Welcome to the Cooperative Quantum Phenomena Research Group!
We are an independent research group at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light in Erlangen, Germany established in 2017 and led by Claudiu Genes. The main aims of the group's research is to design and analyze light-matter platforms where coupled quantum emitters are interfaced with quantum and classical light. A particular focus in on platforms where single, few or mesoscopic ensembles of molecules are coupled to the quantum modes of optical cavities. In such systems, the goals range from molecular quantum optics with efficient quantum emitters, to the theoretical description of materials hybridized by the electromagnetic quantum vacuum, consequently exhibiting enhanced functionalites. We make use of standard quantum optics tools such as the master equation or the equivalent formulation in terms of stochastic quantum Langevin equations. Among other applications, we are interested in:
- quantum transport of excitons and charge in optical cavities (vacuum-dressed materials)
- quantum optics with molecular systems
- quantum optics descriptions of processes such as non-radiative loss, internal conversion, intersystem crossing, FRET transfer etc
- applications in quantum metrology and quantum sensing and optical nonlinearities
- interplay between sub/superradiance and disorder in transport applications
- hybrid cavities (with mirrors comprised of metasurfaces)
- cooling of gases and solid-states objects (exciplex cooling, cold-damping techniques, machine learning of feedback cooling, etc.)
- hybrid optomechanics
- detection of chiral molecules
- theory of lasers - from quantum aspects of standard lasers to superradiant lasing and to solid-state based lasers
- stochastic processes - Wiener processes and brownian noise models
For more information on our research please click here or go to publications.
The CV of Claudiu Genes can be found here.
Research Group Claudiu Genes
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen, Germany