Tutorial on Cooperative Quantum Phenomena

The year 2022 is getting off to a good start: Our tutorial on "Cooperative Quantum Phenomena in Light-Matter Platforms" got published in PRX Quantum (open access)! The topics discussed in the tutorial are strongly connected to the Collaborative Research Centre QuCoLiMa of which our group is part of.

Authors: Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer and Claudiu Genes


Quantum cooperativity is evident in light-matter platforms where quantum-emitter ensembles are interfaced with confined optical modes and are coupled via the ubiquitous electromagnetic quantum vacuum. Cooperative effects can find applications, among other areas, in topological quantum optics, in quantum metrology, or in quantum information. This tutorial provides a set of theoretical tools to tackle the behavior responsible for the onset of cooperativity by extending open quantum system dynamics methods, such as the master equation and quantum Langevin equations, to electron-photon interactions in strongly coupled and correlated quantum-emitter ensembles. The methods are illustrated on a wide range of current research topics such as the design of nanoscale coherent-light sources, highly reflective quantum metasurfaces, or low intracavity power superradiant lasers.


Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen