Learning from role models
The Emmy Noether travel grant is intended to support the professional development of female MPL researchers by bringing them together with leading female scientists, in so doing helping them build a support network.
Emmy Noether, born in Erlangen in 1882, was a mathematician who made fundamental contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics. She was the first woman to habilitate in mathematics in Germany and also the first woman in Germany to receive a (associate) professorship. To this day, she is a role model for many successful scientists.
The funding includes a stay of up to one week per grant holder in a department or research group within Europe that is headed by a woman. MPL will cover all costs of travel, accommodation and meals. The grant holder will choose the host research group herself and is expected to organise her stay independently. The Board of Directors will support her if necessary.
In addition, there will be an annual meeting of all grant holders to promote networking and exchange their experiences.
Eligible are all female MPL employees with outstanding performance who show the potential to take on a leadership role in the future. Interested applicants should convincingly convey in their application why the travel grant is important to further their professional career. Applications must be supported by the applicant's direct supervisor.
Every year, four Emmy Noether travel grants will be awarded, selected by the Board of Directors of MPL.
Closing dates for applications are March 31, June 30, Septemeber 30, and December 31. Once a grant has been approved, the stay in the host department or research group must begin within six months, otherwise the entitlement expires.
The application papers must include the following:
- Curriculum vitae
- Motivation statement
- Name of a department or research group that has confirmed its willingness to act as host
- Possible time-frame for the trip
- Declaration of consent from the direct supervisor
Application documents should be sent to: gleichstellung@mpl.mpg.de