Optomechanical applications of glass nanospikes
In this project, we explore optomechanical interactions using glass fibre "nanospikes" fabricated by thermally tapering a step-index single-mode fibre (SMF) and chemically etching the final part to a sub-µm tip diameter. A smooth tapering process guarantees the adiabatic evolution of the guided optical modes along the nanospike and at the same time, the resulting nanospike forms a high-Q mechanical resonator at low gas pressures, ensuring perfect confinement of the acoustic phonons inside the tip. These two aspects, i.e. low-loss optical guidance and weak acoustic dissipation, enable a rich platform for optomechanical experiments on such a simple device.
Please address research-related inquiries to philip.russell@mpl.mpg.de and general enquiries to Bettina Schwender at:
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
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91058 Erlangen, Germany
+49 9131 7133 201
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