Welcome to the website of the Marquardt Research Group

As in classical optical communication, quantum communication systems consist of a source of light in which information is encoded, a receiver where information is extracted and possibly some information processing in between. In contrast to classical communication, however, quantum communication is performed with indistinguishable quantum states. Thus, quantum communication is the science of producing quantum states, manipulating these states at the fundamental quantum limit and detecting them optimally. 

The focus of our group is to investigate a special branch of quantum communication which has witnessed a tremendous growth within the last few years – namely, continuous-variable quantum communication. We work on 

  • new non-classical light sources,
  • quantum information protocols and 
  • quantum measurement schemes, 

operating at the fundamental limit.


Research Group Christoph Marquardt

Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen, Germany


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