Mahdi Mazaheri M.Sc.

  • Doktorand
  • Raum: A.3.246
  • Telefon: +49 9131 7133336
  • E-mail

I have studied rotational and lateral diffusion of a gold nanorod on lipid bilayers. My current focus is on imaging in scattering media.


Ultrahigh-speed imaging of rotational diffusion on a lipid bilayer

Mahdi Mazaheri, Jens Ehrig, Alexey Shkarin, Vasily Zaburdaev, Vahid Sandoghdar

Nano Letters 20 7213-7219 (2020) | Journal | PDF

iSCAT microscopy and particle tracking with tailored spatial coherence

Mahdi Mazaheri, Kiarash Kasaian, David Albrecht, Jan Renger, Tobias Utikal, Cornelia Holler, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optica 11 1030-1038 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Long-range three-dimensional tracking of nanoparticles using interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy

Kiarash Kasaian, Mahdi Mazaheri, Vahid Sandoghdar

arXiv 2401.12939v1 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Point spread function in interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT). Part I: aberrations in defocusing and axial localization

Reza Gholami Mahmoodabadi, Richard W. Taylor, Martin Kaller, Susann Spindler, Mahdi Mazaheri, Kiarash Kasaian, Vahid Sandoghdar

Optics Express 28 25969-25988 (2020) | Journal

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen