Dieter Meschede - From electric quantum walks to the quest for exactly two interacting quantum atoms
Prof Dieter Meschede, University of Bonn, Germany
Neutral atoms walking in a deep optical lattice (discrete quantum walks) are exploring a very large Hilbert space with spatial quantum coherence now preserved over 50 quantum sites and more in our laboratory. This situation allows to conquer new territory: With electric quantum walks momentum-space phenomena such as Bloch oscillations or Anderson like localization are realized in a single experiment, and a step towards quantitatively testing the “quantumness” at ever more macroscopic levels can be taken. Controlled interaction of exactly two atoms in such situations remains a daunting but highly attractive experimental challenge. We are zeroing in.
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The Distinguished Lecturer Series (DLS) follows a colloquium format for a broad audience and will be followed by a reception to provide an opportunity for meeting the speaker.