
New paper on the arxiv: frequency conversion of orbital angular momentum modes with acoustic vortices

Acoustic waves with a topological order unequal to 0 enable the conversion of optical orbital angular momentum modes from 1550nm to almost 1610nm. This is the first demonstration of optics interacting with stably propagating structured acoustic modes. The paper can be found here.

Authors: Xinglin…

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Auf dem Weg zum Quantum des Schalls

Einem Team von Wissenschaftler*innen des Max-Planck-Instituts für die Physik des Lichts unter der Leitung von Dr. Birgit Stiller ist es gelungen, wandernde Schallwellen in Wellenleitern wesentlich stärker abzukühlen, als dies bisher mit Laserlicht möglich war. Damit sind sie dem Ziel, den…

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New paper in Optica Quantum

Detecting an eavesdropper in a quantum channel is essential in a quantum key distribution system. Sender Alice and receiver Bob (or all other involved personalities and end points) can rely on very high standards of security proofs to make a quantum channel nearly entirely secure. However, if an…

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Welcome to our new group members

A very warm welcome to Cedric Traub, Markus Schmidt and Lisa Fischer who will do their Master and Bacherlor research thesis with us!

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Another postdeadline paper! This time: at Frontiers in Optics 2023

Happy to announce that the Stiller Lab got another Postdeadline Paper accepted, this time at the Frontiers in Optics 2023 Conference by Optica next week! Xinglin Zeng will present experiments on frequency conversion of orbital angular momentum information using structured acoustic waves!…

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Postdeadline Paper at the Photonics in Switching and Computing PSC 2023!

Postdeadline Paper at the PSC 2023 Conference (Photonics in Switching and Computing): our work on an optoacoustic perceptron for recurrent neural networks with Steven Becker and Dirk Englund from MIT has been accepted for the postdeadline session!

Congratulations Steven!

If you want to learn more…

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Forschungsgruppe Birgit Stiller

Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen