Optoacoustic Entanglement in a Continuous Brillouin-Active Solid State System
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Analytical model of the deformation-induced inertial dynamics of a magnetic vortex
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Floquet engineering of molecular dynamics via infrared coupling
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Ising model in a light-induced quantized transverse field
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Ensemble-induced strong light-matter coupling of a single quantum emitter
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Partial optomechanical refrigeration via multi-mode cold-damping feedback
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Partial Optomechanical Refrigeration via Multimode Cold-Damping Feedback
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Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Frequency-Dependent Reflectors
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Langevin Approach to Quantum Optics with Molecules
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Enhanced collective Purcell effect of coupled quantum emitter systems
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Super- and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides
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Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry
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Spatially Adiabatic Frequency Conversion in Optoelectromechanical Arrays
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Cavity-assisted mesoscopic transport of fermions: Coherent and dissipative dynamics
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Ultrafast Coherent Control of Condensed Matter with Attosecond Precision
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Collectively enhanced optomechanical coupling in periodic arrays of scatterers
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Protected State Enhanced Quantum Metrology with Interacting Two-Level Ensembles
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Strong Coupling and Long-Range Collective Interactions in Optomechanical Arrays
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Sub-Planck-scale structures in a vibrating molecule in the presence of decoherence
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Quantum Effects in Optomechanical Systems
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Simultaneous cooling and entanglement of mechanical modes of a micromirror in an optical cavity
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Emergence of atom-light-mirror entanglement inside an optical cavity
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Ground-state cooling of a micromechanical oscillator: Comparing cold damping and cavity-assisted cooling schemes
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Cooperative spin decoherence and population transfer
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Generating conditional atomic entanglement by measuring photon number in a single output channel
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