
Prize for Dr. Alexandra Popp!

Another prize was awarded to Dr. Alexandra Popp: she received the 2024 SAOT - Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies Student award for her paper “Extreme thermodynamics in nanolitre volumes through stimulated Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering” published in Nature Physics.…

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Congratulations to Dr. Andreas Geilen!

Andreas defended his doctoral thesis with the topic “Thermodynamics for Advancing and Controlling Brillouin Scattering” today! Many congratulations from the whole group! We also revived an old institute’s tradition and pushed the new doctor through all corridors with applause!

Very well deserved…

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Birgit Stiller presented our work at the CPTS Section Meeting of the Max Planck Society

At the novel format "Networking Symposium" selected Group Leaders presented their research in 3-Minutes Pitches to the audience. Birgit Stiller presented our work on "Sound and Light waves to advance optical neural networks and to propel quantum technologies".

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Our famous journal club special at the Berg, edition 2024!

The research groups Del’Haye, Fattahi and Stiller gathered again for our legendary journal club Berg session! Many good memories!

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Physics World and BBC World Radio highlight our work on photonic computation with sound waves

Physics World writes about our publication in Nature Communications on an optoacoustic recurrent operator for optical neural networks. The article "Sound and light waves combine to create advanced optical neural networks" can be found here. We also had the chance to be featured in the morning show…

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Ohm Preis für Philipp Wiedemann

Congratulations to Philipp Wiedemann who received the Ohm Prize for his Bachelorthesis entitled “Brillouin Entanglement and Optoacoustic Cooling in Chalcogenide Photonic Crystal Fibers” last Friday!

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Forschungsgruppe Birgit Stiller

Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen