
Brillouin vortex laser published in Laser & Photonics Reviews

Our new paper on a Brillouin vortex laser is published in LPR!


Optical vortices, which have been extensively studied over the last decades, offer an additional degree of freedom useful in many applications, such as optical tweezers and quantum control. Stimulated Brillouin…

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Coburger Physik-Studenten besuchen MPL

Die Gruppe kam im Januar an das MPL um mehr über die verschiedenen Forschungsfelder am Institut zu lernen.

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Paper published in Physical Review Research

Our work on quantum dynamics of pulsed Brillouin scattering has been published in Physical Review Research today!

"Quantum coherent control in pulsed waveguide optomechanics" by Junyin Zhang, Changlong Zhu, Christian Wolff, and Birgit Stiller


Coherent control of traveling acoustic…

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Quantum Optics meets Acoustics organized by Birgit Stiller, Wolfgang Löffler and Simon Gröblacher

Research group leader Birgit Stiller from MPL was one of the hosts of the Workshop „Quantum Optics meets Acoustics” at the Lorentz-Center in Leiden, Netherlands. The Lorentz Center offers an organizational framework and meeting space for regular workshops across all research disciplines. This…

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Durchbruch bei der optischen Informationsübertragung: Einbahnstraße für optische Wirbel

Wissenschaftlern des Max-Planck-Instituts für die Physik des Lichts ist es erstmals gelungen, ein unidirektionales Bauelement zu schaffen, das die Qualität einer speziellen Klasse von übertragenen Signalen in der optischen Kommunikation deutlich erhöht: optische Wirbel. Durch die ausschließlich…

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New paper on the arxiv: Exploring extreme thermodynamics in nanoliter volumes through stimulated Brillouin-Mandelstam scattering

Read about optoacoustics in different thermodynamic phases in toxic liquids and the interesting regime of negative pressure here!


Examining the physical properties of materials - particularly of toxic liquids - under a wide range of thermodynamic states is a challenging problem due to…

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Forschungsgruppe Birgit Stiller

Max-Planck-Institut für die Physik des Lichts
Staudtstr. 2
91058 Erlangen

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen