Forschungsgruppe Genes


2024  |  2023  | ​​​​​​​ 2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2008  |  2006  |  2003


Optoacoustic Entanglement in a Continuous Brillouin-Active Solid State System

Changlong Zhu, Claudiu Genes, Birgit Stiller

Physical Review Letters 133 203602 (2024) | Journal

Prospects of phase-adaptive cooling of levitated magnetic particles in a hollow-core photonic-crystal fibre

P. Kumar, F. G. Jimenez, S. Chakraborty, G. K. L. Wong, N. Y. Joly, C. Genes

arXiv 2410.02697 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Purcell-modified Doppler cooling of quantum emitters inside optical cavities

J. Lyne, N.S. Bassler, S. Park, G. Pupillo, C. Genes

Physical Review A 110 013115 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Hybrid architectures for terahertz molecular polaritonics

Ahmed Jaber, Michael Reitz, Avinash Singh, Ali Maleki, Yongbao Xin, Brian T. Sullivan, Ksenia Dolgaleva, Robert W. Boyd, Claudiu Genes, et al.

Nature Communications 15 4427 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Generalized energy gap law: An open system dynamics approach to non-adiabatic phenomena in molecules

Nico S. Baßler, Michael Reitz, Raphael Holzinger, A. Vibók, G. J. Halász, Burak Gurlek, Claudiu Genes

arXiv 2405.08718 (2024) Preprint | PDF

Cooperative effects in dense cold atomic gases including magnetic dipole interactions

Nico S. Baßler, I. Varma, M. Proske, P. Windpassinger, K. P. Schmidt, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 6 023147 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Scaling Law for Kasha’s Rule in Photoexcited Molecular Aggregates

Raphael Holzinger, Nico S. Baßler, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 128 3910-3915 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Nonlinear optovibronics in molecular systems

Q. Zhang, M. Asjad, Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer, Burak Gurlek, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review A 109 023714 (2024) | Journal | PDF

Metasurface-Based Hybrid Optical Cavities for Chiral Sensing

Nico S. Baßler, Andrea Aiello, Kai P. Schmidt, Claudiu Genes, Michael Reitz

Physical Review Letters 132 043602 (2024) | Journal | PDF


Classical phase synchronization in dissipative non-Hermitian coupled systems

Jonas Rohn, Kai Phillip Schmidt, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review A 108 023721 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Theory of phase-adaptive parametric cooling

Alekhya Ghosh, Pardeep Kumar, Christian Sommer, Fidel G. Jimenez, Vivishek Sudhir, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review A 107 053521 (2023) | Journal | PDF

Linear optical elements based on cooperative subwavelength emitter arrays

Nico S. Baßler, Michael Reitz, Kai P. Schmidt, Claudiu Genes

Optics Express 31(4) 6003-6026 (2023) | Journal | PDF


Spectral theorem for dummies: A pedagogical discussion on quantum probability and random variable theory

Andrea Aiello

arxiv 2211.12742 (2022) Preprint | PDF

Helicity, chirality, and spin of optical fields without vector potentials

Andrea Aiello

Physical Review A 106(4) 043519 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Cooperative subwavelength molecular quantum emitter arrays

Raphael Holzinger, Sue Ann Oh, Michael Reitz, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 4 033116 (2022) | Journal | PDF

A non-separability measure for spatially disjoint vectorial fields

Andrea Aiello, Xiao-Bo Hu, Valeria Rodríguez-Fajardo, Andrew Forbes, Raul I. Hernandez-Aranda, Benjamin Perez-Garcia, Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán

New Journal of Physics 24 063032 (2022) | Journal | PDF

One more time on the helicity decomposition of spin and orbital optical currents

Andrea Aiello

Journal of Physics A 55 244004 (2022) | Journal | PDF

Cooperative quantum phenomena in light-matter platforms

Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes

PRX Quantum 3 010201 (2022) | Journal | PDF


A Simple Field Theoretic Description of Single-Photon Nonlocality

Andrea Aiello

arXiv: 2110.12930 Preprint | PDF

Perturbation theory of nearly spherical dielectric optical resonators

Julius Gohsrich, Tirth Shah, Andrea Aiello

Physical Review A 104(2) 023516 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Molecular polaritonics in dense mesoscopic disordered ensembles

Christian Sommer, Michael Reitz, Francesca Mineo, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 3(3) 033141 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Renormalized Mutual Information for Artificial Scientific Discovery

Leopoldo Sarra, Andrea Aiello, Florian Marquardt

Physical Review Letters 126 200601 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Microsphere kinematics from the polarization of tightly focused nonseparable light

Stefan Berg-Johansen, Martin Neugebauer, Andrea Aiello, Gerd Leuchs, Peter Banzer, Christoph Marquardt

Optics Express 29(8) 12429-12439 (2021) | Journal | PDF

Excitation transport with collective radiative decay

Francesca Mineo, Claudiu Genes

arXiv 2102.08139 (2021) Preprint | PDF

Analytical model of the deformation-induced inertial dynamics of a magnetic vortex

Myoung-Woo Yoo, Francesca Mineo, Joo-Von Kim

Journal of Applied Physics 129(5) 053903 (2021) | Journal


Floquet engineering of molecular dynamics via infrared coupling

Michael Reitz, Claudiu Genes

The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 234305 (2020) | Journal

Multimode cold-damping optomechanics with delayed feedback

Christian Sommer, Alekhya Ghosh, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 2 033299 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Molecule-photon interactions in phononic environments

Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer, Burak Gürlek, Vahid Sandoghdar, Diego-Martin Cano, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Research 2 033270 (2020) | Journal | PDF

Ising model in a light-induced quantized transverse field

Jonas Rohn, Max Hörmann, Claudiu Genes, Kai Phillip Schmidt

Physical Review Research 2 023131 (2020) | Journal

Ensemble-induced strong light-matter coupling of a single quantum emitter

Stefan Schütz, Johannes Schachenmayer, David Hagenmüller, Gavin K. Brennen, Thomas Volz, Vahid Sandoghdar, Thomas W. Ebbesen, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo

Physical Review Letters 124 113602 (2020) | Journal

Prospects of reinforcement learning for the simultaneous damping of many mechanical modes

Christian Sommer, Muhammad Asjad, Claudiu Genes

Scientific Reports 10(2623) (2020) | Journal | PDF


Partial optomechanical refrigeration via multi-mode cold-damping feedback

Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Letters 123 203605 (2019) | Journal

Partial Optomechanical Refrigeration via Multimode Cold-Damping Feedback

Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Letters 123 203605 (2019) | Journal

Laser refrigeration of gas filled hollow-core fibres

Christian Sommer, Nicolas Y. Joly, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

AIP Advances 9 105213 (2019) | Journal

Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Frequency-Dependent Reflectors

Ondrej Černotík, Aurelien Dantan, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Letters 122 243601 (2019) | Journal

Langevin Approach to Quantum Optics with Molecules

Michael Reitz, Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review Letters 122 203602 (2019) | Journal

Enhanced collective Purcell effect of coupled quantum emitter systems

David Plankensteiner, Christian Sommer, Michael Reitz, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

Physical Review A 99(4) 043843 (2019) | Journal

Super- and subradiance of clock atoms in multimode optical waveguides

Laurin Ostermann, Clément Meignant, Claudiu Genes, Helmut Ritsch

New Journal of Physics 21 025004 (2019) | Journal

Interference effects in hybrid cavity optomechanics

Ondrej Černotík, Claudiu Genes, Aurelien Dantan

Quantum Science and Technology 4(2) 024002 (2019) | Journal | PDF


Attosecond Control of Restoration of Electronic Structure Symmetry

Chun Mei Liu, Jörn Manz, Kenji Ohmori, Christian Sommer, Nobuyuki Takei, Jean Christophe Tremblay, Yichi Zhang

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121(17) 173201 (2018) | Journal

Spatially Adiabatic Frequency Conversion in Optoelectromechanical Arrays

Ondrej Černotík, Sahand Mahmoodian, Klemens Hammerer

Phys. Rev. Lett. 121(11) 110506 (2018) | Journal

Ramsey interferometry of Rydberg ensembles inside microwave cavities

Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes


Energy transfer and correlations in cavity-embedded donor-acceptor configurations

Michael Reitz, Francesca Mineo, Claudiu Genes

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8 9050 (2018) | Journal | PDF

Cavity-assisted mesoscopic transport of fermions: Coherent and dissipative dynamics

David Haggenmüller, Stefan Schütz, Johannes Schachenmayer, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97(20) 205303 (2018) | Journal

Ultrafast Coherent Control of Condensed Matter with Attosecond Precision

Hiroyuki Katsuki, Nobuyuki Takei, Christian Sommer, Kenji Ohmori

Accounts of Chemical Research 51(5) 1174-1184 (2018) | Journal


Cavity Antiresonance Spectroscopy of Dipole Coupled Subradiant Arrays

David Plankensteiner, Christian Sommer, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 119(9) 093601 (2017) | Journal

Light-matter interactions in multi-element resonators

Claudiu Genes, Aurelien Dantan


Cavity-Enhanced Transport of Charge

David Hagenmueller, Johannes Schachenmayer, Stefan Schutz, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 119(22) 223601 (2017) | Journal


Laser noise imposed limitations of ensemble quantum metrology

D. Plankensteiner, J. Schachenmayer, H. Ritsch, Claudiu Genes


Direct observation of ultrafast many-body electron dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas

Nobuyuki Takei, Christian Sommer, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo, Haruka Goto, Kuniaki Koyasu, Hisashi Chiba, Matthias Weidemueller, Kenji Ohmori

NATURE COMMUNICATIONS 7 13449 (2016) | Journal | PDF

Time-domain Ramsey interferometry with interacting Rydberg atoms

Christian Sommer, Guido Pupillo, Nobuyuki Takei, Shuntaro Takeda, Akira Tanaka, Kenji Ohmori, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 94(5) 053607 (2016) | Journal


Selective protected state preparation of coupled dissipative quantum emitters

D. Plankensteiner, L. Ostermann, H. Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 5 16231 (2015) | Journal

Conductivity in organic semiconductors hybridized with the vacuum field

E. Orgiu, J. George, J. A. Hutchison, E. Devaux, J. F. Dayen, B. Doudin, F. Stellacci, C. Genet, J. Schachenmayer, et al.

NATURE MATERIALS 14(11) 1123-1130 (2015) | Journal

A Realization of a Quasi-Random Walk for Atoms in Time-Dependent Optical Potentials

Torsten Hinkel, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

ATOMS 3(3) 433-449 (2015) | Journal | PDF

Cavity-Enhanced Transport of Excitons

Johannes Schachenmayer, Claudiu Genes, Edoardo Tignone, Guido Pupillo

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 114(19) 196403 (2015) | Journal


Transmissive optomechanical platforms with engineered spatial defects

Edoardo Tignone, Guido Pupillo, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90(5) 053831 (2014) | Journal

Protected subspace Ramsey spectroscopy

L. Ostermann, D. Plankensteiner, H. Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90(5) 053823 (2014) | Journal

Hybrid cavity mechanics with doped systems

Aurelien Dantan, Bhagya Nair, Guido Pupillo, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 90(3) 033820 (2014) | Journal

Reconfigurable Long-Range Phonon Dynamics in Optomechanical Arrays

Andre Xuereb, Claudiu Genes, Guido Pupillo, Mauro Paternostro, Aurelien Dantan

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 112(13) 133604 (2014) | Journal

Nonclassical States of Light and Mechanics

Klemens Hammerer, Claudiu Genes, David Vitali, Paolo Tombesi, Gerard Milburn, Christoph Simon, Dirk Bouwmeester

Quantum Science and Technology (2014) | Book Chapter

Hybrid Mechanical Systems

Philipp Treutlein, Claudiu Genes, Klemens Hammerer, Martino Poggio, Peter Rabl

Quantum Science and Technology (2014) | Book Chapter


Collectively enhanced optomechanical coupling in periodic arrays of scatterers

Andre Xuereb, Claudiu Genes, Aurelien Dantan

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88(5) 053803 (2013) | Journal

Enhanced optomechanical readout using optical coalescence

Claudiu Genes, Andre Xuereb, Guido Pupillo, Aurelien Dantan

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 88(3) 033855 (2013) | Journal

Protected State Enhanced Quantum Metrology with Interacting Two-Level Ensembles

Laurin Ostermann, Helmut Ritsch, Claudiu Genes

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 111(12) 123601 (2013) | Journal


Strong Coupling and Long-Range Collective Interactions in Optomechanical Arrays

Andre Xuereb, Claudiu Genes, Aurelien Dantan

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 109(22) 223601 (2012) | Journal


Atom-membrane cooling and entanglement using cavity electromagnetically induced transparency

Claudiu Genes, Helmut Ritsch, Michael Drewsen, Aurelien Dantan

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 84(5) 051801 (2011) | Journal


Optical lattices with micromechanical mirrors

K. Hammerer, K. Stannigel, C. Genes, P. Zoller, P. Treutlein, S. Camerer, D. Hunger, T. W. Haensch

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 82(2) 021803 (2010) | Journal

Optomechanical approach to cooling of small polarizable particles in a strongly pumped ring cavity

R. J. Schulze, C. Genes, H. Ritsch

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 81(6) 063820 (2010) | Journal

Single-atom cavity QED and optomicromechanics

M. Wallquist, K. Hammerer, P. Zoller, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, J. Ye, H. J. Kimble

Physical Review A 81(2) 023816 (2010) | Journal


Phase-noise induced limitations on cooling and coherent evolution in optomechanical systems

P. Rabl, C. Genes, K. Hammerer, M. Aspelmeyer

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(6) 063819 (2009) | Journal

Micromechanical oscillator ground-state cooling via resonant intracavity optical gain or absorption

C. Genes, H. Ritsch, D. Vitali

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(6) 061803 (2009) | Journal

Strong Coupling of a Mechanical Oscillator and a Single Atom

K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, C. Genes, M. Ludwig, F. Marquardt, P. Treutlein, P. Zoller, J. Ye, H. J. Kimble

Physical Review Letters 103(6) 063005 (2009) | Journal | PDF

Cavity-assisted squeezing of a mechanical oscillator

K. Jaehne, C. Genes, K. Hammerer, M. Wallquist, E. S. Polzik, P. Zoller

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(6) 063819 (2009) | Journal

Sub-Planck-scale structures in a vibrating molecule in the presence of decoherence

Suranjana Ghosh, Utpal Roy, Claudiu Genes, David Vitali

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(5) 052104 (2009) | Journal

Quantum Effects in Optomechanical Systems

C. Genes, A. Mari, D. Vitali, P. Tombesi

Advances In Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 57 (2009) | Book Chapter


Simultaneous cooling and entanglement of mechanical modes of a micromirror in an optical cavity

Claudiu Genes, David Vitali, Paolo Tombesi

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 10 095009 (2008) | Journal

Robust entanglement of a micromechanical resonator with output optical fields

C. Genes, A. Mari, P. Tombesi, D. Vitali

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 78(3) 032316 (2008) | Journal

Emergence of atom-light-mirror entanglement inside an optical cavity

C. Genes, D. Vitali, P. Tombesi

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77(5) 050307 (2008) | Journal

Ground-state cooling of a micromechanical oscillator: Comparing cold damping and cavity-assisted cooling schemes

C. Genes, D. Vitali, P. Tombesi, S. Gigan, M. Aspelmeyer

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77(3) 033804 (2008) | Journal

Self-cooling of a movable mirror to the ground state using radiation pressure

A. Dantan, C. Genes, D. Vitali, M. Pinard

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77(1) 011804 (2008) | Journal


Atomic entanglement generation with reduced decoherence via four-wave mixing

C. Genes, P. R. Berman

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 73(6) 063828 (2006) | Journal

Cooperative spin decoherence and population transfer

C. Genes, P. R. Berman

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 73(5) 053809 (2006) | Journal

Generating conditional atomic entanglement by measuring photon number in a single output channel

C Genes, PR Berman

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 73(1) 013801 (2006) | Journal


Spin squeezing via atom-cavity field coupling

Claudiu Genes, PR Berman, AG Rojo

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 68(4) 043809 (2003) | Journal


Forschungsgruppe Claudiu Genes

Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen