Wir suchen...
Currently, we are looking for new motivated and enthusiastic colleagues to join our team and to support our scientfic activities.
- 1 PhD position (https://jobs.uni-graz.at/en/MB/214-1/99/6474; starting in Decmeber 2020/January 2021)
- 1 PhD Position as part of a European project (https://www.superpixels.org/; starting in Decmeber 2020/January 2021)
- Bachelor and Master projects (starting in January 2021)
On September 1st (2020), I started a new group at the University of Graz (KFU) working in the field of Structured Light and Optics of Nano and Quantum Materials. All positions listed above are part of this new group.
If you are interested in joining the new team, please apply by following the uGraz links above. For the European project-related position, please send your application documemts (CV, list of publications, certificates, etc) to Peter Banzer (peter.banzer@mpl.mpg.de).