Dr. Alexey Shkarin

  • Postdoktorand
  • Room: A.3.126
  • Telephone: +49 9131 7133323
  • E-mail

My research aims at the coupling of organic dye molecules to on-chip dielectric structures at cryogenic temperatures.


Spectral splitting of a stimulated Raman transition in a single molecule

Johannes Zirkelbach, Burak Gürlek, Masoud Mirzaei, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Research 5 043244 (2023) | Journal | PDF

On-chip interference of scattering from two individual molecules

Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optica 10 1595-1601 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Quantum Efficiency of Single Dibenzoterrylene Molecules in p-Dichlorobenzene at Cryogenic Temperatures

Mohammad Musavinezhad, Alexey Shkarin, Dominik Rattenbacher, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5353-5359 (2023) | Journal | PDF

High-resolution vibronic spectroscopy of a single molecule embedded in a crystal

Johannes Zirkelbach, Masoud Mirzaei, Irena Deperasińska, Boleslaw Kozankiewicz, Burak Gürlek, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 104301 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Nanoscopic charge fluctuations in a gallium phosphide waveguide measured by single molecules

Alexey Shkarin, Dominik Rattenbacher, Jan Renger, Simon Hönl, Tobias Utikal, Paul Seidler, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Physical Review Letters 126 133602 (2021) | Journal

Precision single-particle localization using radial variance transform

Anna D. Kashkanova, Alexey Shkarin, Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Martin Blessing, Yazgan Tuna, André Gemeinhardt, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 29 11070-11083 (2021) | Journal

Ultrahigh-speed imaging of rotational diffusion on a lipid bilayer

Mahdi Mazaheri, Jens Ehrig, Alexey Shkarin, Vasily Zaburdaev, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 20 7213-7219 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Coherent coupling of single molecules to on-chip ring resonators

Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

New Journal of Physics 21 062002 (2019) | Journal

Turning a molecule into a coherent two-level quantum system

Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego-Martin Cano, Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nature Physics 15 483-489 (2019) | Journal

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