
Exploring brain mechanics: FAU Collaborative Research Center (CRC) approved

Within the next four years, the FAU Collaborative Research Center CRC 1540 „Exploring Brain Mechanics“ (EBM) will investigate the origin, as well as…

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CRC1540 'Exploring Brain Mechanics' funded!

The Collaborative Research Center 1540 "Exploring Brain Mechanics" of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen Nürnberg will be funded! This is a…

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New preprint out!

Julia's paper has been deposited on the preprint server bioRxiv! Happy reading!

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17th place in Nikon's Small World Photomicrography Competition

Our group's entry to the famous Nikon's Small World Photomicrography Competition has been ranked 17th out of thousands of submissions, and will be…

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Laboratory Animal Day - Zebrafish at MPL

The 24th of April is World Day for Laboratory Animals and we would like to take this opportunity to introduce the zebrafish Danio rerio, which makes…

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Preview in Developmental Cell

We have been invited to write a preview about an exciting new study in the journal Developmental Cell, which reports an astonishingly high ability in…

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Guck Division

Wehner Junior Research Group

MPI for the Science of Light

Staudtstr. 2

D-91058 Erlangen, Germany

MPL Research Centers and Schools