
Best Poster Award at FNS conference for Laura Blázquez Martínez

For her work on "Optoacoustic active cooling in waveguides", PhD student Laura Blázquez Martínez received the Best Poster Prize at the Frontiers on Nanomechanical Systems Conference (FNS) 2023! Congratulations!

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Postdeadline paper at CLEO 2023

Postdeadline at CLEO 2023 next week! Nonreciprocal vortex conversion based on flexural acoustic phonons. Congratulations Xinglin!

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New paper on dynamic optoacoustic cooling in continuous systems

Up until now, ground state cooling using optomechanical interaction is realized in cavity-configurations and especially in the regime where optical dissipation is higher than mechanical dissipation. In our group, we consider cooling schemes in continuous optomechanical systems for example optical…

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Alexandra Popp defended her thesis

Congratulations to Dr. Alexandra Popp for defending her thesis on “Quantum limited and distributed measurements of optical fiber systems”. Alexandra is a member of two groups: the Stiller Research Group and the Marquardt Research Group and we combined our efforts on quantum communications and…

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Welcome to the group!

Olivia Saffer from Stellenbosch University, Capetown, South Africa and Grigorii Slinkov from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, joint us as PhD student and Research Associate. A warm welcome to both of you!

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Steven Becker wurde ins Marianne-Plehn-Program und die Studienstiftung aufgenommen

Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Steven Becker, der ins Marianne-Plehn-Program der Max-Weber-Stiftung aufgenommen wurde. Dieses Programm ist nur für Stipendiaten der Studienstifung zugänglich, ein Stipendium, auf das sich Steven schon in 2021 erfolgreich beworben hat.

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Forschungsgruppe Birgit Stiller

Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen