Quantum Thermal Machines: Dynamical Models and Implementations at the Nanoscale

Please note that this website refers to a past event - for reference use only


Workshop at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Erlangen, Germany) July 8-10, 2019

Quantum thermodynamics, i.e. the thermodynamics applied to small quantum systems rather than macroscopic fluids, has become a hot topic joining forces from quantum optics, information theory, condensed matter, and statistical mechanics. At the same time, optomechanical systems, trapped ions, and superconducting circuits are being established as versatile experimental platforms to probe the principles of thermodynamics on the level of a few quanta and put quantum models of thermal machines into practice.

This workshop aims at bringing together the expertise from the theoretical and the experimental side to initiate discussions and ideas for experimental realizations of quantum thermal machines and thermally driven processes, as well as for new theoretical methods to describe the underlying open quantum dynamics.

Organized by:
Stefan Nimmrichter (main contact)
Gesine Murphy (administrative support)

When & Where:
Monday-Wednesday, July 8-10, 2019, at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (Staudtstr. 2, 91058 Erlangen, Germany)

Please find our program here.

Registration information:
This is a small and focused workshop. Registration is open for anyone interested and working in the field, but the number of participants will be limited. The registration fee is 100 EUR for regular participants, which includes lunch, coffee breaks, and conference dinner. It does not include accommodation. Registration is now closed.

Talk slots will be reserved for invited speakers, but we will have a few slots available for contributed talks, and participants are welcome to present a poster. Please provide a title and abstract of your contribution and select whether you wish to give a talk instead of a poster. We will notify you of the outcome once the registration is closed. 



If you are on a budget, we can recommend the AB Hotel, within walking distance from the main station.

There is also a large variety of (more costly) accommodation which you may want to consider, including the following: Hotel Stadthaus, Hotel Rokokohaus, or Hotelchen am Theater.

A bit further afield, but reasonably-priced and well-connected to our institute by bus is the Hotel ibis budget Nuernberg Tennenlohe.

Max-Planck-Zentren und -Schulen