Nano-Optics News reports about "The shadow of a disease"

The shadow of a disease
Proteins such as tumour markers can be easily and sensitively detected by their scattered light...

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Vahid Sandoghdar wins poster prize at NFO-13

Congratulations! Vahid Sandoghdar wins poster prize at NFO-13, this year's international conference on near-field optics and nanophotonics in Salt…

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Nature Photonics on "Fluorescent-free detection"

Molecular sensing: Fluorescent-free detection (by Oliver Graydon)

Nature Commun. 5, 4495 (2014)

The optical detection of single proteins is possible…

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Marek Piliarik wins poster prize at Workshop "Biosensing"

Congratulations! Marek Piliarik’s work on Label-free sensing of proteins wins the best poster prize at the International workshop Taking Detection to…

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Single-molecule optical spectroscopy

Michelle Orrit, Taekjip Ha and Vahid Sandoghdar worked together as guest editors for the Chemical Soceitey Review.

Single-molecule optical…

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