Here you can find current and past courses held by Vahid Sandoghdar and Stephan Götzinger.
Furthermore, you can find several lecture-videos recorded at MPL as an online resource.
These can be accessed on the MPL tube.
Courses (winter semester 2024/2025)
Past courses
- BioImaging & Biophysics (ILS-MA-I1 V & MG 2)
- Einzelmolekülspektroskopie
- Experimentalphysik 3 für Physiker: Optik und Quantenphänomene (EP-3, EPL-3)
- Experimentalphysik für Naturwissenschaftler I
- Fundamentals of Optics
- Methods and Concepts of Quantum Optics for Biophysical Studies
- Modern Optics 1: Advanced Optics
- Modern Optics 3: Quantum Optics
- Orders of Magnitude
- Physikalisches Experimentieren in der Medizin
- Quantenmechanik, Quantenoptik und Atom-Physik (IK-1)
- Seminar für Doktoranden, Masteranden und Bacheloranden (Sem. Dokt.)
- Single-Photon Sources
- Trends in Quantitative Bioscience (TQBSc)