Dr. Michael Frosz

  • Head of TDSU Fibre Fabrication
  • Room: A 2.228
  • Tel.: +49 9131 7133 219
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Low-noise supercontinuum generation in chiral all-normal dispersion photonic crystal fibers

Markus Lippl, Michael H. Frosz, Nicolas Y. Joly

Optics Letters 48(20) 5297-5300 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Hollow-Core Fiber for Single-Mode, Low Loss Transmission of Broadband UV Light

D. Dorer, M. H. Frosz, S. Haze, M. Deiß, W. Schoch, J. Hecker Denschlag

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 30(6) 4300106 (2023) | Journal

Low-Volume Reaction Monitoring of Carbon Dot Light Absorbers in Optofluidic Microreactors

Takashi Lawson, Alexander S. Gentleman , Ava Lage, Carla Casadevall, Jie Xiao, Tristan Petit, Michael Frosz, Erwin Reisner, Tijmen G. Euser

ACS Catalysis 13 9090-9101 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Protecting Quantum Modes in Optical Fibers

Muhammad Abdullah Butt, Paul Roth, Gordon Wong, Michael Frosz, Luis Sanchez-Soto, E. A. Anashkina, A. V. Andrianov, Peter Banzer, Philip Russell, et al.

Physical Review Applied 19 054080 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Modulational instability and spectral broadening of vortex modes in chiral photonic crystal fibers

Paul Roth, Philip Russell, Michael Frosz, Yang Chen, Gordon Wong

Journal of Lightwave Technology 41(7) 2061-2069 (2023) | Journal

In situ Detection of Cobaloxime Intermediates During Photocatalysis Using Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber Microreactors

Takashi Lawson, Alexander S. Gentleman, Jonathan Pinnell, Annika Eisenschmidt, Daniel Antón-García, Michael Frosz, Erwin Reisner, Tijmen G. Euser

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in English 62(9) e202214788 (2023) | Journal

Selective phase filtering of charged beams with laser-driven antiresonant hollow-core fibers

Luca Genovese, Max Kellermeier, Frank Mayet, Klaus Floettmann, Gordon Wong, Michael Frosz, Ralph Assmann, Philip Russell, Francois Lemery

Physical Review Research 5(1) 013096 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Optical Vortex Brillouin Laser

Xinglin Zeng, Philip Russell, Yang Chen, Zheqi Wang, Gordon Wong, Paul Roth, Michael Frosz, Birgit Stiller

Laser & Photonics Reviews 2200277 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Temporal Self-Compression and Self-Frequency Shift of Submicrojoule Pulses at a Repetition Rate of 8 MHz

Francesco Tani, Jacob Lampen, Martin Butryn, Michael Frosz, Jie Jiang, Martin E. Fermann, Philip Russell

Physical Review Applied 18 064069 (2022) | Journal

Nonreciprocal vortex isolator via topology-selective stimulated Brillouin scattering

Xinglin Zeng, Philip Russell, Christian Wolff , Michael Frosz, Gordon Wong, Birgit Stiller

Science Advances 8(42) eabq6064 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Label-free monitoring of proteins in optofluidic hollow-core photonic crystal fibres

Jan R. Heck , Ermanno Miele, Ralf Mouthaan, Michael Frosz, Tuomas P J Knowles, Tijmen G Euser

Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 10 045008 (2022) | Journal

Strong circular dichroism for the HE11 mode in twisted single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber: erratum

Paul Roth, Yang Chen, Mehmet Can Günendi, Ramin Beravat, Nitin Edavalath, Michael Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Gordon Wong, Philip Russell

Optica 9(9) 1037-1038 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Erratum to “Bragg Reflection and Conversion Between Helical Bloch Modes in Chiral Three-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber”

Sébastien Loranger, Yang Chen, Paul Roth, Michael Frosz, Gordon Wong, Philip Russell

Journal of Lightwave Technology 40(22) 7479-7479 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Stern–Volmer analysis of photocatalyst fluorescence quenching within hollow-core photonic crystal fibre microreactors

Alexander S. Gentleman, Takashi Lawson, Matthew G. Ellis, Molly Davis, Jacob Turner-Dore, Alison S. H. Ryder, Michael Frosz, Maria Ciaccia, Erwin Reisner, et al.

Chemical Communications 58 10548 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Hollow-core optical fibre sensors for operando Raman spectroscopy investigation of Li-ion battery liquid electrolytes

Ermanno Miele, Wesley M. Dose, Ilya Manyakin, Michael Frosz, Zachary Ruff, Michael F. L. De Volder, Clare P. Grey, Jeremy J. Baumberg, Tijmen G. Euser

Nature Communications 13 1651 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Stimulated Brillouin scattering in chiral photonic crystal fiber

Xinglin Zeng, Wenbin He, Michael Frosz, Andreas Geilen, Paul Roth, Gordon Wong, Philip Russell, Birgit Stiller

Photonics Research 10(3) 711-718 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Efficient Excitation of High-Purity Modes in Arbitrary Waveguide Geometries

Ralf Mouthaan, Peter J. Christopher, Jonathan Pinnell, Michael Frosz, George Gordon, Timothy D. Wilkinson, Tijmen G. Euser

Journal of Lightwave Technology 40(4) 1150-1160 (2022) | Journal

Scaling rules for high quality soliton self-compression in hollow-core fibers

Daniel Schade, Felix Köttig, Johannes Köhler, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St.J. Russell, Francesco Tani

Optics Express 29(12) 19147-19158 (2021) | Journal

Optofluidic photonic crystal fiber microreactors for in-situ studies of carbon nanodot-driven photoreduction

Philipp Koehler, Takashi Lawson, Julian Neises, Janina Willkomm, Benjamin C. M. Martindale , Georgina A. M. Hutton, Daniel Antón-García, Ava Lage, Alexander S. Gentleman, et al.

Analytical Chemistry 93(2) 895-901 (2021) | Journal

Cross-phase modulational instability of circularly polarized helical Bloch modes carrying optical vortices in a chiral three-core photonic crystal fiber

Paul Roth, Michael Frosz, Linda Weise, Philip Russell, Gordon Wong

Optics Letters 46(2) 174-177 (2021) | Journal

Seven-octave high-brightness and carrier-envelope-phase-stable light source

Ugaitz Elu, Luke Maidment, Lenard Vamos, Francesco Tani, David Novoa, Michael H. Frosz, Valeriy Badikov, Dmitrii Badikov, Valentin Petrov, et al.

Nature Photonics 15 277-280 (2020) | Journal

Three-photon head-mounted microscope for imaging deep cortical layers in freely moving rats

Alexandr Klioutchnikov, Damian J Wallace, Michael H. Frosz, Richard Zeltner, Jürgen Sawinski, Verena Pawlak, Kay-Michael Voit, Philip St. J. Russell, Jason N. D. Kerr

Nature methods 17 509-513 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Three-photon head-mounted microscope for imaging deep cortical layers in freely moving rats

Alexandr Klioutchnikov, Damian James Wallace, Michael H. Frosz, Richard Zeltner, Jürgen Sawinski, Verena Pawlak, Kay-Michael Voit, Philip St. J. Russell, Jason Kerr

Nature methods 17 509-513 (2020) | Journal

Bragg Reflection and Conversion Between Helical Bloch Modes in Chiral Three-Core Photonic Crystal Fiber

Sébastien Loranger, Yang Chen, Paul Roth, Michael Frosz, Gordon Wong, Philip Russell

Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(15) 4100-4107 (2020) | Journal

Progress toward third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers

A. Cavanna, J. Hammer, C. Okoth, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U’Ren, M. Frosz, X. Jiang, et al.

Physical Review A 101 033840 (2020) | Journal

Robust excitation and Raman conversion of guided vortices in a chiral gas-filled photonic crystal fiber

Sona Davtyan, Yang Chen, Michael Frosz, Philip Russell, David Novoa

Optics Letters 45(7) 1766-1769 (2020) | Journal

Full-field characterization of helical Bloch modes guided in twisted coreless photonic crystal fiber

Paul Roth, Gordon Wong, Michael Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Philip Russell

Optics Letters 44(20) 5049-5052 (2019) | Journal

Non-invasive real-time characterization of hollow-core photonic crystal fibers using whispering gallery mode spectroscopy

Michael Frosz, Riccardo Pennetta, Michael Enders, Goran Ahmed, Philip Russell

Optics Express 27(21) 30842-30851 (2019) | Journal

Generation of broadband circularly polarized supercontinuum light in twisted photonic crystal fibers

Rafal Sopalla, Gordon Wong, Nicolas Joly, Michael Frosz, Xin Jiang, Goran Ahmed, Philip Russell

Optics Letters 44(16) 3964-3967 (2019) | Journal

MRI-guided robotic arm drives optogenetic fMRI with concurrent Ca2+ recording

Y Chen, P Pais-Roldán, X Chen, Michael Frosz, X Yu

Nature Communications 10(1) 2536 1-11 (2019) | Journal

Fabrication and non-destructive characterization of tapered single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Riccardo Pennetta, Michael T. Enders, Michael H. Frosz, Francesco Tani, Philip St. J. Russell

APL Photonics 4 056105 1-6 (2019) | Journal

Pump-probe multi-species CARS in a hollow-core PCF with a 20 ppm detection limit under ambient conditions

Rinat Tyumenev, Luisa Späth, Barbara M. Trabold, Goran Ahmed, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St. J. Russell

Optics Letters 44(10) 2486-2489 (2019) | Journal

Spatio-temporal measurement of ionization-induced modal index changes in gas-filled PCF by prism-assisted side-coupling

Barbara M. Trabold, Mallika I. Suresh, Johannes R. Köhler, Michael H. Frosz, Francesco Tani, Philip St. J. Russell

Optics Express 27(10) 14392-14399 (2019) | Journal

Polarization-Tailored Raman Frequency Conversion in Chiral Gas-Filled Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibers

Sona Davtyan, David Novoa, Yang Chen, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St. J. Russell

Physical Review Letters 122(14) 143902 1-5 (2019) | Journal

Excitation of higher-order modes in optofluidic photonic crystal fiber

Andrei Ruskuc, Philipp Koehler, Marius A. Weber, Ana Andres-Arroyo, Michael H. Frosz, Philip St. J. Russell, Tijmen G. Euser

Optics Express 26(23) 30245-30254 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Strong circular dichroism for the HE11 mode in twisted single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

Paul Roth, Yang Chen, Mehmet Can Günendi, Ramin Beravat, Nitin N. Edavalath, Michael H. Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Gordon K. L. Wong, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICA 5(10) 1315-1321 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Analytical formulation for the bend loss in single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

Michael H. Frosz, Paul Roth, Mehmet C. Guenendi, Philip St. J. Russell

PHOTONICS RESEARCH 5(2) 88-91 (2017) | Journal

Generation of broadband mid-IR and UV light in gas-filled single-ring hollow-core PCF

Marco Cassataro, David Novoa, Mehmet C. Guenendi, Nitin N. Edavalath, Michael H. Frosz, John C. Travers, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICS EXPRESS 25(7) 7637-7644 (2017) | Journal

Continuously wavelength-tunable high harmonic generation via soliton dynamics

Francesco Tani, Michael H. Frosz, John C. Travers, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 42(9) 1768-1771 (2017) | Journal

Higher-order mode suppression in twisted single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

N. N. Edavalath, M. C. Guenendi, R. Beravat, G. K. L. Wong, M. H. Frosz, J. -M. Menard, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 42(11) 2074-2077 (2017) | Journal

High average power and single-cycle pulses from a mid-IR optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier

Ugaitz Elu, Matthias Baudisch, Hugo Pires, Francesco Tani, Michael H. Frosz, Felix Koettig, Alexey Ermolov, Philip St J. Russell, Jens Biegert

OPTICA 4(9) 1024-1029 (2017) | Journal

Twist-induced guidance in coreless photonic crystal fiber: A helical channel for light

Ramin Beravat, Gordon K. L. Wong, Michael H. Frosz, Xiao Ming Xi, Philip St. J. Russell

SCIENCE ADVANCES 2(11) e1601421 (2016) | Journal

High-resolution wavefront shaping with a photonic crystal fiber for multimode fiber imaging

Lyubov V. Amitonova, Adrien Descloux, Joerg Petschulat, Michael H. Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Fehim Babic, Xin Jiang, Allard P. Mosk, Philip St. J. Russell, et al.

OPTICS LETTERS 41(3) 497-500 (2016) | Journal

Reducing losses in solid-core photonic crystal fibers using chlorine dehydration

Michael H. Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Nadezda Lapshina, Ralf Keding, Fehim Babic, Nicolas Y. Joly, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICAL MATERIALS EXPRESS 6(9) UNSP 268413 (2016) | Journal

Supercontinuum generation in ZBLAN glass photonic crystal fiber with six nanobore cores

Xin Jiang, Nicolas Y. Joly, Martin A. Finger, Fehim Babic, Meng Pang, Rafal Sopalla, Michael H. Frosz, Samuel Poulain, Marcel Poulain, et al.

OPTICS LETTERS 41(18) 4245-4248 (2016) | Journal

Broadband robustly single-mode hollow-core PCF by resonant filtering of higher-order modes

Patrick Uebel, Mehmet C. Guenendi, Michael H. Frosz, Goran Ahmed, Nitin N. Edavalath, Jean-Michel Menard, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 41(9) 1961-1964 (2016) | Journal

Current sensing using circularly birefringent twisted solid-core photonic crystal fiber

R. Beravat, G. K. L. Wong, X. M. Xi, M. H. Frosz, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 41(7) 1672-1675 (2016) | Journal

Compressing mu J-level pulses from 250 fs to sub-10 fs at 38-MHz repetition rate using two gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber stages

K. F. Mak, M. Seidel, O. Pronin, M. H. Frosz, A. Abdolvand, V. Pervak, A. Apolonski, F. Krausz, J. C. Travers, et al.

OPTICS LETTERS 40(7) 1238-1241 (2015) | Journal

Supercontinuum generation in the vacuum ultraviolet through dispersive-wave and soliton-plasma interaction in a noble-gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fiber

A. Ermolov, K. F. Mak, M. H. Frosz, J. C. Travers, P. St. J. Russell

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 92(3) 033821 (2015) | Journal

Enhanced optical activity and circular dichroism in twisted photonic crystal fiber

G. K. L. Wong, X. M. Xi, M. H. Frosz, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 40(20) 4639-4642 (2015) | Journal

Orbital-angular-momentum-preserving helical Bloch modes in twisted photonic crystal fiber

X. M. Xi, G. K. L. Wong, M. H. Frosz, F. Babic, G. Ahmed, X. Jiang, T. G. Euser, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICA 1(3) 165-169 (2014) | Journal

Real-time Doppler-assisted tomography of microstructured fibers by side-scattering

Alessio Stefani, Michael H. Frosz, Tijmen G. Euser, Gordon K. L. Wong, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICS EXPRESS 22(21) 25570-25579 (2014) | Journal

Damage-free single-mode transmission of deep-UV light in hollow-core PCF

F. Gebert, M. H. Frosz, T. Weiss, Y. Wan, A. Ermolov, N. Y. Joly, P. O. Schmidt, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS EXPRESS 22(13) 15388-15396 (2014) | Journal

Five-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber with 1.8 dB/km loss

M. H. Frosz, J. Nold, T. Weiss, A. Stefani, F. Babic, S. Rammler, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 38(13) 2215-2217 (2013) | Journal

Nonlinear fiber-optic strain sensor based on four-wave mixing in microstructured optical fiber

Bobo Gu, Wu Yuan, Michael H. Frosz, A. Ping Zhang, Sailing He, Ole Bang

OPTICS LETTERS 37(5) 794-796 (2012)

Kagome hollow-core photonic crystal fiber probe for Raman spectroscopy

Petru Ghenuche, Silke Rammler, Nicolas Y. Joly, Michael Scharrer, Michael Frosz, Jerome Wenger, Philip St J. Russell, Herve Rigneault

OPTICS LETTERS 37(21) 4371-4373 (2012)

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