Martin Kräter Receives Poster Award for ME/CFS and Post-Covid Research

Post-infectious diseases such as post-covid or ME/CFS affect millions of people worldwide. Nevertheless, they are still extremely difficult to diagnose. Currently, a so-called diagnosis by exclusion requires up to ten specialist examinations, all of which must be without findings. More and more researchers are therefore working to find better ways of diagnosing these diseases.

Martin Kräter conducts research at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) in the division of Director Jochen Guck. He and his colleagues were looking for biomarkers that can objectively diagnose post-infectious diseases, are causally linked to the disease and are easily accessible. Now, he has been honored at the 2nd ME/CFS Symposium at Charité on May 12 for the progress he and the Guck division team have made. He received the first prize for his poster with results from examinations of patient blood samples. In the process, he was able to identify abnormalities in the deformability of red blood cells, the mechanical properties of white blood cells, and microclots in patients. These abnormalities could serve as markers in the future, for example, to diagnose post-covid. Second and third place went to Charlotte Kröger and Kanchan Dulal.


Martin Kräter is delighted about the award: "The poster prize shows me that our research is seen and appreciated nationally and internationally. Since the jury consisted of physicians who want to see application-oriented (patient care) results, I am even more proud that our basic work is seen as a possible next step for patient care.

Image (@Lost Voices Stiftung): f.l.t.r. winners of the poster awards Charlotte Kröger (2nd place), Martin Kräter (1st place) and Kanchan Dulal (3rd place)



Edda Fischer

Head of Communication and Marketing
+49 9131 7133 805


MPL Research Centers and Schools