coupling regime
T. S. Monteiro, J. Millen, G. A. T. Pender, Florian Marquardt, D. Chang, P. F. Barker
New Journal of Physics
The use of levitated nanospheres represents a new paradigm for the optomechanical cooling of a small mechanical oscillator, with the prospect of realizing quantum oscillators with unprecedentedly high quality factors. We investigate the dynamics of this system, especially in the so-called self-trapping regime, where one or more optical fields simultaneously trap and cool the mechanical oscillator. The determining characteristic of this regime is that both the mechanical frequency omega(M) and single-photon optomechanical coupling strength parameters g are a function of the optical field intensities, in contrast to usual set-ups where omega(M) and g are constant for the given system. We also measure the characteristic transverse and axial trapping frequencies of different sized silica nanospheres in a simple optical standing wave potential, for spheres of radii r = 20-500 nm, illustrating a protocol for loading single nanospheres into a standing wave optical trap that would be formed by an optical cavity. We use these data to confirm the dependence of the effective optomechanical coupling strength on sphere radius for levitated nanospheres in an optical cavity and discuss the prospects for reaching regimes of strong light-matter coupling. Theoretical semiclassical and quantum displacement noise spectra show that for larger nanospheres with r greater than or similar to 100 nm a range of interesting and novel dynamical regimes can be accessed. These include simultaneous hybridization of the two optical modes with the mechanical modes and parameter regimes where the system is bistable. We show that here, in contrast to typical single-optical mode optomechanical systems, bistabilities are independent of intracavity intensity and can occur for very weak laser driving amplitudes.
Creation and dynamics of remote spin-entangled pairs in the expansion of
strongly correlated fermions in an optical lattice
Stefan Kessler, Ian P. McCulloch, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We consider the nonequilibrium dynamics of an interacting spin-1/2 fermion gas in a one-dimensional optical lattice after switching off the confining potential. In particular, we study the creation and the time evolution of spatially separated, spin-entangled fermionic pairs. The time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group is used to simulate the time evolution and evaluate the two-site spin correlation functions, from which the concurrence is calculated. We find that the typical distance between entangled fermions depends crucially on the onsite interaction strength, and that a time-dependent modulation of the tunnelling amplitude can enhance the production of spin entanglement. Moreover, we discuss the prospects of experimentally observing these phenomena using spin-dependent single-site detection.
Quantum Many-Body Dynamics in Optomechanical Arrays
Max Ludwig, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We study the nonlinear driven dissipative quantum dynamics of an array of optomechanical systems. At each site of such an array, a localized mechanical mode interacts with a laser-driven cavity mode via radiation pressure, and both photons and phonons can hop between neighboring sites. The competition between coherent interaction and dissipation gives rise to a rich phase diagram characterizing the optical and mechanical many-body states. For weak intercellular coupling, the mechanical motion at different sites is incoherent due to the influence of quantum noise. When increasing the coupling strength, however, we observe a transition towards a regime of phase-coherent mechanical oscillations. We employ a Gutzwiller ansatz as well as semiclassical Langevin equations on finite lattices, and we propose a realistic experimental implementation in optomechanical crystals.
Photonic Cavity Synchronization of Nanomechanical Oscillators
Physical Review Letters
Synchronization in oscillatory systems is a frequent natural phenomenon and is becoming an important concept in modern physics. Nanomechanical resonators are ideal systems for studying synchronization due to their controllable oscillation properties and engineerable nonlinearities. Here we demonstrate synchronization of two nanomechanical oscillators via a photonic resonator, enabling optomechanical synchronization between mechanically isolated nanomechanical resonators. Optical backaction gives rise to both reactive and dissipative coupling of the mechanical resonators, leading to coherent oscillation and mutual locking of resonators with dynamics beyond the widely accepted phase oscillator (Kuramoto) model. In addition to the phase difference between the oscillators, also their amplitudes are coupled, resulting in the emergence of sidebands around the synchronized carrier signal.
Localized Phase Structures Growing Out of Quantum Fluctuations in a Quench of Tunnel-coupled Atomic Condensates
Clemens Neuenhahn, Anatoli Polkovnikov, Florian Marquardt
We investigate the relative phase between two weakly interacting 1D condensates of bosonic atoms after suddenly switching on the tunnel coupling. The following phase dynamics is governed by the quantum sine-Gordon equation. In the semiclassical limit of weak interactions, we observe the parametric amplification of quantum fluctuations leading to the formation of breathers with a finite lifetime. The typical lifetime and density of these "quasibreathers" are derived employing exact solutions of the classical sine-Gordon equation. Both depend on the initial relative phase between the condensates, which is considered as a tunable parameter.
Thermalization of interacting fermions and delocalization in Fock space
Clemens Neuenhahn, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review E
We investigate the onset of "eigenstate thermalization" and the crossover to ergodicity in a system of one-dimensional fermions with increasing interaction. We analyze the fluctuations in the expectation values of most relevant few-body operators with respect to eigenstates. It turns out that these are intimately related to the inverse participation ratio of eigenstates displayed in the operator eigenbasis. Based on this observation, we find good evidence that eigenstate thermalization should set in even for vanishingly small perturbations in the thermodynamic limit.
Observation of spontaneous Brillouin cooling
Gaurav Bahl, Matthew Tomes, Florian Marquardt, Tal Carmon
Although bolometric- and ponderomotive-induced deflection of device boundaries are widely used for laser cooling, the electrostrictive Brillouin scattering of light from sound was considered an acousto-optical amplification-only process(1-7). It was suggested that cooling could be possible in multi-resonance Brillouin systems(5-8) when phonons experience lower damping than light(8). However, this regime was not accessible in electrostrictive Brillouin systems(1-3,5,6) as backscattering enforces high acoustical frequencies associated with high mechanical damping(1). Recently, forward Brillouin scattering(3) in microcavities(7) has allowed access to low-frequency acoustical modes where mechanical dissipation is lower than optical dissipation, in accordance with the requirements for cooling(8). Here we experimentally demonstrate cooling via such a forward Brillouin process in a microresonator. We show two regimes of operation for the electrostrictive Brillouin process: acoustical amplification as is traditional and an electrostrictive Brillouin cooling regime. Cooling is mediated by resonant light in one pumped optical mode, and spontaneously scattered resonant light in one anti-Stokes optical mode, that beat and electrostrictively attenuate the Brownian motion of the mechanical mode.
Stroboscopic observation of quantum many-body dynamics
Stefan Kessler, Andreas Holzner, Ian P. McCulloch, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Recent experiments have demonstrated single-site resolved observation of cold atoms in optical lattices. Thus, in the future it may be possible to take repeated snapshots of an interacting quantum many-body system during the course of its evolution. Here we address the impact of the resulting quantum (anti-)Zeno physics on the many-body dynamics. We use the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization group to obtain the time evolution of the full wave function, which is then periodically projected in order to simulate realizations of stroboscopic measurements. For the example of a one-dimensional lattice of spinless fermions with nearest-neighbor interactions, we find regimes for which many-particle configurations are stabilized or destabilized, depending on the interaction strength and the time between observations.
Enhanced Quantum Nonlinearities in a Two-Mode Optomechanical System
Max Ludwig, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Oskar Painter, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
In cavity optomechanics, nanomechanical motion couples to a localized optical mode. The regime of single-photon strong coupling is reached when the optical shift induced by a single phonon becomes comparable to the cavity linewidth. We consider a setup in this regime comprising two optical modes and one mechanical mode. For mechanical frequencies nearly resonant to the optical level splitting, we find the photon-phonon and the photon-photon interactions to be significantly enhanced. In addition to dispersive phonon detection in a novel regime, this offers the prospect of optomechanical photon measurement. We study these quantum nondemolition detection processes using both analytical and numerical approaches.
Optomechanical cooling of levitated spheres with doubly resonant fields
G. A. T. Pender, P. F. Barker, Florian Marquardt, J. Millen, T. S. Monteiro
Physical Review A
Optomechanical cooling of levitated dielectric particles represents a promising new approach in the quest to cool small mechanical resonators toward their quantum ground state. We investigate two-mode cooling of levitated nanospheres in a self-trapping regime. We identify a structure of overlapping, multiple cooling resonances and strong cooling even when one mode is blue-detuned. We show that the best regimes occur when both optical fields cooperatively cool and trap the nanosphere, where cooling rates are over an order of magnitude faster compared to corresponding single-resonance cooling rates.
Optomechanical circuits for nanomechanical continuous variable quantum
state processing
Michael Schmidt, Max Ludwig, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We propose and analyze a nanomechanical architecture where light is used to perform linear quantum operations on a set of many vibrational modes. Suitable amplitude modulation of a single laser beam is shown to generate squeezing, entanglement and state transfer between modes that are selected according to their mechanical oscillation frequency. Current optomechanical devices based on photonic crystals, as well as other systems with sufficient control over multiple mechanical modes, may provide a platform for realizing this scheme.
Quantum Signatures of the Optomechanical Instability
Jiang Qian, A. A. Clerk, K. Hammerer, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
In the past few years, coupling strengths between light and mechanical motion in optomechanical setups have improved by orders of magnitude. Here we show that, in the standard setup under continuous laser illumination, the steady state of the mechanical oscillator can develop a nonclassical, strongly negative Wigner density if the optomechanical coupling is comparable to or larger than the optical decay rate and the mechanical frequency. Because of its robustness, such a Wigner density can be mapped using optical homodyne tomography. This feature is observed near the onset of the instability towards self-induced oscillations. We show that there are also distinct signatures in the photon-photon correlation function g((2))(t) in that regime, including oscillations decaying on a time scale not only much longer than the optical cavity decay time but even longer than the mechanical decay time.
Quantum mechanics: The gentle cooling touch of light
Laser light has been used to cool a nanomechanical resonator to its lowest energy state. The result opens the door to testing the principles of quantum mechanics and to applications in quantum information processing.
Superradiant Phase Transitions and the Standard Description of Circuit QED
Oliver Viehmann, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We investigate the equilibrium behavior of a superconducting circuit QED system containing a large number of artificial atoms. It is shown that the currently accepted standard description of circuit QED via an effective model fails in an important aspect: it predicts the possibility of a superradiant phase transition, even though a full microscopic treatment reveals that a no-go theorem for such phase transitions known from cavity QED applies to circuit QED systems as well. We generalize the no-go theorem to the case of (artificial) atoms with many energy levels and thus make it more applicable for realistic cavity or circuit QED systems.
Collective Dynamics in Optomechanical Arrays
Georg Heinrich, Max Ludwig, Jiang Qian, Bjoern Kubala, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
Optomechanical systems couple light stored inside an optical cavity to the motion of a mechanical mode. Recent experiments have demonstrated setups, such as photonic crystal structures, that in principle allow one to confine several optical and vibrational modes on a single chip. Here we start to investigate the collective nonlinear dynamics in arrays of coupled optomechanical cells. We show that such "optomechanical arrays" can display synchronization, and that they can be described by an effective Kuramoto-type model.
Coupled multimode optomechanics in the microwave regime
The motion of micro- and nanomechanical resonators can be coupled to electromagnetic fields. This allows one to explore the mutual interaction and introduces new means to manipulate and control both light and mechanical motion. Such optomechanical systems have recently been implemented in nanoelectromechanical systems involving a nanomechanical beam coupled to a superconducting microwave resonator. Here, we propose optomechanical systems that involve multiple, coupled microwave resonators. In contrast to similar systems in the optical realm, the coupling frequency governing photon exchange between microwave modes is naturally comparable to typical mechanical frequencies. For instance this enables new ways to manipulate the microwave field, such as mechanically driving coherent photon dynamics between different modes. In particular we investigate two setups where the electromagnetic field is coupled either linearly or quadratically to the displacement of a nanomechanical beam. The latter scheme allows one to perform QND Fock state detection. For experimentally realistic parameters we predict the possibility to measure an individual quantum jump from the mechanical ground state to the first excited state. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2011
Quantum-mechanical theory of optomechanical Brillouin cooling
Matthew Tomes, Florian Marquardt, Gaurav Bahl, Tal Carmon
Physical Review A
We analyze how to exploit Brillouin scattering of light from sound for the purpose of cooling optomechanical devices and present a quantum-mechanical theory for Brillouin cooling. Our analysis shows that significant cooling ratios can be obtained with standard experimental parameters. A further improvement of cooling efficiency is possible by increasing the dissipation of the optical anti-Stokes resonance.
Dynamics of coupled multimode and hybrid optomechanical systems
Georg Heinrich, Max Ludwig, Huaizhi Wu, K. Hammerer, Florian Marquardt
Recent experimental developments have brought into focus optomechanical systems containing multiple optical and mechanical modes interacting with each other. Examples include a setup with a movable membrane between two end-mirrors and "optomechanical crystal" devices that support localized optical and mechanical modes in a photonic crystal type structure. We discuss how mechanical driving of such structures results in coherent photon transfer between optical modes, and how the physics of Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg oscillations arises in this context. Another area where multiple modes are involved are hybrid systems. There, we review the recent proposal of a single atom whose mechanical motion is coupled to a membrane via the light field. This is a special case of the general principle of cavity-mediated mechanical coupling. Such a setup would allow the well-developed tools of atomic physics to be employed to access the quantum state of the 'macroscopic' mechanical mode of the membrane. (C) 2011 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Electron-plasmon scattering in chiral one-dimensional systems with nonlinear dispersion
We investigate systems of spinless one-dimensional chiral fermions realized, e. g., in the arms of electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometers, at high energies. Taking into account the curvature of the fermionic spectrum and a finite interaction range, we find a new scattering mechanism where high-energy electrons scatter off plasmons (density excitations). This leads to an exponential decay of the single-particle Green's function even at zero temperature with an energy-dependent rate. As a consequence of this electron-plasmon scattering channel, we observe the coherent excitation of a plasmon wave in the wake of a high-energy electron resulting in the buildup of a monochromatic sinusoidal density pattern.
Resonant quantum gates in circuit quantum electrodynamics
G. Haack, F. Helmer, M. Mariantoni, F. Marquardt, E. Solano
Physical Review B
We propose the implementation of fast resonant gates in circuit quantum electrodynamics for quantum information processing. We show how a suitable utilization of three-level superconducting qubits inside a resonator constitutes a key tool to perform diverse two-qubit resonant gates, improving the operation speed when compared to slower dispersive techniques. To illustrate the benefit of resonant two-qubit gates in circuit quantum electrodynamics, we consider the implementation of a two-dimensional cluster state in an array of N x N superconducting qubits by using resonant controlled-phase and one-qubit gates, where the generation time grows linearly with N. For N = 3, and taking into account decoherence mechanisms, a fidelity over 60% for the generation of this cluster state is obtained.
Introduction to quantum noise, measurement, and amplification
A. A. Clerk, M. H. Devoret, S. M. Girvin, Florian Marquardt, R. J. Schoelkopf
Reviews of Modern Physics
The topic of quantum noise has become extremely timely due to the rise of quantum information physics and the resulting interchange of ideas between the condensed matter and atomic, molecular, optical-quantum optics communities. This review gives a pedagogical introduction to the physics of quantum noise and its connections to quantum measurement and quantum amplification. After introducing quantum noise spectra and methods for their detection, the basics of weak continuous measurements are described. Particular attention is given to the treatment of the standard quantum limit on linear amplifiers and position detectors within a general linear-response framework. This approach is shown how it relates to the standard Haus-Caves quantum limit for a bosonic amplifier known in quantum optics and its application to the case of electrical circuits is illustrated, including mesoscopic detectors and resonant cavity detectors.
ac conductance through an interacting quantum dot
Bjoern Kubala, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
We investigate the linear ac conductance for tunneling through an arbitrary interacting quantum dot in the presence of a finite dc bias. In analogy to the well-known Meir-Wingreen formula for the dc case, we are able to derive a general formula for the ac conductance. It can be expressed entirely in terms of local correlations on the quantum dot in the form of a Keldysh block diagram with four external legs. We illustrate the use of this formula as a starting point for diagrammatic calculations by considering the ac conductance of the noninteracting resonant-level model and deriving the result for the lowest order of electron-phonon coupling. We show how known results are recovered in the appropriate limits.
Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics
M. Wallquist, K. Hammerer, P. Zoller, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, J. Ye, H. J. Kimble
In a recent publication [ K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, and H. J. Kimble, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 063005 ( 2009)] we have shown the possibility to achieve strong coupling of the quantized motion of a micron-sized mechanical system to the motion of a single trapped atom. In the proposed setup the coherent coupling between a SiN membrane and a single atom is mediated by the field of a high finesse cavity and can be much larger than the relevant decoherence rates. This makes the well-developed tools of cavity quantum electrodynamics with single atoms available in the realm of cavity optomechanics. In this article we elaborate on this scheme and provide detailed derivations and technical comments. Moreover, we give numerical as well as analytical results for a number of possible applications for transfer of squeezed or Fock states from atom to membrane as well as entanglement generation, taking full account of dissipation. In the limit of strong-coupling the preparation and verification of nonclassical states of a mesoscopic mechanical system is within reach.
Optimal control of circuit quantum electrodynamics in one and two
R. Fisher, F. Helmer, S. J. Glaser, F. Marquardt, T. Schulte-Herbrueggen
Optimal control can be used to significantly improve multi-qubit gates in quantum information processing hardware architectures based on superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamics. We apply this approach not only to dispersive gates of two qubits inside a cavity, but, more generally, to architectures based on two-dimensional (2D) arrays of cavities and qubits. For high-fidelity gate operations, simultaneous evolutions of controls and couplings in the two coupling dimensions of cavity grids are shown to be significantly faster than conventional sequential implementations. Even under experimentally realistic conditions speedups by a factor of three can be gained. The methods immediately scale to large grids and indirect gates between arbitrary pairs of qubits on the grid. They are anticipated to be paradigmatic for 2D arrays and lattices of controllable qubits.
Quantum Measurement of Phonon Shot Noise
A. A. Clerk, Florian Marquardt, J. G. E. Harris
Physical Review Letters
We provide a full quantum mechanical analysis of a weak energy measurement of a driven mechanical resonator. We demonstrate that measurements too weak to resolve individual mechanical Fock states can nonetheless be used to detect the nonclassical energy fluctuations of the driven mechanical resonator, i.e., "phonon shot noise". We also show that the third moment of the oscillator's energy fluctuations provides a far more sensitive probe of quantum effects than the second moment, and that measuring the third moment via the phase shift of light in an optomechanical setup directly yields the type of operator ordering postulated in the theory of full-counting statistics.
Entanglement of mechanical oscillators coupled to a nonequilibrium
Max Ludwig, K. Hammerer, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Recent experiments aim at cooling nanomechanical resonators to the ground state by coupling them to nonequilibrium environments in order to observe quantum effects such as entanglement. This raises the general question of how such environments affect entanglement. Here we show that there is an optimal dissipation strength for which the entanglement between two coupled oscillators is maximized. Our results are established with the help of a general framework of exact quantum Langevin equations valid for arbitrary bath spectra, in and out of equilibrium. We point out why the commonly employed Lindblad approach fails to give even a qualitatively correct picture.
Photon shuttle: Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg dynamics in an optomechanical system
Georg Heinrich, J. G. E. Harris, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
The motion of micro- and nanomechanical resonators can be coupled to electromagnetic fields. Such optomechanical setups allow one to explore the interaction of light and matter in a new regime at the boundary between quantum and classical physics. We propose an approach to investigate nonequilibrium photon dynamics driven by mechanical motion in a recently developed setup with a membrane between two mirrors, where photons can be shuttled between the two halves of the cavity. For modest driving strength we predict the possibility of observing an Autler-Townes splitting indicative of Rabi dynamics. For large drive, we show that this system displays Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg dynamics originally known from atomic two-state systems.
Dephasing rate formula in the many-body context
Doron Cohen, Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt, Yoseph Imry
Physical Review B
We suggest a straightforward approach to the calculation of the dephasing rate in a fermionic system, which correctly keeps track of the crucial physics of Pauli blocking. Starting from Fermi's golden rule, the dephasing rate can be written as an integral over the frequency transferred between system and environment, weighted by their respective spectral densities. We show that treating the full many-fermion system instead of a single particle automatically enforces the Pauli principle. Furthermore, we explain the relation to diagrammatics. Finally, we show how to treat the more involved strong-coupling case when interactions appreciably modify the spectra. This is relevant for the situation in disordered metals, where screening is important.
Dimensional crossover of the dephasing time in disordered mesoscopic rings
M. Treiber, O. M. Yevtushenko, F. Marquardt, J. von Delft, I. V. Lerner
Physical Review B
We study dephasing by electron interactions in a small disordered quasi-one-dimensional (1D) ring weakly coupled to leads. We use an influence functional for quantum Nyquist noise to describe the crossover for the dephasing time tau(phi)(T) from diffusive or ergodic 1D (tau(-1)(phi)alpha T-2/3,T-1) to zero-dimensional (0D) behavior (tau(-1)(phi)alpha T-2) as T drops below the Thouless energy. The crossover to 0D, predicted earlier for two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems, has so far eluded experimental observation. The ring geometry holds promise of meeting this long-standing challenge, since the crossover manifests itself not only in the smooth part of the magnetoconductivity but also in the amplitude of Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations. This allows signatures of dephasing in the ring to be cleanly extracted by filtering out those of the leads.
Strong Coupling of a Mechanical Oscillator and a Single Atom
K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, H. J. Kimble
Physical Review Letters
We propose and analyze a setup to achieve strong coupling between a single trapped atom and a mechanical oscillator. The interaction between the motion of the atom and the mechanical oscillator is mediated by a quantized light field in a laser driven high-finesse cavity. In particular, we show that high fidelity transfer of quantum states between the atom and the mechanical oscillator is in reach for existing or near future experimental parameters. Our setup provides the basic toolbox from atomic physics for coherent manipulation, preparation, and measurement of micromechanical and nanomechanical oscillators.
Measurement-based synthesis of multiqubit entangled states in superconducting cavity QED
Ferdinand Helmer, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
Entangled multiqubit states may be generated through a dispersive collective quantum nondemolition measurement of superconducting qubits coupled to a microwave transmission line resonator. Using the quantum trajectory approach, we analyze the stochastic measurement traces that would be observed in experiments. We illustrate the synthesis of three-qubit W and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states, and we analyze how the fidelity and the entanglement evolve in time during the measurement. We discuss the influence of decoherence and relaxation, as well as of imperfect control over experimental parameters. We show that the desired states can be generated on time scales much faster than the qubit decoherence rates.
Quantum nondemolition photon detection in circuit QED and the quantum Zeno effect
Ferdinand Helmer, Matteo Mariantoni, Enrique Solano, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review A
We analyze the detection of itinerant photons using a quantum nondemolition measurement. An important example is the dispersive detection of microwave photons in circuit quantum electrodynamics, which can be realized via the nonlinear interaction between photons inside a superconducting transmission line resonator. We show that the back action due to the continuous measurement imposes a limit on the detector efficiency in such a scheme. We illustrate this using a setup where signal photons have to enter a cavity in order to be detected dispersively. In this approach, the measurement signal is the phase shift imparted to an intense beam passing through a second cavity mode. The restrictions on the fidelity are a consequence of the quantum Zeno effect, and we discuss both analytical results and quantum trajectory simulations of the measurement process.
Cavity grid for scalable quantum computation with superconducting circuits
F. Helmer, M. Mariantoni, A. G. Fowler, J. von Delft, E. Solano, F. Marquardt
We propose an architecture for quantum computing based on superconducting circuits, where on-chip planar microwave resonators are arranged in a two-dimensional grid with a qubit at each intersection. This allows any two qubits on the grid to be coupled at a swapping overhead independent of their distance. We demonstrate that this approach encompasses the fundamental elements of a scalable fault-tolerant quantum-computing architecture. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009
Universal Dephasing in a Chiral 1D Interacting Fermion System
Clemens Neuenhahn, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We consider dephasing by interactions in a one-dimensional chiral fermion system (e.g., a quantum Hall edge state). For finite-range interactions, we calculate the spatial decay of the Green's function at fixed energy, which sets the contrast in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Using a physically transparent semiclassical ansatz, we find a power-law decay of the coherence at high energies and zero temperature (T=0), with a universal asymptotic exponent of 1, independent of the interaction strength. We obtain the dephasing rate at T > 0 and the fluctuation spectrum acting on an electron.
Dephasing by electron-electron interactions in a ballistic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Clemens Neuenhahn, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We consider a ballistic Mach-Zehnder interferometer for electrons propagating chirally in one dimension (such as in an integer quantum Hall effect edge channel). In such a system, dephasing occurs when the finite range of the interaction potential is taken into account. Using the tools of bosonization, we discuss the decay of coherence as a function of propagation distance and energy. We supplement the exact solution by a semiclassical approach that is physically transparent and is exact at high energies. In particular, we study in more detail the recently predicted universal power-law decay of the coherence at high energies, where the exponent does not depend on the interaction strength. In addition, we compare against Keldysh perturbation theory, which works well for small interaction strength at short propagation distances.
Decoherence by quantum telegraph noise: A numerical evaluation
Benjamin Abel, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
We investigate the time evolution of a charge qubit subject to quantum telegraph noise produced by a single electronic defect level. We obtain results for the time evolution of the coherence that are strikingly different from the usual case of a harmonic-oscillator bath (Gaussian noise). When the coupling strength crosses a certain temperature-dependent threshold, we observe coherence oscillations in the strong-coupling regime. Moreover, we present the time evolution of the echo signal in a spin-echo experiment. Our analysis relies on a numerical evaluation of the exact solution for the density matrix of the qubit.
Dispersive optomechanics: a membrane inside a cavity
A. M. Jayich, J. C. Sankey, B. M. Zwickl, C. Yang, J. D. Thompson, S. M. Girvin, A. A. Clerk, F. Marquardt, J. G. E. Harris
New Journal of Physics
We present the results of theoretical and experimental studies of dispersively coupled (or 'membrane in the middle') optomechanical systems. We calculate the linear optical properties of a high finesse cavity containing a thin dielectric membrane. We focus on the cavity's transmission, reflection and finesse as a function of the membrane's position along the cavity axis and as a function of its optical loss. We compare these calculations with measurements and find excellent agreement in cavities with empty-cavity finesses in the range 10(4)-10(5). The imaginary part of the membrane's index of refraction is found to be similar to 10(-4). We calculate the laser cooling performance of this system, with a particular focus on the less-intuitive regime in which photons 'tunnel' through the membrane on a timescale comparable to the membrane's period of oscillation. Lastly, we present calculations of quantum non-demolition measurements of the membrane's phonon number in the low signal-to-noise regime where the phonon lifetime is comparable to the QND readout time.
The optomechanical instability in the quantum regime
Max Ludwig, Bjoern Kubala, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
We consider a generic optomechanical system, consisting of a driven optical cavity and a movable mirror attached to a cantilever. Systems of this kind (and analogues) have been realized in many recent experiments. It is well known that these systems can exhibit an instability towards a regime where the cantilever settles into self-sustained oscillations. In this paper, we briefly review the classical theory of the optomechanical instability, and then discuss the features arising in the quantum regime. We solve numerically a full quantum master equation for the coupled system, and use it to analyze the photon number, the cantilever's mechanical energy, the phonon probability distribution and the mechanical Wigner density, as a function of experimentally accessible control parameters. When a suitable dimensionless 'quantum parameter' is sent to zero, the results of the quantum mechanical model converge towards the classical predictions. We discuss this quantum-to-classical transition in some detail.
Back-action evasion and squeezing of a mechanical resonator using a cavity detector
A. A. Clerk, F. Marquardt, K. Jacobs
New Journal of Physics
We study the quantum measurement of a cantilever using a parametrically coupled electromagnetic cavity which is driven at the two sidebands corresponding to the mechanical motion. This scheme, originally due to Braginsky et al (Braginsky V, Vorontsov Y I and Thorne K P 1980 Science 209 547), allows a back-action free measurement of one quadrature of the cantilever's motion, and hence the possibility of generating a squeezed state. We present a complete quantum theory of this system, and derive simple conditions on when the quantum limit on the added noise can be surpassed. We also study the conditional dynamics of the measurement, and discuss how such a scheme (when coupled with feedback) can be used to generate and detect squeezed states of the oscillator. Our results are relevant to experiments in optomechanics, and to experiments in quantum electromechanics employing stripline resonators coupled to mechanical resonators.
Self-induced oscillations in an optomechanical system driven by bolometric backaction
Constanze Metzger, Max Ludwig, Clemens Neuenhahn, Alexander Ortlieb, Ivan Favero, Khaled Karrai, Florian Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We have explored the nonlinear dynamics of an optomechanical system consisting of an illuminated Fabry-Perot cavity, one of whose end mirrors is attached to a vibrating cantilever. The backaction induced by the bolometric light force produces negative damping such that the system enters a regime of nonlinear oscillations. We study the ensuing attractor diagram describing the nonlinear dynamics. A theory is presented that yields quantitative agreement with experimental results. This includes the observation of a regime where two mechanical modes of the cantilever are excited simultaneously.
Measuring the size of a quantum superposition of many-body states
Florian Marquardt, Benjamin Abel, Jan von Delft
Physical Review A
We propose a measure for the "size" of a quantum superposition of two many-body states with (supposedly) macroscopically distinct properties by counting how many single-particle operations are needed to map one state onto the other. This definition gives sensible results for simple, analytically tractable cases and is consistent with a previous definition restricted to Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like states. We apply our measure to the experimentally relevant, nontrivial example of a superconducting three-junction flux qubit put into a superposition of left- and right-circulating supercurrent states, and we find the size of this superposition to be surprisingly small.
Optomechanical set-ups use radiation pressure to manipulate macroscopic mechanical objects. Two experiments transfer this concept to the fields of superconducting microwave circuits and cold-atom physics.
Strong dispersive coupling of a high-finesse cavity to a micromechanical membrane (vol 452, pg 72, 2008)
J. D. Thompson, B. M. Zwickl, A. M. Jayich, Florian Marquardt, S. M. Girvin, J. G. E. Harris
Macroscopic mechanical objects and electromagnetic degrees of freedom can couple to each other through radiation pressure. Optomechanical systems in which this coupling is sufficiently strong are predicted to show quantum effects and are a topic of considerable interest. Devices in this regime would offer new types of control over the quantum state of both light and matter(1-4), and would provide a new arena in which to explore the boundary between quantum and classical physics(5-7). Experiments so far have achieved sufficient optomechanical coupling to laser- cool mechanical devices(8-12), but have not yet reached the quantum regime. The outstanding technical challenge in this field is integrating sensitive micromechanical elements ( which must be small, light and flexible) into high- finesse cavities ( which are typically rigid and massive) without compromising the mechanical or optical properties of either. A second, and more fundamental, challenge is to read out the mechanical element's energy eigenstate. Displacement measurements ( no matter how sensitive) cannot determine an oscillator's energy eigenstate(13), and measurements coupling to quantities other than displacement(14-16) have been difficult to realize in practice. Here we present an optomechanical system that has the potential to resolve both of these challenges. We demonstrate a cavity which is detuned by the motion of a 50-nm- thick dielectric membrane placed between two macroscopic, rigid, high- finesse mirrors. This approach segregates optical and mechanical functionality to physically distinct structures and avoids compromising either. It also allows for direct measurement of the square of the membrane's displacement, and thus in principle the membrane's energy eigenstate. We estimate that it should be practical to use this scheme to observe quantum jumps of a mechanical system, an important goal in the field of quantum measurement.
Efficient on-chip source of microwave photon pairs in superconducting circuit QED
Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
We describe a scheme for the efficient generation of microwave photon pairs by parametric down-conversion in a superconducting transmission line resonator coupled to a Cooper-pair box serving as an artificial atom. By properly tuning the first three levels with respect to the cavity modes, the down-conversion probability may reach the percentage level at good fidelity. We show this by numerically simulating the dissipative quantum dynamics of the coupled cavity-box system and discussing the effects of dephasing and relaxation in the solid state environment. The setup analyzed here might form the basis for a future on-chip source of entangled microwave photons, e.g., using Franson's idea of energy-time entanglement.
Decoherence in weak localization. I. Pauli principle in influence functional
Florian Marquardt, Jan von Delft, R. A. Smith, Vinay Ambegaokar
Physical Review B
This is the first in a series of two papers, in which we revisit the problem of decoherence in weak localization. The basic challenge addressed in our work is to calculate the decoherence of electrons interacting with a quantum-mechanical environment while taking proper account of the Pauli principle. First, we review the usual influence functional approach valid for decoherence of electrons due to classical noise, showing along the way how the quantitative accuracy can be improved by properly averaging over closed (rather than unrestricted) random walks. We then use a heuristic approach to show how the Pauli principle may be incorporated into a path-integral description of decoherence in weak localization. This is accomplished by introducing an effective modification of the quantum noise spectrum, after which the calculation proceeds analogous to the case of classical noise. Using this simple but efficient method, which is consistent with much more laborious diagrammatic calculations, we demonstrate how the Pauli principle serves to suppress the decohering effects of quantum fluctuations of the environment, and essentially confirm the classic result of Altshuler, Aronov, and Khmelnitskii [J. Phys. C 15, 7367 (1982)] for the energy-averaged decoherence rate, which vanishes at zero temperature. Going beyond that, we employ our method to calculate explicitly the leading quantum corrections to the classical decoherence rates and to provide a detailed analysis of the energy dependence of the decoherence rate. The basic idea of our approach is general enough to be applicable to the decoherence of degenerate Fermi systems in contexts other than weak localization as well. Paper II will provide a more rigorous diagrammatic basis for our results by rederiving them from a Bethe-Salpeter equation for the Cooperon.
Decoherence in weak localization. II. Bethe-Salpeter calculation of the cooperon
Jan von Delft, Florian Marquardt, R. A. Smith, Vinay Ambegaokar
Physical Review B
This is the second in a series of two papers (Papers I and II) on the problem of decoherence in weak localization. In Paper I, we discussed how the Pauli principle could be incorporated into an influence functional approach for calculating the cooperon propagator and the magnetoconductivity. In the present paper, we check and confirm the results so obtained by diagrammatically setting up a Bethe-Salpeter equation for the cooperon, which includes self-energy and vertex terms on an equal footing and is free from both infrared and ultraviolet divergences. We then approximately solve this Bethe-Salpeter equation by the ansatz (C) over bar (t)=(C) over bar (0)(t)e(-F(t)), where the decay function F(t) determines the decoherence rate. We show that in order to obtain a divergence-free expression for the decay function F(t), it is sufficient to calculate (C) over bar (1)(t), the cooperon in the position-time representation to first order in the interaction. Paper II is independent of Paper I and can be read without detailed knowledge of the latter.
Quantum theory of cavity-assisted sideband cooling of mechanical motion
Florian Marquardt, Joe P. Chen, A. A. Clerk, S. M. Girvin
Physical Review Letters
We present a quantum-mechanical theory of the cooling of a cantilever coupled via radiation pressure to an illuminated optical cavity. Applying the quantum noise approach to the fluctuations of the radiation pressure force, we derive the optomechanical cooling rate and the minimum achievable phonon number. We find that reaching the quantum limit of arbitrarily small phonon numbers requires going into the good-cavity (resolved phonon sideband) regime where the cavity linewidth is much smaller than the mechanical frequency and the corresponding cavity detuning. This is in contrast to the common assumption that the mechanical frequency and the cavity detuning should be comparable to the cavity damping.
Controlled dephasing of electrons by non-gaussian shot noise
Izhar Neder, Florian Marquardt, Moty Heiblum, Diana Mahalu, Vladimir Umansky
In a 'controlled dephasing' experiment, an interferometer loses its coherence owing to entanglement of the interfering electron with a controlled quantum system, which effectively is equivalent to path detection. In previous experiments, only partial dephasing was achieved owing to weak interactions between many detector electrons and the interfering electron, leading to a gaussian-phase randomizing process. Here, we report the opposite extreme, where interference is completely destroyed by a few (that is, one to three) detector electrons, each of which has a strong randomizing effect on the phase. We observe quenching of the interference pattern in a periodic, lobe-type fashion as the detector current is varied, and with a peculiar V-shaped dependence on the detector's partitioning. We ascribe these features to the non-gaussian nature of the noise, which is also important for qubit decoherence. In other words, the interference seems to be highly sensitive to the full counting statistics of the detector's shot noise.
Coherence oscillations in dephasing by non-Gaussian shot noise
Izhar Neder, Florian Marquardt
New Journal of Physics
A non-perturbative treatment is developed for the dephasing produced by the shot noise of a one-dimensional electron channel. It is applied to two systems: a charge qubit and the electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI), both of them interacting with an adjacent partitioned electronic channel acting as a detector. We find that the visibility (interference contrast) can display oscillations as a function of detector voltage and interaction time. This is a unique consequence of the non-Gaussian properties of the shot noise, and only occurs in the strong coupling regime, when the phase contributed by a single electron exceeds p. The resulting formula reproduces the recent surprising experimental observations reported in (I Neder et al 2006 Preprint cond-mat/0610634), and indicates a general explanation for similar visibility oscillations observed earlier in the MZI at large bias voltage. We explore in detail the full pattern of oscillations as a function of coupling strength, voltage and time, which might be observable in future experiments.
Self-consistent calculation of the electron distribution near a quantum point contact in the integer quantum Hall effect
A. Siddiki, F. Marquardt
Physical Review B
In this work we implement the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Poisson approach to a homogeneous two-dimensional electron system. We compute the electrostatic potential produced inside a semiconductor structure by a quantum point contact (QPC) placed at the surface of the semiconductor and biased with appropriate voltages. The model is based on a semianalytical solution of the Laplace equation. Starting from the calculated confining potential, the self-consistent (screened) potential and the electron densities are calculated for finite temperature and magnetic field. We observe that there are mainly three characteristic rearrangements of the incompressible edge states which will determine the current distribution near a QPC.
Equations of motion approach to decoherence and current noise in ballistic interferometers coupled to a quantum bath
Florian Marquardt
Physical Review B
We present a technique for treating many particles moving inside a ballistic interferometer, under the influence of a quantum-mechanical environment (phonons, photons, Nyquist noise, etc.). Our approach is based on solving the coupled Heisenberg equations of motion of the many-particle system and the bath, and it is inspired by the quantum Langevin method known for the Caldeira-Leggett model. As a first application, we treat a fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In particular, we discuss the dephasing rate and present full analytical expressions for the leading corrections to the current noise, brought about by the coupling to the quantum bath. In contrast to a single-particle model, both the Pauli principle as well as the contribution of hole-scattering processes become important, and are automatically taken into account in this method.
Correlation-induced resonances in transport through coupled quantum dots
V Meden, F Marquardt
Physical Review Letters
We investigate the effect of local electron correlations on transport through parallel quantum dots. The linear conductance as a function of gate voltage is strongly affected by the interplay of the interaction U and quantum interference. We find a pair of novel correlation-induced resonances separated by an energy scale that depends exponentially on U. The effect is robust against a small detuning of the dot energy levels and occurs for arbitrary generic tunnel couplings. It should be observable in experiments on the basis of presently existing double-dot setups.
Dynamical multistability induced by radiation pressure in high-finesse micromechanical optical cavities
F Marquardt, JGE Harris, SM Girvin
Physical Review Letters
We analyze the nonlinear dynamics of a high-finesse optical cavity in which one mirror is mounted on a flexible mechanical element. We find that this system is governed by an array of dynamical attractors, which arise from phase locking between the mechanical oscillations of the mirror and the ringing of the light intensity in the cavity. We develop an analytical theory to map out the diagram of attractors in parameter space, derive the slow amplitude dynamics of the system, including thermal fluctuations, and suggest a scheme for exploiting the dynamical multistability in the measurement of small displacements.
Fermionic Mach-Zehnder interferometer subject to a quantum bath
We study fermions in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, subject to a quantum-mechanical environment leading to inelastic scattering, decoherence, renormalization effects, and time-dependent conductance fluctuations. We present a method to derive both the loss of interference contrast as well as the shot noise, using equations of motion and leading-order perturbation theory. The dependence of the shot noise on the Aharonov-Bohm phase acquires an unexpected average phase shift, due to correlations between the fluctuating renormalized phase shift and the output current. We discuss the limiting behaviours at low and high voltages, compare with simpler models of dephasing, and present implications for experiments.
Many-fermion generalization of the Caldeira-Leggett model
F Marquardt, D S Golubev
Physical Review A
We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a dissipative environment: The fermions are subject to a fluctuating force deriving from a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate one- and two-particle Green's functions of the fermions. We discuss the relaxation of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea, considering also dephasing of a particle added in a coherent superposition of states. The consequences of the separation of center-of-mass and relative motion, the Pauli principle, and the bath-induced effective interaction are discussed. Finally, we extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath, which results in complete thermalization of the system.
Spin relaxation in a quantum dot due to Nyquist noise
F Marquardt, VA Abalmassov
Physical Review B
We calculate electron and nuclear spin relaxation rates in a quantum dot due to the combined action of Nyquist noise and electron-nuclei hyperfine or spin-orbit interactions. The relaxation rate is linear in the resistance of the gate circuit and, in the case of spin-orbit interaction, it depends essentially on the orientations of both the static magnetic field and the fluctuating electric field, as well as on the ratio between Rashba and Dresselhaus interaction constants. We provide numerical estimates of the relaxation rate for typical system parameters, compare our results with other, previously discussed mechanisms, and show that the Nyquist mechanism can have an appreciable effect for experimentally relevant systems.
Electron-nuclei spin relaxation through phonon-assisted hyperfine interaction in a quantum dot
V A Abalmassov, F Marquardt
Physical Review B
We investigate the inelastic spin-flip rate for electrons in a quantum dot due to their contact hyperfine interaction with lattice nuclei. In contrast to other works, we obtain a spin-phonon coupling term from this interaction by taking directly into account the motion of nuclei in the vibrating lattice. In the calculation of the transition rate the interference of first and second orders of perturbation theory turns out to be essential. It leads to a suppression of relaxation at long phonon wavelengths, when the confining potential moves together with the nuclei embedded in the lattice. At higher frequencies (or for a fixed confining potential), the zero-temperature rate is proportional to the frequency of the emitted phonon. We address both the transition between Zeeman sublevels of a single electron ground state as well as the triplet-singlet transition, and we provide numerical estimates for realistic system parameters. The mechanism turns out to be less efficient than electron-nuclei spin relaxation involving piezoelectric electron-phonon coupling in a GaAs quantum dot.
Relaxation and dephasing in a many-fermion generalization of the Caldeira-Leggett model
F Marquardt, D S Golubev
Physical Review Letters
We analyze a model system of fermions in a harmonic oscillator potential under the influence of a fluctuating force generated by a bath of harmonic oscillators. This represents an extension of the well-known Caldeira-Leggett model to the case of many fermions. Using the method of bosonization, we calculate Green's functions and discuss relaxation and dephasing of a single extra particle added above the Fermi sea. We also extend our analysis to a more generic coupling between system and bath that results in complete thermalization of the system.
Effects of dephasing on shot noise in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review B
We present a theoretical study of the influence of dephasing on shot noise in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. In contrast to phenomenological approaches, we employ a microscopic model where dephasing is induced by the fluctuations of a classical potential. This enables us to treat the influence of the environment's fluctuation spectrum on the shot noise. We compare against the results obtained from a simple classical model of incoherent transport, as well as those derived from the phenomenological dephasing terminal approach, arguing that the latter runs into a problem when applied to shot-noise calculations for interferometer geometries. From our model, we find two different limiting regimes: If the fluctuations are slow as compared to the time scales set by voltage and temperature, the usual partition noise expression T(1-T ) is averaged over the fluctuating phase difference. For the case of "fast" fluctuations, it is replaced by a more complicated expression involving an average over transmission amplitudes. The full current noise also contains other contributions, and we provide a general formula, as well as explicit expressions and plots for specific examples.
Influence of dephasing on shot noise in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review Letters
We analyze shot noise under the influence of dephasing in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer, of the type that was realized recently [Yang Ji et al., Nature (London) 422, 415 (2003)]. Using a model of dephasing by a fluctuating classical field, we show how the usual partition noise expression T(1-T) is modified. We study the dependence on the power spectrum of the field, which is impossible in simpler approaches such as the dephasing terminal, against which we compare. We remark on shot noise as a tool to distinguish thermal smearing from genuine dephasing.
Perturbative corrections to the Gutzwiller mean-field solution of the Mott-Hubbard model
C Schroll, F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review A
We study the Mott-insulator transition of bosonic atoms in optical lattices. Using perturbation theory, we analyze the deviations from the mean-field Gutzwiller ansatz, which become appreciable for intermediate values of the ratio between hopping amplitude and interaction energy. We discuss corrections to number fluctuations, order parameter, and compressibility. In particular, we improve the description of the short-range correlations in the one-particle density matrix. These corrections are important for experimentally observed expansion patterns, both for bulk lattices and in a confining trap potential.
Dephasing in sequential tunneling through a double-dot interferometer
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review B
We analyze dephasing in a model system where electrons tunnel sequentially through a symmetric interference setup consisting of two single-level quantum dots. Depending on the phase difference between the two tunneling paths, this may result in perfect destructive interference. However, if the dots are coupled to a bath, it may act as a which-way detector, leading to partial suppression of the phase coherence and the reappearance of a finite tunneling current. In our approach, the tunneling is treated in leading order whereas coupling to the bath is kept to all orders [using P(E) theory]. We discuss the influence of different bath spectra on the visibility of the interference pattern, including the distinction between "mere renormalization effects" and "true dephasing."
Non-Markoffian effects of a simple nonlinear bath
H Gassmann, F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review E
We analyze a model of a nonlinear bath consisting of a single two-level system coupled to a linear bath (a classical noise force in the limit considered here). This allows us to study the effects of a nonlinear, non-Markoffian bath in a particularly simple situation. We analyze the effects of this bath onto the dynamics of a spin by calculating the decay of the equilibrium correlator of the z-component of the spin. The exact results are compared with those obtained using three commonly used approximations: a Markoffian master equation for the spin dynamics, a weak-coupling approximation, and the substitution of a linear bath for the original nonlinear bath.
Visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in a ring coupled to a fluctuating magnetic flux (vol 126, pg 1325, 2002)
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Journal of Low Temperature Physics
UNSP 0022-2291/02/0800-0163/0
Aharonov-Bohm ring with fluctuating flux
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review B
We consider a noninteracting system of electrons on a clean one-channel Aharonov-Bohm ring that is threaded by a fluctuating magnetic flux. The flux derives from a Caldeira-Leggett bath of harmonic oscillators. We address the influence of the bath on the following properties: one- and two-particle Green's functions, dephasing, persistent current, and visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in cotunneling transport through the ring. For the bath spectra considered here (including Nyquist noise of an external coil), we find no dephasing in the linear transport regime at zero temperature.
Separation quality of a geometric ratchet
C Keller, F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review E
We consider an experimentally relevant model of a geometric ratchet in which particles undergo drift and diffusive motion in a two-dimensional periodic array of obstacles, and which is used for the continuous separation of particles subject to different forces. The macroscopic drift velocity and diffusion tensor are calculated by a Monte Carlo simulation and by a master-equation approach, using the corresponding microscopic quantities and the shape of the obstacles as input. We define a measure of separation quality and investigate its dependence on the applied force and the shape of the obstacles.
Visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm effect in a ring coupled to a fluctuating magnetic flux
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Journal of Low Temperature Physics
We consider the visibility of the Aharonov-Bohm effect for cotunneling transport through a clean one-channel ring coupled to a fluctuating magnetic flux. We concentrate on the modification of the destructive interference at Phi(0)/2 by the fluctuating flux, since changes in the magnitude of the current away from this point can also be caused by renormalization effects and do not necessarily indicate dephasing. For fluctuations arising from the Nyquist noise in an external coil at T = 0, the suppression of the destructive interference shows up only in a contribution proportional to V-3, and therefore does not affect the linear conductance. In this sense, the Nyquist bath does not lead to dephasing in the linear transport regime at zero temperature in our model.
Superposition of two mesoscopically distinct quantum states: Coupling a Cooper-pair box to a large superconducting island
F Marquardt, C Bruder
Physical Review B
We consider a system of two superconducting islands, each of which is coupled to a bulk superconductor via Josephson tunneling. One of the islands represents a "Cooper-pair box," i.e., it is an effective two-level system. The other island has a smaller charging energy and approximates a harmonic oscillator. A capacitive interaction between the islands results in a dependence of the oscillator frequency on the quantum state of the box. Placing the latter in a coherent superposition of its eigenstates and exciting coherent oscillations in the large island will lead to a phase shift of these oscillations depending on the box quantum state, thereby producing a coherent superposition of two "mesoscopically distinct" quantum states in the large island.
Theory Division Prof. Florian Marquardt
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light Staudtstr. 2 91058 Erlangen, Germany