Nano-Optics News

Mahdi Mazaheri obtained his doctoral degree

Congratulations! On September 4, 2023, Mahdi Mazaheri successfully defended his doctoral thesis on "Interferometric scattering microscopy for high…

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June 27, 2023: Professor Vahid Sandoghdar awarded EPS-QEOD PRIZE 2023

The 2023 EPS-QEOD Quantum Electronics and Optics Prize for fundamental aspects is awarded to Vahid Sandoghdar, Director of the Nano-Optics Division…

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How artificial intelligence can improve protein detection

Small proteins play a critical role in the regulation of immune response, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases. In order to better detect and…

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MPL Alumni Prof. Daqing Wang receives prestigious ERC grant

Interview with Prof. Daqing Wang, an MPL alumni who is now a Tenure Track Professor at Kassel and just managed to secure a prestigious Starting Grant…

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Burak Gürlek obtained his doctoral degree

Congratulations! On February 7, 2023, Burak Gürlek successfully defended his doctoral thesis on „Turning an Organic Molecule into an Efficient…

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Luis Morales obtained his doctoral degree

Congratulations! On November 14, 2022, Luis Morales successfully defended his doctoral thesis on „Planar dielectric antennas for applications in…

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