Understanding the Peer-Review process at Nature communications

When : 30th Sep, 2020 at 5pm CEST

What is it about ?

Publishing in renowned journals can be a cumbersome process. Besides making a scientific draft, one has to go through a variety of editorial processes including the preparation of a cover letter and the review process. Understanding what happens from the editor's perspective can be very beneficial, as it helps you to tailor your draft to the requirements of the journal and increases the acceptance chance of your manuscript.

The Hbar Omega Student Chapter (OSA Max Planck Erlangen Chapter), the Max Planck School of Photonics and the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) cordially invite you to an online seminar about the review process at Nature Communications given by Dr. Lina Persechini (Editor team manager & associate editor at Nature Communications) and Dr. Selina Le Barbera (associate editor at Nature Communications). This insightful online lecture will help you to better understand and approach the various stages of the Peer-Review process.  The lecture will last for 30 mins followed by a general Q/A session.

Afterwards, in order to mimic in-person meetings, we will offer two breakout rooms for virtual chats related to specified fields:

Room 1 : Optics & photonics with Dr. Lina Persechini.

Room 2 : Opto-electronics & neuromorphic engineering with Dr. Selina Le Barbera.

We hope to see many of  you around. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and my colleagues at the chapter (board-osa-sc@mpl.mpg.de). Let the learning begin!

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