Light engineering in resource theory protocols, imaging, and sensing

Dr. Marcello Henrique Marques Passos, ICFO, Barcelona, Spain 

Leuchs-Russell-Auditorium, A.1.500, Staudtstr. 2

Location details


In this talk, I hope to provide a flavor of what I have worked on in the last years, regarding a few research topics in which I have particular interest. As the title states, I will start by describing a work in a classical scenario where the main idea was to show that two initially separable and non-interacting qubits may become non-separable when a certain environment mediates the interactions. This behavior is very interesting, since when we talk about an open quantum system, the first idea that one may have might be that the quantum signatures will be damaged by this interaction with the environment. In this work, we used as a framework an all-optical implementation scheme based on the spin-orbital modes.  Moving forward, we go to the quantum stage of my life. In this part of my talk, I would like to share some results that came from an experimental proposal and a theoretical one. Regarding the experimental work, the talk will explore some recent results obtained in quantum microscopy. Here, the main idea is to translate the classical Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) microscopy technique into a quantum version. Therefore, the main idea is to use the quantum advantages, i.e quantum correlation, to retrieve phase information imprinted by a phase object. To finish, the last result that I would like to share is about phase estimation in nonlinear interferometers. The core of this theoretical study was to compare a Pulsed laser against a CW one, that may be seeded, and figure out what might be the best strategy to improve the phase sensitivity assuming these two different kinds of lasers. 

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