Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar

  • Director
  • Head of Nano-Optics Division

The research of our group aims to advance experimental and theoretical mastery of light-matter interaction at the nanometer scale and to achieve the same degree of control and finesse that is known from the gas-phase quantum optics in the condensed phase. To do this, we combine concepts from quantum optics, laser spectroscopy, cryogenics, optical imaging, scanning probe technology and nanofluidics. In this endeavour, we have addressed a wide spectrum of scientific questions, ranging from quantum optics to biophysics. For more information, please consult our research website and our list of publications.

Higher order transient membrane protein structures

Yuxi Zhang, Hisham Mazal, Venkata Shiva Mandala, Gonzalo Perez-Mitta, Vahid Sandoghdar, Christoph A. Haselwandter, Roderick McKinnon

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 122 e2421275121 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Cryogenic light microscopy with Ångstrom precision deciphers structural conformations of PIEZO1

Hisham Mazal, Alexandra Schambony, Vahid Sandoghdar

BioRxiv 10.1101/2024.12.22.629944 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Supported Lipid Bilayers as Stochastic Conveyor Belt for Delivery to the Near Field of Nanoscopic Structures

Yazgan Tuna, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Physical Chemistry C

to appear

Long-Range Three-Dimensional Tracking of Nanoparticles Using Interferometric Scattering Microscopy

Kiarash Kasaian, Mahdi Mazaheri, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Nano 18 30463-30472 (2024) | Journal | PDF

iSCAT microscopy and particle tracking with tailored spatial coherence

Mahdi Mazaheri, Kiarash Kasaian, David Albrecht, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Cornelia Holler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optica 11 1030-1038 (2024) | Journal | PDF

High-Resolution Cryogenic Spectroscopy of Single Molecules in Nanoprinted Crystals

Mohammad Musavinezhad, Jan Renger, Johannes Zirkelbach , Tobias Utikal, Claudio U. Hail, Thomas Basché, Dimos Poulikakos, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Nano 18 21886-21893 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Measuring Concentration of Nanoparticles in Polydisperse Mixtures Using Interferometric Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis

Anna D. Kashkanova, David Albrecht, Michelle Küppers, Martin Blessing, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Nano 18 19161-19168 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Lipidic folding pathway of α-Synuclein via a toxic oligomer

Christian Griesinger, Vrinda Sant, Dirk Matthes, Hisham Mazal, Leif Antonschmidt, Franz Wieser, Kumar Tekwani Movellan, Kai Xue, Evgeny Nimerovsky, et al.

Research Square (2024) Preprint | PDF

to appear Nature Communications 2025

An optofluidic antenna for enhancing the sensitivity of single-emitter measurements

Luis Morales-Inostroza, Julian Folz, Ralf Kühnemuth, Suren Felekyan, Franz Wieser, Claus A.M. Seidel, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Communications 15 2545 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Exploring the Physics of Basic Medical Research

Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 132 090001 (2024) | Journal | PDF

invited essay

A paintbrush for delivery of nanoparticles and molecules to live cells with precise spatiotemporal control

Cornelia Holler, Richard W. Taylor, Alexandra Schambony, Leonhard Möckl, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Methods 21 512-520 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Spectral splitting of a stimulated Raman transition in a single molecule

Johannes Zirkelbach, Burak Gürlek, Masoud Mirzaei, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Research 5 043244 (2023) | Journal | PDF

On-chip interference of scattering from two individual molecules

Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optica 10 1595-1601 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Insights into protein structure using cryogenic light microscopy

Hisham Mazal, Franz Wieser, Vahid Sandoghdar

Biochemical Society Transactions (2023) | Journal | PDF

Label-free discrimination of extracellular vesicles from large lipoproteins

Anna D. Kashkanova, Martin Blessing, Marie Reischke, Jan-Ole Baur, Andreas S. Baur, Vahid Sandoghdar, Jan Van Deun

Journal of extracellular vesicles 12 12348 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Quantum Efficiency of Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in p-Dichlorobenzene at Cryogenic Temperatures

Mohammad Musavinezhad, Alexey Shkarin, Dominik Rattenbacher, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5353-5359 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Confocal Interferometric Scattering Microscopy Reveals 3D Nanoscopic Structure and Dynamics in Live Cells

Michelle Küppers, David Albrecht, Anna D. Kashkanova, Jennifer Lühr, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Communications 14 1962 (2023) (2023) | Journal | PDF

Self-supervised machine learning pushes the sensitivity limit in label-free detection of single proteins below 10 kDa

Mahyar Dahmardeh, Houman Mirzaalian Dastjerdi, Hisham Mazal, Harald Köstler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Methods 20 442-447 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Robust Tipless Positioning Device for Near-Field Investigations: Press and Roll Scan (PROscan)

Hsuan-Wei Liu, Michael A. Becker, Korenobu Matsuzaki, Randhir Kumar, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Nano 16 12831-12839 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Deciphering a hexameric protein complex with Angstrom optical resolution

Hisham Mazal, Franz Wieser, Vahid Sandoghdar

eLife 11 e76308 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Precision size and refractive index analysis of weakly scattering nanoparticles in polydispersions

Anna D. Kashkanova, Martin Blessing, André Gemeinhardt, Didier Soulat, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Methods 19 586-593 (2022) | Journal | PDF

PiSCAT: A Python Package for Interferometric Scattering Microscopy

Houman Mirzaalian Dastjerdi, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Matthias Bär, Vahid Sandoghdar, Harald Köstler

The Journal of Open Source Software 7(71) 4024 (2022) | Journal | PDF

High-resolution vibronic spectroscopy of a single molecule embedded in a crystal

Johannes Zirkelbach, Masoud Mirzaei, Irena Deperasińska, Boleslaw Kozankiewicz, Burak Gürlek, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 104301 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Optimized analysis for sensitive detection and analysis of single proteins via interferometric scattering microscopy

Houman Mirzaalian Dastjerdi, Mahyar Dahmardeh, André Gemeinhardt, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Harald Köstler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 054002 (2021) | Journal

Single-molecule vacuum Rabi splitting: four-wave mixing and optical switching at the single-photon level

André Pscherer, Manuel Meierhofer, Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego-Martin Cano, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 127 133603 (2021) | Journal

suggested by editors

Engineering long-lived vibrational states for an organic molecule

Burak Gürlek, Vahid Sandoghdar, Diego-Martin Cano

Physical Review Letters 127 123603 (2021) | Journal

On Quantum Efficiency Measurements and Plasmonic Nano-Antennas

Korenobu Matsuzaki, Hsuan-Wei Liu, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Photonics 8 1508-1521 (2021) | Journal

Single organic molecules for photonic quantum technologies

C. Toninelli, I. Gerhardt, A.S. Clark, A. Reserbat-Plantey, Stephan Götzinger, Z. Ristanovic, M. Colautti, P. Lombardi, K.D. Major, et al.

Nature Materials 2021 (2021) | Journal

Nanoscopic charge fluctuations in a gallium phosphide waveguide measured by single molecules

Alexey Shkarin, Dominik Rattenbacher, Jan Renger, Simon Hönl, Tobias Utikal, Paul Seidler, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 126 133602 (2021) | Journal

Precision single-particle localization using radial variance transform

Anna D. Kashkanova, Alexey Shkarin, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Martin Blessing, Yazgan Tuna, André Gemeinhardt, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 29 11070-11083 (2021) | Journal

Polarization-Encoded Colocalization Microscopy at Cryogenic Temperatures

Daniel Böning, Franz Wieser, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Photonics 8 194-201 (2020) | Journal

Kerker effect, superscattering, and scattering dark states in atomic antennas

Rasoul Alaee Khanghah, Akbar Safari, Vahid Sandoghdar, Robert W. Boyd

Physical Review Research 2 043409 (2020) | Journal

Differential diffusional properties in loose and tight docking prior to membrane fusion

Agata Witkowska, Susann Spindler, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Vahid Sandoghdar, Reinhard Jahn

Biophysical Journal 119 2431-2439 (2020) | Journal

High-precision protein-tracking with interferometric scattering microscopy

Richard W. Taylor, Cornelia Holler, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Michelle Küppers, Houman Mirzaalian Dastjerdi, Vasily Zaburdaev, Alexandra Schambony, Vahid Sandoghdar

Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8 590158 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Nanostructured alkali-metal vapor cells

Tom F. Cutler, William J. Hamlyn, Jan Renger, Kate A. Whittaker, Danielle Pizzey, Ifan G. Hughes, Vahid Sandoghdar, Charles S. Adams

Physical Review Applied 14 034054 (2020) | Journal

suggested by editors

Partial cloaking of a gold particle by a single molecule

Johannes Zirkelbach, Benjamin Gmeiner, Jan Renger, Pierre Türschmann, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 125 103603 (2020) | Journal

suggested by editors

Quantum metamaterials with magnetic response at optical frequencies

Rasoul Alaee Khanghah, Burak Gürlek, Mohammad Albooyeh, Diego-Martin Cano, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 125 063601 (2020) | Journal

suggested by editors

Point spread function in interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT). Part I: aberrations in defocusing and axial localization

Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Richard W. Taylor, Martin Kaller, Susann Spindler, Mahdi Mazaheri, Kiarash Kasaian, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 28 25969-25988 (2020) | Journal

Molecule-photon interactions in phononic environments

Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer, Burak Gürlek, Vahid Sandoghdar, Diego-Martin Cano, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 2 033270 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Point spread function in interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT). Part I: aberrations in defocusing and axial localization

Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Richard W. Taylor, Martin Kaller, Susann Spindler, Mahdi Mazaheri, Kiarash Kasaian, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 28 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Sub-nanometer resolution in single-molecule photoluminescence imaging

Ben Yang, Gong Chen, Atif Ghafoor, Yufan Zhang, Yao Zhang, Yang Zhang, Yi Luo, Jinlong Yang, Vahid Sandoghdar, et al.

Nature Photonics 14 693-699 (2020) | Journal

Ultrahigh-speed imaging of rotational diffusion on a lipid bilayer

Mahdi Mazaheri, Jens Ehrig, Alexey Shkarin, Vasily Zaburdaev, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 20 7213-7219 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Nano-Optics in 2020 ± 20

Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 20 4721-4723 (2020) | Journal

Ensemble-induced strong light-matter coupling of a single quantum emitter

Stefan Schütz, Johannes Schachenmayer, David Hagenmüller, Gavin K. Brennen, Thomas Volz, Vahid Sandoghdar, Thomas W. Ebbesen, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo

Physical Review Letters 124 113602 (2020) | Journal

Roadmap on quantum light spectroscopy

Shaul Mukamel, Matthias Freyberger, Wolfgang Schleich, Marco Bellini, Alessandro Zavatta, Gerd Leuchs, Christine Silberhorn, Robert W. Boyd, Luis Lorenzo Sánchez-Soto, et al.

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics; IOP Publishing, Bristol 53 7 (2020) | Journal

Interferometric Scattering (iSCAT) Microscopy & Related Techniques

Richard W. Taylor, Vahid Sandoghdar

Label-Free Super-Resolution Microscopy 25-65 (2019) | Book Chapter

Coherent nonlinear optics of quantum emitters in nanophotonic waveguides

Pierre Türschmann, Hanna Le Jeannic, Signe F. Simonsen, Harald Haakh, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Peter Lodahl, Nir Rotenberg

Nanophotonics 8 1641-1657 (2019) | Journal

Interferometric Scattering Microscopy: Seeing Single Nanoparticles and Molecules via Rayleigh Scattering

Richard W. Taylor, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 19 4827-4835 (2019) | Journal

Coherent coupling of single molecules to on-chip ring resonators

Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

New Journal of Physics 21 062002 (2019) | Journal

Electrically driven single-photon superradiance from molecular chains in a plasmonic nanocavity

Yang Luo, Gong Chen, Yang Zhang, Li Zhang, Yunjie Yu, Fanfang Kong, Xiaojun Tian, Yao Zhang, Chongxin Shan, et al.

Physical Review Letters 122 233901 (2019) | Journal

Nanoprinting organic molecules at the quantum level

Claudio U. Hail, Christian Höller, Korenobu Matsuzaki, Patrik Rohner, Jan Renger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Dimos Poulikakos, Hadi Eghlidi

Nature Communications 10 1880 (2019) | Journal

Interferometric scattering microscopy reveals microsecond nanoscopic protein motion on a live cell membrane

Richard W. Taylor, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Verena Rauschenberger, Andreas Giessl, Alexandra Schambony, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Photonics 13 480-487 (2019) | Journal

Turning a molecule into a coherent two-level quantum system

Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego-Martin Cano, Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Physics 15 483-489 (2019) | Journal

Label-Free Imaging of Single Proteins Secreted from Living Cells via iSCAT Microscopy

André Gemeinhardt, Matthew Paul McDonald, Katharina König, Michael Aigner, Andreas Mackensen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Visualized Experiments e58486 (2018) | Journal

High-Speed Microscopy of Diffusion in Pore-Spanning Lipid Membranes

Susann Spindler, Jeremias Sibold, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Claudia Steinem, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 18 5262-5271 (2018) | Journal

Manipulation of Quenching in Nanoantenna–Emitter Systems Enabled by External Detuned Cavities: A Path to Enhance Strong-Coupling

Burak Gürlek, Vahid Sandoghdar, Diego-Martin Cano

ACS Photonics 5 456-461 (2018) | Journal

Visualizing single-cell secretion dynamics with single protein sensitivity

Matthew Paul McDonald, André Gemeinhardt, Katharina König, Marek Piliarik, Stefanie Schaffer, Simon Völkl, Andreas Mackensen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 18 513-519 (2018) | Journal

Cryogenic optical localization provides 3D protein structure data with Angstrom resolution

Siegfried Weisenburger, Daniel Boening, Benjamin Schomburg, Karin Giller, Stefan Becker, Christian Griesinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature methods 14 141-144 (2017) | Journal

A single molecule as a high-fidelity photon gun for producing intensity-squeezed light

Xiao-Liu Chu, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Photonics 11 58-62 (2017) | Journal

Coherent Coupling of a Single Molecule to a Scanning Fabry-Perot Microcavity

Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego-Martin Cano, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review X 7 021014 (2017) | Journal

Strong plasmonic enhancement of biexciton emission: controlled coupling of a single quantum dot to a gold nanocone antenna

Korenobu Matsuzaki, Simon Vassant, Hsuan-Wei Liu, Anke Dutschke, Bjoern Hoffmann, Xuewen Chen, Silke Christiansen, Matthew R. Buck, Jennifer A. Hollingsworth, et al.

Scientific Reports 7 42307 (2017) | Journal

Levitated Plasmonic Nanoantennas in an Aqueous Environment

Yazgan Tuna, Ji Tae Kim, Hsuan-Wei Liu, Vahid Sandoghdar

ACS Nano 11 7674-7678 (2017) | Journal

A Single-Emitter Gain Medium for Bright Coherent Radiation from a Plasmonic Nanoresonator

Pu Zhang, Igor Protsenko, Vahid Sandoghdar, Xue-Wen Chen

ACS Photonics 4 2738-2744 (2017) | Journal

Chip-Based All-Optical Control of Single Molecules Coherently Coupled to a Nanoguide

Pierre Tuerschmann, Nir Rotenberg, Jan Renger, Irina Harder, Olga Lohse, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 17 4941-4945 (2017) | Journal

Small slot waveguide rings for on-chip quantum optical circuits

Nir Rotenberg, Pierre Tuerschmann, Harald R. Haakh, Diego-Martin Cano, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 25 5397-5414 (2017) | Journal

Production of Isolated Giant Unilamellar Vesicles under High Salt Concentrations

Hannah Stein, Susann Spindler, Navid Bonakdar, Chun Wang, Vahid Sandoghdar

Frontiers in Physiology 8 63 (2017) | Journal

Temporal and spectral properties of quantum light

B. Stiller, U. Seyfarth, G. Leuchs, C. Fabre, V. Sandoghdar, N. Treps, L.F. Cugliandolo

Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics 169-227 (2017) | Book Chapter | PDF

Experimental demonstration of a predictable single photon source with variable photon flux

Aigar Vaigu, Geiland Porrovecchio, Xiao-Liu Chu, Sarah Lindner, Marek Smid, Albert Manninen, Christoph Becher, Vahid Sandoghdar, Stephan Gotzinger, et al.

Metrologia 54 218-223 (2017) | Journal

Experimental realization of an absolute single-photon source based on a single nitrogen vacancy center in a nanodiamond

Beatrice Rodiek, Marco Lopez, Helmuth Hofer, Geiland Porrovecchio, Marek Smid, Xiao-Liu Chu, Stephan Gotzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Sarah Lindner, et al.

Optica 4 71-76 (2017) | Journal

Compartmentalization and Transport in Synthetic Vesicles

Christine Schmitt, Anna H. Lippert, Navid Bonakdar, Vahid Sandoghdar, Lars M. Voll

Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4 19 (2016) | Journal

Polaritonic normal-mode splitting and light localization in a one-dimensional nanoguide

Harald R. Haakh, Sanli Faez, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review A 94 053840 (2016) | Journal

Spectroscopy and microscopy of single molecules in nanoscopic channels: spectral behavior vs. confinement depth

Benjamin Gmeiner, Andreas Maser, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 19588-19594 (2016) | Journal

Visualization of lipids and proteins at high spatial and temporal resolution via interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy

Susann Spindler, Jens Ehrig, Katharina Koenig, Tristan Nowak, Marek Piliarik, Hannah E. Stein, Richard W. Taylor, Elisabeth Garanger, Sebastien Lecommandoux, et al.

Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 349601 (2016) | Journal

Visualization and ligand-induced modulation of dopamine receptor dimerization at the single molecule level

Alina Tabor, Siegfried Weisenburger, Ashutosh Banerjee, Nirupam Purkayastha, Jonas M. Kaindl, Harald Huebner, Luxi Wei, Teja W. Groemer, Johannes Kornhuber, et al.

Scientific Reports 6 33233 (2016) | Journal

Visualization of lipids and proteins at high spatial and temporal resolution via interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy

Susann Spindler, Jens Ehrig, Katharina König, Tristan Nowak, Marek Piliarik, Hannah E. Stein, Richard W. Taylor, Elisabeth Garanger, Sebastien Lecommandoux, et al.

Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics 49 274002 (2016) | Journal

Few-photon coherent nonlinear optics with a single molecule

Andreas Maser, Benjamin Gmeiner, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Photonics 10 450-453 (2016) | Journal

Light microscopy: an ongoing contemporary revolution

Siegfried Weisenburger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Contemporary Physics 56 123-143 (2015) | Journal

Enhancing the radiative emission rate of single molecules by a plasmonic nanoantenna weakly coupled with a dielectric substrate

X. W. Chen, K. G. Lee, H. Eghlidi, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 23 32986-32992 (2015) | Journal

Spectroscopic detection of single Pr3+ ions on the H-3(4)-D-1(2) transition

Emanuel Eichhammer, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

New Journal of Physics 17 083018 (2015) | Journal

When excitons and plasmons meet: Emerging function through synthesis and assembly

Jennifer A. Hollingsworth, Han Htoon, Andrei Piryatinski, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

MRS Bulletin 40 768-776 (2015) | Journal

Sensing Nanoparticles with a Cantilever-Based Scannable Optical Cavity of Low Finesse and Sub-lambda(3) Volume

Hrishikesh Kelkar, Daqing Wang, Diego Martin-Cano, Bjoern Hoffmann, Silke Christiansen, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Applied 4 054010 (2015) | Journal

Fabrication and characterization of plasmonic nanocone antennas for strong spontaneous emission enhancement

Bjoern Hoffmann, Simon Vassant, Xue-Wen Chen, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Silke Christiansen

Nanotechnology 26 404001 (2015) | Journal

High-cooperativity nanofiber laser

Sanli Faez, Pierre Türschmann, Vahid Sandoghdar

arXiv 1403.1885 (2014) Preprint | PDF

Scanning-aperture trapping and manipulation of single charged nanoparticles

Ji Tae Kim, Susann Spindler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Communications 5 3380 (2014) | Journal

Conformational distribution of surface-adsorbed fibronectin molecules explored by single molecule localization microscopy

E. Klotzsch, I. Schoen, J. Ries, A. Renn, V. Sandoghdar, V. Vogel

Biomaterials Science 2 883-892 (2014) | Journal

Experimental realization of an optical antenna designed for collecting 99% of photons from a quantum emitter

X. -L. Chu, T. J. K. Brenner, X. -W. Chen, Y. Ghosh, J. A. Hollingsworth, V. Sandoghdar, Stephan Götzinger

Optica 1 203-208 (2014) | Journal

Spectroscopic detection and state preparation of a single praseodymium ion in a crystal

Tobias Utikal, Emanuel Eichhammer, L. Petersen, Alois Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Communications 5 3627 (2014) | Journal

Cryogenic Colocalization Microscopy for Nanometer-Distance Measurements

Siegfried Weisenburger, Bo Jing, Dominik Haenni, Luc Reymond, Benjamin Schuler, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

ChemPhysChem 15 (2014) | Journal

Direct optical sensing of single unlabelled proteins and super-resolution imaging of their binding sites

Marek Piliarik, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Communications 5 4495 (2014) | Journal

Coherent Interaction of Light and Single Molecules in a Dielectric Nanoguide

Sanli Faez, Pierre Tuerschmann, Harald R. Haakh, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 113 213601 (2014) | Journal

Single-molecule optical spectroscopy

Michel Orrit, Taekjip Ha, Vahid Sandoghdar

Chemical Society Reviews 43 973-976 (2014) | Journal

Tracking Single Particles on Supported Lipid Membranes: Multimobility Diffusion and Nanoscopic Confinement

Chia-Lung Hsieh, Susann Spindler, Jens Ehrig, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 1545-1554 (2014) | Journal

Label-free characterization of biomembranes: from structure to dynamics

Alireza Mashaghi, Samaneh Mashaghi, Ilya Reviakine, Ron M. A. Heeren, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mischa Bonn

Chemical Society Reviews 43 887-900 (2014) | Journal

Receptor Concentration and Diffusivity Control Multivalent Binding of Sv40 to Membrane Bilayers

Oliwia M. Szklarczyk, Nélido González-Segredo, Philipp Kukura, Ariella Oppenheim, Daniel Choquet, Vahid Sandoghdar, Ari Helenius, Ivo F. Sbalzarini, Helge Ewers

PLoS Computational Biology 9 e1003310 (2013) | Journal

Cryogenic localization of single molecules with angstrom precision

Siegfried Weisenburger, Jing Bo, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Proceedings of SPIE 8815 88150D (2013) | Journal

Measuring three-dimensional interaction potentials using optical interference

Nassir Mojarad, Vahid Sandoghdar, Madhavi Krishnan

Optics Express 21 9377-9389 (2013) | Journal

Antennas, quantum optics and near-field microscopy

Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio, Xue-Wen Chen, Stephan Götzinger, Kwang-Geol Lee

Optical Antennas 100-121 (2013) | Book Chapter

Coherent Interaction of Light with a Metallic Structure Coupled to a Single Quantum Emitter: From Superabsorption to Cloaking

Xue-Wen Chen, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

Physical Review Letters 110 153605 (2013) | Journal

Direct printing of nanostructures by electrostatic autofocussing of ink nanodroplets

Patrick Galliker, Julian Schneider, Hadi Eghlidi, Sascha Kress, Vahid Sandoghdar, Dimos Poulikakos

Nature Communications 3 890 (2012) | Journal

Spontaneous emission enhancement of a single molecule by a double-sphere nanoantenna across an interface

K-G. Lee, H. Eghlidi, X-W. Chen, A. Renn, S. Goetzinger, V. Sandoghdar

Optics Express 20 23331-23338 (2012) | Journal

Metallodielectric Hybrid Antennas for Ultrastrong Enhancement of Spontaneous Emission

Xue-Wen Chen, Mario Agio, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 108 233001 (2012) | Journal

Single-Photon Spectroscopy of a Single Molecule

Y. L. A. Rezus, S. G. Walt, R. Lettow, A. Renn, G. Zumofen, S. Goetzinger, V. Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 108 093601 (2012) | Journal

Funneling propagating photons into single molecules

Vahid Sandoghdar

SPIE Newsroom (2011) | Journal

Controlling the Phase of a Light Beam with a Single Molecule

M. Pototschnig, Y. Chassagneux, J. Hwang, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 107 063001 (2011) | Journal

99% efficiency in collecting photons from a single emitter

Xue-Wen Chen, Stephan Goetzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 36 3545-3547 (2011)

A planar dielectric antenna for directional single-photon emission and near-unity collection efficiency

K. G. Lee, X. W. Chen, H. Eghlidi, P. Kukura, R. Lettow, A. Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar, Stephan Götzinger

Nature Photonics 5 166-169 (2011) | Journal

Single-molecule imaging by optical absorption

Michele Celebrano, Philipp Kukura, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Photonics 5 95-98 (2011) | Journal

Coherent nonlinear single-molecule microscopy

I. Gerhardt, G. Wrigge, J. Hwang, G. Zumofen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review A 82 063823 (2010) | Journal

Near-infrared single-photons from aligned molecules in ultrathin crystalline films at room temperature

C. Toninelli, K. Early, J. Bremi, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 18 6577-6582 (2010) | Journal

Spontaneous emission of a nanoscopic emitter in a strongly scattering disordered medium

P. V. Ruijgrok, R. Wuest, A. A. Rebane, A. Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 18 6360-6365 (2010) | Journal

Geometry-induced electrostatic trapping of nanometric objects in a fluid

Madhavi Krishnan, Nassiredin Mojarad, Philipp Kukura, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature 467 692-U75 (2010) | Journal

Quantum Interference of Tunably Indistinguishable Photons from Remote Organic Molecules

R. Lettow, Y. L. A. Rezus, A. Renn, G. Zumofen, E. Ikonen, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 104 123605 (2010) | Journal

Fluorescence Enhancement with the Optical (Bi-) Conical Antenna

Ahmad Mohammadi, Franziska Kaminski, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 7372-7377 (2010) | Journal

Single-Molecule Sensitivity in Optical Absorption at Room Temperature

Philipp Kukura, Michele Celebrano, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 3323-3327 (2010) | Journal

Nanofocusing radially-polarized beams for high-throughput funneling of optical energy to the near field

Xue-Wen Chen, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

Optics Express 18 10878-10887 (2010) | Journal

Efficient coupling of single photons to single plasmons

M. Celebrano, R. Lettow, P. Kukura, M. Agio, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 18 13829-13835 (2010) | Journal

A scanning microcavity for in situ control of single-molecule emission

C. Toninelli, Y. Delley, T. Stoeferle, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Applied Physics Letters 97 021107 (2010) | Journal

Coherent state preparation and observation of Rabi oscillations in a single molecule

I. Gerhardt, G. Wrigge, G. Zumofen, J. Hwang, A. Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review A 79 011402 (2009) | Journal

Lifetime-limited zero-phonon spectra of single molecules in methyl methacrylate

A. Walser, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Chemical Physics Letters 472 44-47 (2009) | Journal

High-speed nanoscopic tracking of the position and orientation of a single virus

Philipp Kukura, Helge Ewers, Christian Mueller, Alois Renn, Ari Helenius, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Methods 6 923-U85 (2009) | Journal

Resolution and Enhancement in Nanoantenna-Based Fluorescence Microscopy

Hadi Eghlidi, Kwang Geol Lee, Xue-Wen Chen, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 9 4007-4011 (2009) | Journal

A single-molecule optical transistor

J. Hwang, M. Pototschnig, R. Lettow, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature 460 76-80 (2009) | Journal

Spectral dynamics and spatial localization of single molecules in a polymer

A. Walser, G. Zumofen, A. Renn, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Molecular Physics 107 PII 914466421 1897-1909 (2009) | Journal

Circular Grating Resonators as Small Mode-Volume Microcavities for Switching

Sophie Schoenenberger, Nikolaj Moll, Thilo Stoeferle, Rainer F. Mahrt, Bert J. Offrein, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar, Jens Bolten, Thorsten Wahlbrink, et al.

Optics Express 17 5953-5964 (2009) | Journal

Control and imaging of single-molecule spectral dynamics using a nano-electrode

I. Gerhardt, G. Wrigge, Vahid Sandoghdar

Molecular Physics 107 PII 914467980 1975-1979 (2009) | Journal

Seeing diamond defects

Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Photonics 3 133-134 (2009) | Journal

Highly Efficient Interfacing of Guided Plasmons and Photons in Nanowires

Xue-Wen Chen, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

Nano Letters 9 3756-3761 (2009) | Journal

Metal nanoparticles in strongly confined beams: transmission, reflection and absorption

Nassiredin M. Mojarad, Gert Zumofen, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

Journal of the European Optical Society Rapid Publications 4 09014 (2009) | Journal

Molecules as sources for indistinguishable single photons

Ville Ahtee, Robert Lettow, Robert Pfab, Alois Renn, Erkki Ikonen, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Modern Optics 56 PII 907848818 161-166 (2009) | Journal

Imaging a Single Quantum Dot When It Is Dark

P. Kukura, M. Celebrano, A. Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 9 926-929 (2009) | Journal

Gold, Copper, Silver and Aluminum Nanoantennas to Enhance Spontaneous Emission

A. Mohammadi, Vahid Sandoghdar, M. Agio

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 6 2024-2030 (2009) | Journal

Pushing Optical Microscopy to the Limit: From Single‐Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy to Label‐Free Detection and Tracking of Biological Nano‐Objects

Philipp Kukura, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nanotechnology 5 Nanomedicine (2009) | Journal

Spheroidal nanoparticles as nanoantennas for fluorescence enhancement

A. Mohammadi, F. Kaminski, Vahid Sandoghdar, M. Agio

International Journal of Nanotechnology 6 902-914 (2009) | Journal

Efficient coupling of photons to a single molecule and the observation of its resonance fluorescence

G. Wrigge, I. Gerhardt, J. Hwang, G. Zumofen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Physics 4 60-66 (2008) | Journal

Modification of single molecule fluorescence close to a nanostructure: radiation pattern, spontaneous emission and quenching

S. Kuehn, G. Mori, M. Agio, Vahid Sandoghdar

Molecular Physics 106 893-908 (2008) | Journal

Gold nanorods and nanospheroids for enhancing spontaneous emission

A. Mohammadi, Vahid Sandoghdar, M. Agio

New Journal of Physics 10 105015 (2008) | Journal

Exploring the limits of single emitter detection in fluorescence and extinction

G. Wrigge, J. Hwang, I. Gerhardt, G. Zumofen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 16 17358-17365 (2008) | Journal

Coupling of plasmonic nanoparticles to their environments in the context of van der Waals-Casimir interactions

U. Hakanson, M. Agio, S. Kuehn, L. Rogobete, T. Kalkbrenner, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review B 77 155408 (2008) | Journal

Plasmon spectra of nanospheres under a tightly focused beam

Nassiredin M. Mojarad, Vahid Sandoghdar, Mario Agio

Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 25 651-658 (2008) | Journal

Perfect Reflection of Light by an Oscillating Dipole

G. Zumofen, N. M. Mojarad, Vahid Sandoghdar, M. Agio

Physical Review Letters 101 180404 (2008) | Journal

Scanning near-field optical coherent spectroscopy of single molecules at 1.4 K

Ilja Gerhardt, Gert Wrigge, Mario Agio, Pavel Bushev, Gert Zumofen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 32 1420-1422 (2007) | Journal

Design of plasmonic nanoantennae for enhancing spontaneous emission

Lavinia Rogobete, Franziska Kaminski, Mario Agio, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 32 1623-1625 (2007) | Journal

Near-field imaging and frequency tuning of a high-Q photonic crystal membrane microcavity

S. Mujumdar, A. F. Koenderink, T. Suenner, B. C. Buchler, M. Kamp, A. Forchel, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 15(25) 17214-17220 (2007) | Journal

Label-free optical detection and tracking of single virions bound to their receptors in supported membrane bilayers

Helge Ewers, Volker Jacobsen, Enrico Klotzsch, Alicia E. Smith, Ari Helenius, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 7 2263-2266 (2007) | Journal

Strong extinction of a laser beam by a single molecule

I. Gerhardt, G. Wrigge, P. Bushev, G. Zumofen, M. Agio, R. Pfab, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 98 033601 (2007) | Journal

Nanoparticle-induced fluorescence lifetime modification as nanoscopic ruler: Demonstration at the single molecule level

J. Seelig, K. Leslie, A. Renn, S. Kuhn, V. Jacobsen, M. van de Corput, C. Wyman, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 7 685-689 (2007) | Journal

Linear and non-linear optical experiments based on macroporous silicon photonic crystals

Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Stefan L. Schweizer, Vahid Sandoghdar


Nano-optomechanical characterization and manipulation of photonic crystals

Sushil Mujumdar, A. Femius Koenderink, Robert Wuest, Vahid Sandoghdar

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 13 253-261 (2007) | Journal

Realization of two Fourier-limited solid-state single-photon sources

R. Lettow, V. Ahtee, R. Pfab, A. Renn, E. Ikonen, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 15 15842-15847 (2007) | Journal

Controlled coupling of counterpropagating whispering-gallery modes by a single Rayleigh scatterer: A classical problem in a quantum optical light

A. Mazzei, Stephan Götzinger, L. de S. Menezes, G. Zumofen, O. Benson, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 99 173603 (2007) | Journal

Finite-difference time-domain modeling of decay rates in the near field of metal nanostructures

F. Kaminski, Vahid Sandoghdar, M. Agio

Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 4 635-643 (2007) | Journal

Controlled photon transfer between two individual nanoemitters via shared high-Q modes of a microsphere resonator

Stephan Götzinger, L. de S. Menezes, A. Mazzei, S. Kuhn, Vahid Sandoghdar, O. Benson

Nano Letters 6 1151-1154 (2006) | Journal

Oxygen-dependent photochemistry of fluorescent dyes studied at the single molecule level

Alois Renn, Johannes Seelig, Vahid Sandoghdar

Molecular Physics 104 409-414 (2006) | Journal

Enhancement of single-molecule fluorescence using a gold nanoparticle as an optical nanoantenna

Sergei Kuehn, Ulf Hakanson, Lavinia Rogobete, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 97 017402 (2006) | Journal

Modification of single molecule fluorescence by a scanning probe

S. Kuehn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 84 211-217 (2006) | Journal

Interferometric optical detection and tracking of very small gold nanoparticles at a water-glass interface

V. Jacobsen, P. Stoller, C. Brunner, V. Vogel, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 14 405-414 (2006) | Journal

Optical detection of very small nonfluorescent nanoparticles

Vahid Sandoghdar, Enrico Klotzsch, Volker Jacobsen, Alois Renn, Ulf Hakanson, Mario Agio, Ilja Gerhardt, Johannes D. Seelig, Gert Wrigge

Chimia 60 A761-A764 (2006) | Journal

Optical detection of very small nonfluorescent nanoparticles

Vahid Sandoghdar, Enrico Klotzsch, Volker Jacobsen, Alois Renn, Ulf Hakanson, Mario Agio, Ilja Gerhardt, Johannes Seelig, Gert Wrigge

Chimia 60 A761-A764 (2006) | Journal

Measurement of the complex dielectric constant of a single gold nanoparticle

Patrick Stoller, Volker Jacobsen, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 31 2474-2476 (2006) | Journal

Spontaneous emission rates of dipoles in photonic crystal membranes

A. Femius Koenderink, Maria Kafesaki, Costas M. Soukoulis, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 23 1196-1206 (2006) | Journal

Measuring the quantum efficiency of the optical emission of single radiating dipoles using a scanning mirror

B.C. Buchler, Thomas Kalkbrenner, C. Hettich, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 95 063003 (2005) | Journal

Spontaneous emission in the near field of two-dimensional photonic crystals

A. Femius Koenderink, Maria Kafesaki, Costas M. Soukoulis, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 30 3210-3212 (2005) | Journal

Optical microscopy via spectral modifications of a nanoantenna

Thomas Kalkbrenner, Ulf Hakanson, A. Schadle, S. Burger, C. Henkel, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 95 200801 (2005) | Journal

Controlling the resonance of a photonic crystal microcavity by a near-field probe

A. Femius Koenderink, Maria Kafesaki, Ben C. Buchler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 95 153904 (2005) | Journal

Optimization of prism coupling to high-Q modes in a microsphere resonator using a near-field probe

A. Mazzei, Stephan Götzinger, L. de S. Menezes, Vahid Sandoghdar, O. Benson

Optics Communications 250 428-433 (2005) | Journal

Near-field optics and control of photonic crystals

A. Femius Koenderink, R. Wuest, Ben C. Buchler, S. Richter, P. Strasser, Maria Kafesaki, A. Rogach, R.B. Wehrspohn, C.M. Soukoulis, et al.

Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications 3 63-74 (2005) | Journal

A "standing-wave meter" to measure dispersion and loss of photonic-crystal waveguides

R. Wuest, D. Erni, P. Strasser, F. Robin, H. Jackel, B.C. Buchler, A.F. Koenderink, Vahid Sandoghdar, R. Harbers

Applied Physics Letters 87 261110 (2005) | Journal

Tomographic plasmon spectroscopy of a single gold nanoparticle

Thomas Kalkbrenner, Ulf Hakanson, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 4 2309-2314 (2004) | Journal

Aligned terrylene molecules in a spin-coated ultrathin crystalline film of p-terphenyl

R.J. Pfab, J. Zimmermann, C. Hettich, Ilja Gerhardt, Alois Renn, Vahid Sandoghdar

Chemical Physics Letters 387 490-495 (2004) | Journal

Near-field optical investigations of photonic crystal microresonators

B.C. Buchler, P. Kramper, M. Kafesaki, C.M. Soukoulis, Vahid Sandoghdar

IEICE Transactions on Electronics E87C 371-377 (2004)

Confocal microscopy and spectroscopy of nanocrystals on a high-Q microsphere resonator

Stephan Götzinger, L. de S. Menezes, O. Benson, D.V. Talapin, N. Gaponik, H. Weller, A.L. Rogach, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 6 154-158 (2004) | Journal

Detection and spectroscopy of gold nanoparticles using supercontinuum white light confocal microscopy

Klas Lindfors, Thomas Kalkbrenner, Patrick Stoller, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 93 037401 (2004) | Journal

Near-field visualization of light confinement in a photonic crystal microresonator

Patrcik Kramper, Maria Kafesaki, Costas M. Soukoulis, Albert Birner, Frank Muller, Ulrich Goesele, Ralf B. Wehrspohn, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 29 174-176 (2004) | Journal

Highly directional emission from photonic crystal waveguides of subwavelength width

P. Kramper, M. Agio, C.M. Soukoulis, A. Birner, F. Muller, R.B. Wehrspohn, U. Goesele, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 92 113903 (2004) | Journal

Subwavelength emitters in the near-infrared based on mercury telluride nanocrystals

P. Olk, B.C. Buchler, Vahid Sandoghdar, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmuller, A.L. Rogach

Applied Physics Letters 84 4732-4734 (2004) | Journal

Spontaneous emission in nanoscopic dielectric particles

Lavinia Rogobete, Hannes Schniepp, Vahid Sandoghdar, Carsten Henkel

Optics Letters 28 1736-1738 (2003) | Journal

Spontaneous emission of europium ions embedded in dielectric nanospheres

Hannes Schniepp, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 89 257403 (2002) | Journal

Nanometer resolution and coherent optical dipole coupling of two individual molecules

C. Hettich, C. Schmitt, J. Zitzmann, S. Kuhn, Ilja Gerhardt, Vahid Sandoghdar

Science 298 385-389 (2002) | Journal

Influence of a sharp fiber tip on high-Q modes of a microsphere resonator

Stephan Götzinger, O. Benson, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 27 80-82 (2002) | Journal

Apertureless near-field optical microscopy via local second-harmonic generation

Anatoly V. Zayats, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 202 94-99 (2001) | Journal

Results and thoughts on optical microscopy using a single-molecule probe

Vahid Sandoghdar, J. Michaelis, C. Hettich, C. Schmitt, J. Zitzmann, S. Kuhn

Single Molecules 2 277-281 (2001) | Journal

Beating the diffraction limit

Vahid Sandoghdar

Physics World 14 29-33 (2001) | Journal

Diamond colour centres as a nanoscopic light source for scanning near-field optical microscopy

S. Kuhn, C. Hettich, C. Schmitt, J-PH. Poizat, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 202 2-6 (2001) | Journal

Direct spectroscopy of a deep two-dimensional photonic crystal microresonator

P. Kramper, A. Birner, Mario Agio, C.M. Soukoulis, F. Muller, U. Gosele, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review B 64 233102 (2001) | Journal

Towards controlled coupling between a high-Q whispering-gallery mode and a single nanoparticle

Stephan Götzinger, O. Benson, Vahid Sandoghdar

Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 73 825-828 (2001) | Journal

Mapping and manipulating whispering gallery modes of a microsphere resonator with a near-field probe

Stephan Götzinger, S. Demmerer, O. Benson, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 202 117-121 (2001) | Journal

A single gold particle as a probe for apertureless scanning near-field optical microscopy

Thomas Kalkbrenner, M. Ramstein, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 202 72-76 (2001) | Journal

A model system for two-dimensional and three-dimensional photonic crystals: macroporous silicon

J. Schilling, R.B. Wehrspohn, A. Birner, F. Muller, R. Hillebrand, U. Goesele, S.W. Leonard, J.P. Mondia, F. Genereux, et al.

Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics 3 S121-S132 (2001) | Journal

High-contrast topography-free sample for near-field optical microscopy

Thomas Kalkbrenner, M Graf, C Durkan, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Applied Physics Letters 76 1206-1208 (2000) | Journal

Apertureless scanning near-field second-harmonic microscopy

Anatoly V. Zayats, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Communications 178 245-249 (2000) | Journal

Second-harmonic generation from individual surface defects under local excitation

Anantoly V. Zayats, Thomas Kalkbrenner, Vahid Sandoghdar, Jürgen Mlynek

Physical Review B 61 4545-4548 (2000) | Journal

Transmission of a microcavity structure in a two-dimensional photonic crystal based on macroporous silicon

A. Birner, A.-P. Li, F. Muller, U. Gosele, P. Kramper, Vahid Sandoghdar, Jürgen Mlynek, K. Busch, V. Lehmann

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 3 487-491 (2000) | Journal

Optical microscopy using a single-molecule light source

J. Michaelis, C. Hettich, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature 405 325-328 (2000) | Journal

Multifunctional AFM/SNOM cantilever probes: Fabrication and measurements

M. Stopka, D. Drews, K. Mayr, M. Lacher, W. Ehrfeld, T.. Kalkbrenner, M Graf, Vahid Sandoghdar, Jürgen Mlynek

Microelectronic Engineering 53 183-186 (2000) | Journal

A single molecule as a probe of optical intensity distribution

J. Michaelis, C. Hettich, V. Zayats, B. Eiermann, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Letters 24 581-583 (1999) | Journal

Prospects of apertureless SNOM with active probes

Vahid Sandoghdar, Jürgen Mlynek

Journal of Optics A-Pure and Applied Optics 1 523-530 (1999) | Journal

A novel fabrication method for fluorescence-based apertureless scanning near-field optical microscope probes

P. Kramper, A. Jebens, T. Muller, Jürgen Mlynek, Vahid Sandoghdar

Journal of Microscopy-Oxford 194 340-343 (1999) | Journal

Single-molecule spectroscopy near structured dielectrics

Carsten Henkel, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Communications 158 250-262 (1998) | Journal

Lithography using nano-lens arrays made of light

Vahid Sandoghdar, U. Drodofsky, Th. Schulze, B. Brezger, M. Drewsen, T. Pfau, Jürgen Mlynek

Journal of Modern Optics 44 1883-1898 (1997) | Journal

Reflection scanning near-field optical microscopy with uncoated fiber tips: How good is the resolution really?

Vahid Sandoghdar, S. Wegscheider, G. Krausch, Jürgen Mlynek

Journal of Applied Physics 81 2499-2503 (1997) | Journal

Very low threshold whispering-gallery-mode microsphere laser

Vahid Sandoghdar, F. Treussart, J. Hare, V. LefevreSeguin, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche

Physical Review A 54 R1777-R1780 (1996) | Journal

Characterizing whispering-gallery modes in microspheres by direct observation of the optical standing-wave pattern in the near field

J.C. Knight, N. Dubreuil, Vahid Sandoghdar, J. Hare, V. LefevreSeguin, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche

Optics Letters 21 698-700 (1996) | Journal

Spectroscopy of atoms confined to the single node of a standing wave in a parallel-plate cavity

Vahid Sandoghdar, C.I. Sukenik, S. Haroche, E.A. Hinds

Physical Review A 53 1919-1922 (1996) | Journal

Mapping whispering-gallery modes in microspheres with a near-field probe

J.C. Knight, N. Dubreuil, Vahid Sandoghdar, J. Hare, V. Lefèvre-Seguin, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche

Optics Letters 20 1515-1517 (1995) | Journal

Splitting of high-Q Mie modes induced by light backscattering in silica microspheres

D.S. Weiss, Vahid Sandoghdar, J. Hare, V. Lefèvre-Seguin, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche

Optics Letters 20 1835-1837 (1995) | Journal

Eroded monomode optical fiber for whispering-gallery mode excitation in fused-silica microspheres

N. Dubreuil, J.C. Knight, D.K. Leventhal, Vahid Sandoghdar, J. Hare, V. Lefèvre

Optics Letters 20 813-815 (1995) | Journal

Quantized atom-field force at the surface of a microsphere

F. Treussart, J. Hare, L. Collot, V. Lefevre, D.S. Weiss, Vahid Sandoghdar, J.M. Raimond, S. Haroche

Optics Letters 19 1651-1653 (1994) | Journal

Measurement of the Casimir-Polder force

C.I. Sukenik, M.G. Boshier, D. Cho, Vahid Sandoghdar, E.A. Hinds

Physical Review Letters 70 560-563 (1993) | Journal

Direct measurement of the van der Waals interaction between an atom and its images in a micron-sized cavity

Vahid Sandoghdar, C.I. Sukenik, E.A. Hinds, Serge Haroche

Physical Review Letters 68 3432-3435 (1992) | Journal

Cavity QED level shifts of simple atoms

E. A. Hinds, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review A 43 398-403 (1991) | Journal

External-cavity frequency-stabilization of visible and infrared semiconductor lasers for high resolution spectroscopy

M.G. Boshier, D. Berkeland, E.A. Hinds, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Communications 85 355-359 (1991) | Journal

Born on April 29, 1966 in Tehran, Iran. Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of California in Davis (1987), Ph.D. in Physics (supervisors: E. A. Hinds and S. Haroche) from Yale University (1993), Postdoctoral Fellow at École Normale Supérieure (group of S. Haroche) in Paris. Head of the Nano-Optics group und habilitation in Physics at University of Konstanz (Chair of J. Mlynek). Professorship at Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule (ETH) Zurich (2001-2011). Recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant (2010). Alexander von Humboldt Professorship at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen since 2011. Fellow of the Optical Society (OSA) and recepient of the 2023 Quantum Electronics and Optics Award for Fundamental Aspects from the European Physical Society. Founder of the Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin, a joint research center that aims to address questions in fundamental medical research with physical and mathematical methods.

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