
Paper in the journal STAR Protocols

New publication in the journal STAR Protocols. Congratulations to joint first-authors Nora John and Julia Kolb!

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Review on spinal cord regeneration

Our group has published a comprehensive review on axon regeneration after spinal cord injury in the journal Cells. We discuss the current knowledge…

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Paper on spinal cord regeneration in Developmental Cell

Our group has just published their latest work on spinal cord regeneration in Developmental Cell. We show that in the regeneration-competent…

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When severed spinal cord grows back together again

After an injury to the spinal cord, patients often remain paralysed because damaged nerve tracts do not regrow due to the formation of scar tissue.…

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Guck Division

Wehner Junior Research Group

MPI for the Science of Light

Staudtstr. 2

D-91058 Erlangen, Germany

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