
Invited tutorial on Brillouin scattering

We are proud of our tutorial on “Brillouin scattering – theory and experiment”! It is now available online in Josa B.

Authors: Christian Wolff, Michael J. A. Smith, Birgit Stiller and Christopher G. Poulton


Brillouin scattering is an important and interesting nonlinear effect involving…

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Paper on agile and versatile quantum communication published in PRX

Our work on “Agile and Versatile Quantum Communication: Signatures and Secrets” by Stefan Richter, Matthew Thornton, Imran Khan, Hamish Scott, Kevin Jaksch, Ulrich Vogl, Birgit Stiller, Gerd Leuchs, Christoph Marquardt, and Natalia Korolkova has recently been published in PRX:




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New Master student

A warm welcome to our new Master student Debayan Das who joins us from the FEMTO-ST Institute, Université de Franche-Comté.

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Two Wombat workshop events! Virtual Wombat 2021 and in-person workshop Wombat 2022

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the in-person Wombat workshop has been postponed to 14-17 June 2022. But there will be a smaller-scale online event at the originally planned dates 15-17 June 2021!

The virtual Wombat workshop will consist of several invited high-profile presentations and contributed…

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Paper published in Nanophotonics

Our paper on “On-chip broadband nonreciprocal light storage” has been published in Nanophotonics.


Breaking the symmetry between forward and backward propagating optical modes is of fundamental scientic interest and enables crucial functionalities, such as isolators, circulators, and…

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News in our group

A warm welcome to Steven Becker, a new PhD student in our group! He joins us from TU Dortmund.

Also Philip Schmidt recently joined us from FAU Erlangen to start his Bachelor thesis. Welcome!

Daniel Walter recently submitted his Bachelor thesis, congratulations!

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Stiller Research Group

MPI for the Science of Light

Staudtstr. 2

D-91058 Erlangen, Germany

MPL Research Centers and Schools