Chair of Solid State Physics

Prof. Dr. Daniele Fausti

Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg

Physics Department

Controlling quantum coherence in unconventional superconductors by cavity electrodynamics

The complex phase diagrams of many transition metal oxides, which are rich inexotic quantum phases such as the superconducting ones, are the result of their high susceptibility to minor changes in control parameters such as doping, pressure and temperature. This large susceptibility indicates that coupling unconventional superconductors with optical cavities may lead to changes in the materials’ functionalities.

The goal of the project proposed is to develop an experimental and theoretical research program to test the hypothesis that light-matter interactions can be used to control the onset temperature of superconductivity in cuprates. By placing slabs of material into tunable cryogenic optical cavities we will be able to engineer the dissipations in the material and, thereby, favor the onset of a homogenous quantum coherent superconducting state.

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