Peter Nordlander - Plasmonics: From quantum effects to fano interference and light harvesting
Prof Peter Nordlander, Department of Physics, Rice University, Houston
The “plasmon hybridization” paradigm shows that the plasmon resonances in complex metallic nanostructures interact and hybridize in a manner analogous to how atomic orbitals interact and form collective states in molecules.[1] The insight gained from this concept provides an important conceptual foundation for the development of new plasmonic structures that can serve as substrates for surface enhanced spectroscopies, chemical and biomolecular sensing, and subwavelength passive and active optical devices.[2] The talk is comprised of general overview material interspersed with more specialized “hot topics” such as plasmonic radiative coherence and interference effects,[3] quantum plasmonics[4], quantum plexcitonics,[5] active plasmonic nanoantennas for enhanced light harvesting,[6] and plasmon induced chemical reactions.[7]
[1] E. Prodan et al., Science 302(2003)419
[2] N.J. Halas et al., Chem. Rev. 111(2011)3913
[3] B. Lukyanchuk et al., Nature Mat. 9(2010)707
[4] R. Esteban et al., Nat. Comm. 3(2012)825
[5] A. Manjavacas et al., Nano Lett. 11(2011)2318; ACS Nano 6(2012)1724
[6] M. W. Knight et al., Science 332(2011)702, Nano Lett. 12(2012)3808
[7] R. Huschka et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133(2011)12247
About DLS:
The Distinguished Lecturer Series (DLS) follows a colloquium format for a broad audience and will be followed by a reception to provide an opportunity for meeting the speaker.