Publications of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light

2025 |  2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |   2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  2015  |  2014  |  2013  |  2012  |  2011  |  2010  |  2009  |  2004 to 2008


Scintillation properties of a rectangular dark hollow beam

Yangjian Cai, Yan Zhang

JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 56(4) 502-507 (2009) | Journal

Goos-Hanchen shift for a rough metallic mirror

M. Merano, J. B. Goette, A. Aiello, M. P. van Exter, J. P. Woerdman

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(13) 10864-10870 (2009) | Journal

Absolute frequency measurement of the molecular iodine hyperfine components near 560 nm with a solid-state laser source

J. Zhang, Z. H. Lu, L. J. Wang

APPLIED OPTICS 48(29) 5629-5635 (2009) | Journal

All-solid bandgap guiding in tellurite-filled silica photonic crystal fibers

Markus A. Schmidt, Nicolai Granzow, Ning Da, Mingying Peng, Lothar Wondraczek, Philip St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 34(13) 1946-1948 (2009)

Nonparaxial polarizers

Andrea Aiello, Christoph Marquardt, Gerd Leuchs

OPTICS LETTERS 34(20) 3160-3162 (2009)

Excitation of plasmonic gap waveguides by nanoantennas

Jing Wen, Sergei Romanov, Ulf Peschel

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(8) 5925-5932 (2009) | Journal

Triplet-like correlation symmetry of continuous variable entangled states

Gerd Leuchs, Ruifang Dong, Denis Sych

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11 113040 (2009) | Journal

Precise balancing of viscous and radiation forces on a particle in liquid-filled photonic bandgap fiber

T. G. Euser, M. K. Garbos, J. S. Y. Chen, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS LETTERS 34(23) 3674-3676 (2009)

Continuous Variable Entanglement and Squeezing of Orbital Angular Momentum States

M. Lassen, G. Leuchs, U. L. Andersen

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 102(16) 163602 (2009) | Journal

Demonstration of a universal one-way quantum quadratic phase gate

Yoshichika Miwa, Jun-ichi Yoshikawa, Peter van Loock, Akira Furusawa

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(5) 050303 (2009) | Journal

Transverse Angular Momentum and Geometric Spin Hall Effect of Light

Andrea Aiello, Norbert Lindlein, Christoph Marquardt, Gerd Leuchs

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103(10) 100401 (2009) | Journal

Microcavity polaritonlike dispersion doublet in resonant Bragg gratings

Fabio Biancalana, Leonidas Mouchliadis, Celestino Creatore, Simon Osborne, Wolfgang Langbein

PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80(12) 121306 (2009) | Journal

An improved method for calculating resonances of multiple dielectric disks arbitrarily positioned in the plane

Harald G. L. Schwefel, Christopher G. Poulton

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(15) 13178-13186 (2009) | Journal

Flame front tracking in turbulent lean premixed flames using stereo PIV and time-sequenced planar LIF of OH

G. Hartung, J. Hult, R. Balachandran, M. R. Mackley, C. F. Kaminski

APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 96(4) 843-862 (2009) | Journal

Manipulation of coherent Stokes light by transient stimulated Raman scattering in gas filled hollow-core PCF

A. V. Chugreev, A. Nazarkin, A. Abdolvand, J. Nold, A. Podlipensky, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(11) 8822-8829 (2009) | Journal

Extra phase noise from thermal fluctuations in nonlinear optical crystals

J. E. S. Cesar, A. S. Coelho, K. N. Cassemiro, A. S. Villar, M. Lassen, P. Nussenzveig, M. Martinelli

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(6) 063816 (2009) | Journal

Broadband sensitive pump-probe setup for ultrafast optical switching of photonic nanostructures and semiconductors

Tijmen G. Euser, Philip J. Harding, Willem L. Vos

REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 80(7) 073104 (2009) | Journal

Optimizing anti-Stokes Raman scattering in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

A. Nazarkin, A. Abdolvand, P. St. J. Russell

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(3) 031805 (2009) | Journal

The security of practical quantum key distribution

Valerio Scarani, Helle Bechmann-Pasquinucci, Nicolas J. Cerf, Miloslav Dusek, Norbert Luetkenhaus, Momtchil Peev

REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 81(3) 1301-1350 (2009) | Journal

Development of new free-fall absolute gravimeters

Ch Rothleitner, S. Svitlov, H. Merimeche, H. Hu, L. J. Wang

METROLOGIA 46(3) 283-297 (2009) | Journal

Direct Measurement of the Spatial-Spectral Structure of Waveguided Parametric Down-Conversion

Peter J. Mosley, Andreas Christ, Andreas Eckstein, Christine Silberhorn

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103(23) 233901 (2009) | Journal

Spatial modes in waveguided parametric down-conversion

Andreas Christ, Kaisa Laiho, Andreas Eckstein, Thomas Lauckner, Peter J. Mosley, Christine Silberhorn

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(3) 033829 (2009) | Journal

Cavity Enhanced Spectroscopy of High-Temperature H2O in the Near-Infrared Using a Supercontinuum Light Source

Rosalynne S. Watt, Toni Laurila, Clemens F. Kaminski, Johan Hult

APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 63(12) 1389-1395 (2009)

phi(FLIM)-F-2: a technique for alias-free frequency domain fluorescence lifetime imaging

Alan D. Elder, Clemens F. Kaminski, Jonathan H. Frank

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(25) 23181-23203 (2009) | Journal

Quantum error correction beyond qubits

Takao Aoki, Go Takahashi, Tadashi Kajiya, Jun-ichi Yoshikawa, Samuel L. Braunstein, Peter van Loock, Akira Furusawa

NATURE PHYSICS 5(8) 541-546 (2009) | Journal

Detector decoy quantum key distribution

Tobias Moroder, Marcos Curty, Norbert Luetkenhaus

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11 045008 (2009) | Journal

Symmetric extension in two-way quantum key distribution

Geir Ove Myhr, Joseph M. Renes, Andrew C. Doherty, Norbert Luetkenhaus

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(4) 042329 (2009) | Journal

Solitary Pulse Generation by Backward Raman Scattering in H-2-Filled Photonic Crystal Fibers

A. Abdolvand, A. Nazarkin, A. V. Chugreev, C. F. Kaminski, P. St. J. Russell

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 103(18) 183902 (2009) | Journal

Direct probing of the Wigner function by time-multiplexed detection of photon statistics

K. Laiho, M. Avenhaus, K. N. Cassemiro, Ch Silberhorn

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11 043012 (2009) | Journal

Non-Poissonian statistics from Poissonian light sources with application to passive decoy state quantum key distribution

Marcos Curty, Tobias Moroder, Xiongfeng Ma, Norbert Luetkenhaus

OPTICS LETTERS 34(20) 3238-3240 (2009)

Nonlinear Phase Noise Reduction in a DPSK Transmission System Using Cascaded Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirrors

C. Stephan, K. Sponsel, G. Onishchukov, B. Schmauss, G. Leuchs

IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 21(24) 1864-1866 (2009) | Journal

Feasibility of free space quantum key distribution with coherent polarization states

D. Elser, T. Bartley, B. Heim, Ch Wittmann, D. Sych, G. Leuchs

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11 045014 (2009) | Journal

Pure single photon generation by type-I PDC with backward-wave amplification

A. Christ, A. Eckstein, P. J. Mosley, C. Silberhorn

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(5) 3441-3446 (2009) | Journal

Optomechanical stochastic resonance in a macroscopic torsion oscillator

F. Mueller, S. Heugel, L. J. Wang

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(3) 031804 (2009) | Journal

Generation of Emission Centers for Broadband NIR Luminescence in Bismuthate Glass by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation

Mingying Peng, Quanzhong Zhao, Jianrong Qiu, Lothar Wondraczek

JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY 92(2) 542-544 (2009) | Journal

A complete basis of generalized Bell states

Denis Sych, Gerd Leuchs

NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 11 013006 (2009) | Journal

The information of ambiguity

Ludmila Praxmeyer, Stig Stenholm, Nikolay V. Vitanov

JOURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS 56(10) PII 912447899 1205-1219 (2009) | Journal

A method to unmix multiple fluorophores in microscopy images with minimal a priori information

S. Schlachter, S. Schwedler, A. Esposito, G. S. Kaminski Schierle, G. D. Moggridge, C. F. Kaminski

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(25) 22747-22760 (2009) | Journal

Colloquium: The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox: From concepts to applications

M. D. Reid, P. D. Drummond, W. P. Bowen, E. G. Cavalcanti, P. K. Lam, H. A. Bachor, U. L. Andersen, G. Leuchs

REVIEWS OF MODERN PHYSICS 81(4) 1727-1751 (2009) | Journal

A vibration-insensitive optical cavity and absolute determination of its ultrahigh stability

Y. N. Zhao, J. Zhang, A. Stejskal, T. Liu, V. Elman, Z. H. Lu, L. J. Wang

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(11) 8970-8982 (2009) | Journal

Spectrum conditions for symmetric extendible states

Geir Ove Myhr, Norbert Luetkenhaus

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(6) 062307 (2009) | Journal

Phase-Preserving Amplitude Regeneration in DPSK Transmission Systems Using a Nonlinear Amplifying Loop Mirror

Christian Stephan, Klaus Sponsel, Georgy Onishchukov, Bernhard Schmauss, Gerd Leuchs

IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS 45(11) 1336-1343 (2009) | Journal

Atmospheric transfer of optical and radio frequency clock signals

B. Sprenger, J. Zhang, Z. H. Lu, L. J. Wang

OPTICS LETTERS 34(7) 965-967 (2009)

Heralded entanglement of arbitrary degree in remote qubits

U. Schilling, C. Thiel, E. Solano, T. Bastin, J. von Zanthier

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(2) 022312 (2009) | Journal

Perfect excitation of a matter qubit by a single photon in free space

M. Stobinska, G. Alber, G. Leuchs

EPL 86(1) 14007 (2009) | Journal

Dynamics and control of the early stage of supercontinuum generation in submicron-core optical fibers

Truong X. Tran, Fabio Biancalana

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(6) 065802 (2009) | Journal

Microwave whispering-gallery resonator for efficient optical up-conversion

D. V. Strekalov, H. G. L. Schwefel, A. A. Savchenkov, A. B. Matsko, L. J. Wang, N. Yu

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(3) 033810 (2009) | Journal

Experimental observation of spectral Bloch oscillations

Christoph Bersch, Georgy Onishchukov, Ulf Peschel

OPTICS LETTERS 34(15) 2372-2374 (2009)

Producing high fidelity single photons with optimal brightness via waveguided parametric down-conversion

K. Laiho, K. N. Cassemiro, Ch. Silberhorn

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(25) 22823-22837 (2009)

Fiber-assisted single-photon spectrograph

Malte Avenhaus, Andreas Eckstein, Peter J. Mosley, Christine Silberhorn

OPTICS LETTERS 34(18) 2873-2875 (2009)

Fiber-modes and fiber-anisotropy characterization using low-coherence interferometry

Y. Z. Ma, Y. Sych, G. Onishchukov, S. Ramachandran, U. Peschel, B. Schmauss, G. Leuchs

APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 96(2-3) 345-353 (2009) | Journal

Three-Color Entanglement

A. S. Coelho, F. A. S. Barbosa, K. N. Cassemiro, A. S. Villar, M. Martinelli, P. Nussenzveig

SCIENCE 326(5954) 823-826 (2009) | Journal

Interferometric quasi-absolute tests for aspherics using a radial shear position

Klaus Mantel, Eduard Geist, Irina Harder, Norbert Lindlein, Gerd Leuchs

OPTICS LETTERS 34(20) 3178-3180 (2009)

Upper bounds for the secure key rate of the decoy-state quantum key distribution

Marcos Curty, Tobias Moroder, Xiongfeng Ma, Hoi-Kwong Lo, Norbert Luetkenhaus

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(3) 032335 (2009) | Journal

Correlation measurement of squeezed light

Leonid A. Krivitsky, Ulrik L. Andersen, Ruifang Dong, Alexander Huck, Christoffer Wittmann, Gerd Leuchs

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(3) 033828 (2009) | Journal

Stylus ion trap for enhanced access and sensing

Robert Maiwald, Dietrich Leibfried, Joe Britton, James C. Bergquist, Gerd Leuchs, David J. Wineland

NATURE PHYSICS 5(8) 551-554 (2009) | Journal

Quadrature measurements of a bright squeezed state via sideband swapping

Jessica Schneider, Oliver Gloeckl, Gerd Leuchs, Ulrik L. Andersen

OPTICS LETTERS 34(8) 1186-1188 (2009)

Experimental observation of lensless coincidence fractional Fourier transform with a Gaussian Schell-model beam

Fei Wang, Yangjian Cai, Jun She

OPTIK 120(10) 457-463 (2009) | Journal

Characterization of the absolute frequency stability of an individual reference cavity

T. Liu, Y. N. Zhao, V. Elman, A. Stejskal, L. J. Wang

OPTICS LETTERS 34(2) 190-192 (2009)

Asymptotic security of binary modulated continuous-variable quantum key distribution under collective attacks

Yi-Bo Zhao, Matthias Heid, Johannes Rigas, Norbert Luetkenhaus

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(1) 012307 (2009) | Journal

Generalized tensor ABCD law for an elliptical Gaussian beam passing through an astigmatic optical system in turbulent atmosphere

Yangjian Cai, Q. Lin, H. T. Eyyuboglu, Y. Baykal

APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS 94(2) 319-325 (2009) | Journal

Propagation of a decentered astigmatic partially coherent beam in a turbulent atmosphere

Yangjian Cai, Qiang Lin

OPTIK 120(3) 146-150 (2009) | Journal

Quantum computing with continuous-variable clusters

Mile Gu, Christian Weedbrook, Nicolas C. Menicucci, Timothy C. Ralph, Peter van Loock

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(6) 062318 (2009) | Journal

High-repetition-rate combustion thermometry with two-line atomic fluorescence excited by diode lasers

Robin S. M. Chrystie, Iain S. Burns, Johan Hult, Clemens F. Kaminski

OPTICS LETTERS 34(16) 2492-2494 (2009)

An accurate envelope equation for light propagation in photonic nanowires: new nonlinear effects

Truong X. Tran, Fabio Biancalana

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(20) 17934-17949 (2009) | Journal

Multimode states in decoy-based quantum-key-distribution protocols

Wolfram Helwig, Wolfgang Mauerer, Christine Silberhorn

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(5) 052326 (2009) | Journal

Generation and Direct Detection of Broadband Mesoscopic Polarization-Squeezed Vacuum

Timur Iskhakov, Maria V. Chekhova, Gerd Leuchs

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 102(18) 183602 (2009) | Journal

Use of Fiber Nonlinearities for Signal Improvement in Optical Transmission Systems

Bernhard Schmauss, Michael Holtmannspoetter, Christian Stephan, Klaus Sponsel, Georgy Onishchukov, Gerd Leuchs

FREQUENZ 63(5-6) 116-120 (2009) | Journal

Brewster cross polarization

A. Aiello, M. Merano, J. P. Woerdman

OPTICS LETTERS 34(8) 1207-1209 (2009)

Duality between spatial and angular shift in optical reflection

A. Aiello, M. Merano, J. P. Woerdman

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 80(6) 061801 (2009) | Journal

Experimental verification of high spectral entanglement for pulsed waveguided spontaneous parametric down-conversion

Malte Avenhaus, Maria V. Chekhova, Leonid A. Krivitsky, Gerd Leuchs, Christine Silberhorn

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(4) 043836 (2009) | Journal

Audiovisual Non-Verbal Dynamic Faces Elicit Converging fMRI and ERP Responses

Julie Brefczynski-Lewis, Svenja Lowitszch, Michael Parsons, Susan Lemieux, Aina Puce

BRAIN TOPOGRAPHY 21(3-4) 193-206 (2009) | Journal

Whispering-gallery-mode-resonator-stabilized narrow-linewidth fiber loop laser

B. Sprenger, H. G. L. Schwefel, L. J. Wang

OPTICS LETTERS 34(21) 3370-3372 (2009)

Tightly trapped acoustic phonons in photonic crystal fibres as highly nonlinear artificial Raman oscillators

M. S. Kang, A. Nazarkin, A. Brenn, P. St. J. Russell

NATURE PHYSICS 5(4) 276-280 (2009) | Journal

CO2 laser writing of long-period fiber grating in photonic crystal fiber under tension

H. W. Lee, K. S. Chiang

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(6) 4533-4539 (2009) | Journal

Influence of air-filling fraction on forward Raman-like scattering by transversely trapped acoustic resonances in photonic crystal fibers

A. Brenn, G. S. Wiederhecker, M. S. Kang, H. Hundertmark, N. Joly, P. St. J. Russell


Self-organized regular arrays of carbon nanocones induced by ultrashort laser pulses and their field emission properties

Q. Z. Zhao, F. Ciobanu, L. J. Wang

JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 105(8) 083103 (2009) | Journal

Generation of total angular momentum eigenstates in remote qubits

A. Maser, U. Schilling, T. Bastin, E. Solano, C. Thiel, J. von Zanthier

PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79(3) 033833 (2009) | Journal

Octave-spanning supercontinuum generated in SF6-glass PCF by a 1060 nm mode-locked fibre laser delivering 20 pJ per pulse

H. Hundertmark, S. Rammler, T. Wilken, R. Holzwarth, T. W. Haensch, P. St. J. Russell

OPTICS EXPRESS 17(3) 1919-1924 (2009) | Journal

Temperature response of turbulent premixed flames to inlet velocity oscillations

B. Ayoola, G. Hartung, C. A. Armitage, J. Hult, R. S. Cant, C. F. Kaminski

EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS 46(1) 27-41 (2009) | Journal

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