Join the MPSP lecture
Join the lecture on light-sound interactions by Birgit Stiller tomorrow! You can register here:
Interview with Deutschlandfunk
In a podcast of the series "Forschung aktuell" by Deutschlandfunk, Birgit Stiller explains how to convert light to sound and to achieve longer storage times by refreshing acoustic phonons:
WOMBAT 2021 at MPL
We are pleased to announce that the 4th international Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technology (WOMBAT) will be held at the Max-Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, 15 – 17 June 2021!
The WOMBAT series of workshops aims to…
Paper published in Optica
Our work on reinforcing sound waves via light has been published in Optica!
Acoustic waves can serve as memory for optical information; however, propagating acoustic phonons in the gigahertz (GHz) regime decay on the nanosecond time scale. Usually this is dominated by intrinsic acoustic…
Lecture on light and sound
Physik am Samstagmorgen!
The lecture slides are online now:
Research Group Birgit Stiller
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen, Germany